And the points are very amazing.

Especially Taishang Laojun Kaitianlu. . .

The series of zeros he brewed could circle the earth ten thousand times. .

But it's really worth it. .

Fifteen stars. .

Li Changsheng couldn't imagine it.

Even the legendary Supreme Immortal Emperor!

Li Changsheng is estimated to be around thirteen years old.


He was speechless.

Any product beyond the eighth level starts with tens of millions of points. .

Looking at my poor points.

Li Changsheng shed tears of poverty.

Of course, Li Changsheng's endless knowledge can also be exchanged for a large amount of points.

But for now, Li Changsheng doesn't think it's necessary. .

Rao is so.

Li Changsheng still walked around for a long time.

This is just like shopping for a certain treasure in my previous life. Even if I don’t buy it, he wants to see it. Time flies when I look at it. It’s so beautiful, but I can’t afford it. .

The Sun-Moon Universe Sword, Five Dragon Heavenly Kings, Fallen Angel S-class tiger-type mecha, Apocalypse-shaped dimension warship, and Falling Sun Peak are really good treasures. I can equip them for the guard Fairy Boy in my palace. They feel pretty cool. .

Selling a few peerless elixirs should be enough. .

Li Changsheng nodded slightly.

Now the new function of the Super Dimension Chat Group has just been launched, and the entire Super Dimension Mall is 50% off!

And as an administrator, he can get another 20% discount! !

Equivalent to 30% off the entire site.

Something worth 100,000 points only costs 30,000 points.

Don’t you want to buy this? ?

Isn’t it a huge loss? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Li Changsheng's eyes were sharp, staring at the prices of the heavenly and earthly treasures, magical weapons, and immortal saint books on the super-dimensional mall!

Extremely heart-pounding. .

He somewhat understood why those women in his previous life liked shopping so much, especially shopping for certain treasures. . .

What a joy! !

Especially after the discount, I feel even happier. .

30% off the entire site!

He currently has 2 million points.

I got it by selling a supreme artifact before. .

That seems like a lot of points.

In fact, it is completely insufficient. .

But Li Changsheng doesn't care. He has the foundation to earn tens of millions of points by selling just a few items.

After shopping for a while, Li Changsheng launched the Super Dimension Mall.

Good guy, if you're wandering around, you won't be able to get out.

The most shocking thing is that Li Changsheng discovered that there is also a special Ultraman show.

What are sold there, including Seven Eyes, Ultra Stars, Ultraman Noah Experience Cards, Seven Ultra Brothers Experience Cards, Ultra King Experience Cards, etc. . .

Good guy. .

Li Changsheng is a good guy. . .

I don’t know what they will think if Ultraman members join in the future. .

After Li Changsheng quit, he found that most of the group members were still immersed in the super-dimensional shopping mall.

However, Pluto, Uchiha Madara, Saitama and other already strong players have withdrawn from the super-dimensional shopping mall and returned to the chat group interface.

There is one exception.

That is Grandma Dryad.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: He brewed it. These products are so expensive!! Grandma, I am really convinced. I have saved up all my life to buy a Demon Emperor Holy Pill but I can't afford it. Although it is indeed very scary to ask for the Demon Emperor, But...jili gua la, bala la la la la la.

The entire chat group interface was dominated by Dryad Granny. .

The group members who exited the super-dimensional chat group interface found it funny to see the dryad lady's crazy comments.

Time flies, and several days have passed in the blink of an eye. .

this day. .

The world of One Punch Man.

Hero Association.

How is the investigation of the ghost town in City Z? an association director suddenly asked

Golden Ball and Spring Beard, who were sent to investigate, had a fight with a strange person. Both of them were seriously injured and temporarily lost the ability to perform heroic tasks. Fortunately, their lives were not in danger.

Several heroes who were subsequently notified to investigate found a pool of blood and severely damaged buildings where they were unconscious. Except for a small piece of kelp, no other body fragments of the weirdo were found. It is currently speculated that something happened between the weirdos. Caused by fighting.”

Another director asked strangely: Weirdos fighting? Those monsters can also kill each other. However, why make such an inference? Is it possible that other passing heroes did it? After all, if it is a weirdo, Golden Ball and the others It’s impossible to come back alive!”

It is indeed possible, but so far, no hero has reported it, and there is no way to explain the disappearance of strange bodies. However, after investigation, there is indeed a new C-level hero whose registered address is City Z. And it’s close to where the incident happened!”

Oh, who is it?

Saitama's projection appeared on the table.

Seeing Saitama's slightly mediocre appearance, several directors frowned: No, it's impossible. How can such a person destroy a weirdo who can't even be dealt with by two A-level heroes?

After research, this is possible because the C-class hero named Saitama broke the test record in the physical test during the registration assessment, but the score in the competition was too low.

After discussion, a director made a decision: But there is still no way to explain the disappearance of the weirdo's body, right? Until no definite evidence is found, let's put this matter on hold for the time being. This hero named Saitama can make additional observations. , if it is determined that it has enough strength and justice, and can complete the task well, it can be adjusted to a certain level. Recently, weirdos have appeared more frequently, and the association needs more backbones who can help!

Yes, I understand. I will arrange for someone to conduct a follow-up investigation after the meeting.

Well, okay, let's start with the next topic.

Okay, what's next...huh? Wait! I received the latest notification that the meteorite's orbit has been changed, the danger index has been changed from 6 to 9, and it is heading towards Z City!


Chapter 59 Cause of Effects

In the chat group.

Peach Blossom Island Lolita - Huang Rong: Brother Saitama, you have uploaded the remains of monsters a little too frequently recently. Do you have anything to buy??

Bald Caped Man: Oh, this is nothing. There is nothing valuable in my world except the remains of weirdos. I worked hard to buy the 100% hair growth potion in the super-dimensional mall. Recently, I can't even find any traces of weirdos! ! It’s so annoying~~”

Big-eared Tutu: Come on, Brother Saitama, you will definitely be able to save enough points to buy a hair growth agent.

Bald Caped Man: Thank you Tutu, I hope this so-called 100% hair growth agent, a product from some multiverse technology empire, can really make my hair grow!

Imperial Female General - Esdeath: It should be OK. I took a look and found that this 100% hair growth agent comes from the eighth-level civilization.

Bald Caped Man: That's good, I'll withdraw first. Everyone has been busy lately, so we won't talk anymore.

After replying, Saitama yawned. The recent heroic activities have been going smoothly, and the weekly mission requirements have been completed.

But he didn't know how to evaluate it. He always felt that after becoming a professional hero, it was different from what he imagined. When he was rushing to do tasks every day, he always felt like he had returned to the life of a job seeker a long time ago.

But having said that, after all, I can continue my heroic activities following my interests, and I can also receive an extra salary. Recently, there has been more meat on the table. If you think about it carefully, it is still very good!

But what to do now? There are no hero activities, the guys in the chat group are all busy with their own affairs, and there are no good programs on TV. Forget it, just read the comics I borrowed last time.

Well, okay, I'll be there soon!

Genos turned around: Master, the association just called. I don't know what needs me to come over.

Oh, then go ahead, maybe I'll fire you, ha~ha~ha~ Saitama responded with a joke as the comic came to a wonderful point.

Genos's pupils shrank suddenly.

what happened? Why would Master say such things? Are you joking? Or is this also a test, a test of my belief in justice?

After thinking about it, Genos didn't understand, but secretly decided that no matter whether it was a test from his master or not, he would never relax.

As soon as Genos closed the door, Saitama stood up when he saw the exciting part, because he suddenly remembered what happened when Genos went out, a meteorite attack!

According to the description of the One Punch Man file uploaded by Ma Daxian, this incident made him more infamous.

Time waits for no one.

After thinking of this, Saitama immediately put on the yellow hero uniform, tied on the cloak symbolizing justice, and opened the door.

Genos? Wait for me... huh?

There was no one outside the door, and I saw a little jet of flame disappearing into the distance.

This is going too fast! Ah, never mind, since it is a meteorite, you should be able to see it!

On the street, after receiving the news of the meteorite notification, the desire to survive drove people in the city center to flee. However, this was also what most people thought, so the originally spacious road was quickly blocked.

Anxiety, fear, anger, all negative emotions are exposed under the threat of death.

Asshole, get out of here!

What if I smash it? Your broken car is blocking the road!

Why are you squeezing! Are you so anxious to die?!

Damn it, it's obviously a house where the loan has just been paid off!

Please everyone, who has seen my child?

Hey, hey, could you please let me go? Saitama squatted half-crouched and said expressionlessly to the person pushing him behind him. Under him, a little girl of five or six years old was pushed to the ground by the crowd. She was scared. Curled up into a ball, crying.

Saitama pulled the little girl up, and with a slight exertion of his body, the crowd that was so tightly packed just now was suddenly forced out of a gap.

Then he called to the young child and came to the woman who had just cried.

Hey, is this your child?

Mom! the little girl cried and threw herself into the woman's arms.

Saitama saw this and turned around to leave.

Wait a minute! You are a hero, right? I've seen you in the directory! The woman took Saitama's hand: Thank you so much, but I can't go there. The news reports that the meteorite is about to land in that direction. , you should run away quickly!

Ah, no! Saitama scratched his head: I just came for the meteorite, in that direction?

What? The woman couldn't believe it: That's too dangerous. Even if you are a hero, you can't solve it!

Oh, I know, I'd better go and give it a try! Saitama said, ignoring the other person's persuasion and carefully observing the surroundings. He might as well jump on top of the building. It shouldn't be too crowded there.

The woman opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything, turned around and left with her daughter in her arms.

The little girl lay on her mother's shoulder, looking at the light reflected from Saitama's bald head, and couldn't help shouting: Come on, hairless big brother!

Ah~ah~ don't worry! Saitama replied, raising a hand, and then touched his bald head.

Is baldness really so noticeable?

The next day, the Hero Association

It's rare that the crisis was resolved without causing too many casualties or property casualties!

Have you found out who did it?

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