It emits extremely bright golden light, illuminating the entire ancient bronze coffin.

Like daylight.

Everyone also saw each other's appearance clearly.

At this time, Ye Fan was like a supreme god.

Her black hair is like a waterfall, and she is as ethereal as a fairy.

The appearance of everyone looked very scary, their faces were bloodless, because they looked a little distorted in the face of the unknown.

Pang Bo was fine, he looked very normal.

Chapter 149 The flawless chaotic body, the Immortal King comes to the nine heavens

Now I believe he is Pang Bo~~Believe me, I won't lie to you...


Damn it! Brother, have you become an immortal??

This this.......

The Pangbo people were dumbfounded. .

Looking at Ye Fan, who was exuding fairy light all over his body like a god.

Confused. .

Let's not talk about this for now, don't you want to drink water~~


Ye Fan lightly patted the void.

I saw a 5-liter bottle of Nongfu Spring appearing in front of Pang Bo. .

These are some supplies that Ye Fan prepared before and placed them in the Kamui space given to him by Uchiha Madara. .

However, Ye Fan discovered that even if he uses his own immortal power to run the Sharingan, the space of divine power is only two meters.

And space crossing is not possible.

This is not difficult to understand. .

After all, the world of Naruto and the world of Zhetian are not at the same level. .

Ye Fan also regarded Shenwei Space as a storage space.


Is that enough, kid?

Enough, enough! Brother,

Ye Fan looked at Pang Bo who looked confused and felt a little funny.

Drink water first, and I'll talk after you finish...


Pombo nodded.

Gudonggudong finished 3 liters in one go. .

Ha~~~~~so cool!


Seeing Ye Fan's ability to create things out of thin air like a god, all the students were even more in awe of Ye Fan. .


After Pang Bo drank the water.

First of all, he did not seem alienated or awe-inspiring towards Ye Fan's god-like methods.

Instead, he walked forward and hugged Ye Fan vigorously.

There is no doubt about his relationship with Mark.

The two have not seen each other for a while. Ye Fan trusts him unconditionally, and he naturally trusts Ye Fan unconditionally. .



Everyone gathered together and looked at the surroundings with the help of the weak light of their mobile phones. They clung to the side of the copper coffin and could see blurry bronze carvings. There were ferocious nine-headed sacred birds flying high in the sky, and there were also huge ferocious beasts with foot-long hard thorns roaring up to the sky...

Some of the bronze carvings covered with patina and rust are actually ancient ferocious beasts recorded in the Book of Mountains and Seas, such as Taotie, Qiongqi, and Taotie. They are huge in size, ferocious in appearance, and lifelike, making people intimidated.

After walking along the inner wall of the copper coffin for a distance, everyone also found many carvings of characters, such as ancient ancestors and some ancient gods. Later, everyone discovered a large strange pattern, densely packed and dotted with stars, which looked like a starry sky.

The giant bronze coffin is twenty meters long and more than eight meters wide. The engravings that everyone can see are only a corner. They did not continue to watch, because at this time, everyone noticed that there seemed to be some artifacts deep in the copper coffin.

All the mobile phones were held together, and everyone bravely took a few steps forward. They could vaguely see a vague rectangular object in the center of the giant bronze coffin in the dark place.

Obviously, it was not a corpse, nor did it look like a living object. This made everyone feel relieved and continued to take a few steps forward.

There is a coffin within the coffin, but it turns out to be another copper coffin! Many people gasped when they saw the object in front of them clearly.

There is another copper coffin parked in the center. It is less than four meters long and two meters wide. It is simple and dark. It is engraved with ancient pictures, covered with patina, and engraved with the wind and frost of the years. It makes people feel chilly and intimidating. .

It's not that there is a coffin within the coffin. This is the real coffin, which is a device for burying the body. The huge bronze coffin outside is called a coffin, which is a set of coffins. The two together are called a coffin. Pang Bo is one of the few. Someone who didn't quite understand the meaning of the coffin explained.

When they heard that the coffin in the coffin in front of them was the real container for burying the body, many people immediately stepped back, extremely frightened.

Who is buried in such a mysterious ancient bronze coffin? Everyone was filled with surprise and fear.

The archaeological secrets and ancient tombs of the imperial mausoleum that I have heard about in the past are nothing compared to the bronze coffin in front of me. They are nothing!

Has anyone seen a twenty-meter-long bronze coffin? Has anyone seen a mysterious giant coffin falling from the sky? Has anyone seen nine dragon corpses pulling coffins? It makes people wonder whether the corpse buried inside is the body of a person. It is impossible to imagine what is buried in the coffin.

The interior of the dark bronze coffin gradually became quiet. No one spoke anymore. Everyone was full of fear. Looking at the bronze coffin with the corpse in front of them, everyone was making rough shouts. Everyone was very nervous inside.

The bronze coffin is mottled with green and rust. What kind of person is buried inside?

This should all be related to the five-color altar on Mount Tai.

Then is it because of this that Ye Fan restored the memory of the Emperor of Heaven in his previous life~~

After a long time, everyone started talking in low voices. They wanted to know why all this happened.

It should be like this. It has something to do with the Five-Colored Ancient Altar, which attracted the nine dragon corpses and the bronze coffins.


Everything he saw was too unbelievable and seriously impacted the thinking and cognition of everyone present. The five-color altar was built by ancient ancestors and can be said to be endlessly mysterious.

And there is a living Mark next to them.

No one has any doubts about his identity.

Because there was no need for Mark to lie to them, it was meaningless.

Pang Bo, who was beside Ye Fan, didn't have so many thoughts. He was simply happy that his good brother Ye Fan was the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. .

Yi Zi, I don't care what happens in the future, but we must always be together~~

Pang Bo patted Ye Fan on the shoulder.

The corners of Ye Fan's mouth twitched slightly.


He always felt weird. .

What a boy, Otong is actually by my side!

Of course, he knew that Pangbo definitely didn't think so much.


the other side. .

Everyone who was certain that Ye Fan would not help them no longer begged Ye Fan as before.

I just hope that if they are in danger, Ye Fan can still remember the friendship of four years of classmates and save them at the critical moment.


Although they knew some of the facts, because nothing dangerous happened, everyone gradually calmed down and carefully speculated on what was happening before them.

Perhaps the Nine Dragon Coffin was called by the ancient ancestors. As soon as these words came out, someone immediately retorted: The ancient people have been dead for who knows how many years.

What I mean is that Kowloon was late to pull the coffin, and it appears now, which is a response to the ancient times.

When a female classmate put forward such a statement, everyone was startled. The call from the ancient ancestors, the late arrival of Kowloon and the ancient coffin, and the response spanning thousands of years were a bit incredible!

We have no way of knowing what the truth is. Everything is just conjecture. There are many possibilities.

Yes, maybe the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin has nothing to do with the ancient ancestors, but their own return.

Everything is possible, just like Ye Fan, how can we know that the classmate we have been with for four years is actually the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven!

Ye Fan must know everything, but...

As a classmate said.

Everyone looked at Ye Fan.

But Ye Fan had no intention of paying attention to everyone.

But at this time, Ye Fan no longer communicated with Pang Bo.

Instead, he looked at another copper coffin parked in the center.

It was the small ancient bronze coffin that everyone had guessed and speculated about. .


The two qi of yin and yang flowed in Ye Fan's eyes, as if he could see through everything. It was the eyes of chaos that the flawless chaotic body could see through the essence of everything.

The golden sea of ​​suffering in his body is as brilliant as a sun. There is an endless supply of energy.

The five gods of the Dao Palace and the five body gods of the heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney all emit dazzling light at the same time.

The surging immortal power condensed into substance, and Ye Fan's whole body exuded dazzling golden light and mysterious and ancient Taoist charm. .

Behind it, a shadow exactly like Ye Fan appeared.

This phantom is motionless, with a peaceful divine light surrounding its body. He is like an innate god who created the world, taking over his own world and accepting the worship of all living beings.

It is the vision of the Holy Body, The Immortal King Arrives in the Nine Heavens!

This was given to me by the supreme heaven and earth system bestowed upon me by the ancestral sacrificial spirit.

At the same time, Ye Fan's five great gods chanted in unison, and the sound of the great heaven was heard, echoing in the ancient bronze coffin~

Everyone could not understand the true meaning of this Great Dao Tianyin.

I can only feel the reverberation of a vast divine sound, like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, deafening and enlightening, making people alert and enlightened.

Ye Fan is so handsome~~The identical shadow behind him is the god in my heart...

...Your focus is a bit too strange...

This... sounds good, but what does it mean??

I don't know, this might be the legendary fairy sound...

Emperor of Heaven... I didn't expect that the characters in myths and legends turned out to be our classmates!


Ye Fan's use of the Holy Body Vision of Immortal King Lin Jiutian is very simple. .

First of all, it is to deter the evil ghosts and gods in the copper coffin. . .


This ancient bronze coffin buried a world, a world where fairy light circulated and chaotic mist flowed. .

This is a world where the desolate emperor of eternity came to repair the fairyland.

This is why Ye Fan stares at this ancient bronze coffin. .

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