After Pang Bo drank the water.

First of all, there is no alienation or awe in Ye Fan's god-like friend's methods.

Instead, he walked forward and hugged Ye Fan vigorously.

The two have not seen each other for a while. Ye Fan trusts him unconditionally, and he naturally trusts Ye Fan unconditionally. .

Then he respectfully expressed his gratitude to Grandma Dryad, Yang Jian, and Madara Uchiha.


Everyone is curious about my friend's identity, and they are also curious about what you will face in the future. Since it has happened now, I will tell everyone~~


Everyone can understand that my friends are immortals.


Everyone is a smart person. As soon as they said this, they understood that Ye Fan and his friends looked very weird from the moment they arrived at Mount Tai, just before the Nine Dragons came to Mount Tai with a coffin.

The methods shown by Yang Jian and the beautiful girl in red who called herself grandma were beyond their understanding. Like gods in mythology, the taciturn Ah Ban was definitely a mortal even though he didn't speak.

As soon as Ye Fan said what he just said, they understood.

. . . . .

That's it, Ye Zi, you're amazing~~ I never thought you could be friends with gods!

Pang Bo was heartless and looked happy.


Then...then what is this Nine-Dragon Coffin...and... where are we now??

Yes, Ye...Ye Fan, in that case, we are classmates after all, just tell us where we are now~~~

Also...what do you mean by General Yinghuo you said before?


It's too much. I don't want to explain it. You just need to know that now the Kowloon Coffin has set sail. We have already left the earth and are heading to Yinghuo, which is Mars, at an incredible speed. As for what will happen next, there is no need to say more. Meaningless.”

After saying that, Ye Fan stopped talking.

He patted Pang Bo and the two sat together.


No...impossible, this is not scientific, this is not scientific!!

Yeah, how could we leave the earth and go to Mars? This is simply ridiculous and nonsense!

Haha~ If it were before, you could say that, but how do you explain everything that happens now?? I am sure that what Ye Fan said is basically true...

Then...then what should we do? Ye Fan, you must have something, right? After all, you have immortal friends, you must have something!

Save us!


Alas! I warned you when the Nine Dragon Coffin appeared, and even blocked the impact of the boulders for you, but you didn't listen. I can't go against the cause and effect and tell you everything~~

Even if I tell you everything, you probably won't believe it, so why should I waste my breath~~

Now that we are in the starry sky, I do not have the ability to bring you back to the Earth one by one, nor do I have the obligation to do so. I have done my best to express my friendship as classmates for four years.


Everyone was silent, everything Ye Fan said made sense, those who listened to Ye Fan's advice are now safe and sound, and they...

We must find a way to save ourselves. Being in this copper coffin makes people feel uneasy. I always have a bad feeling... Li Xiaoman's face turned pale, and her beautiful eyes stared at the darkness deep in the copper coffin. of. Compared to other female classmates, she and Lin Jia both behaved calmly.

After hearing this, many people felt a little chilly in their bodies.

Let's get together and don't separate. Zhou Y suggested.

What can be done? According to what Ye Fan said, we are all in the starry sky. What can we, ordinary people, do? Let's wait to die!!

One male classmate said in despair. .


Chapter 148 Give Ye Fan a Supreme Emperor System

In the chat group.

The group members who saw this scene expressed their opinions.

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: All living beings can show their various abilities. It is understandable that if Bu was just an ordinary person, he would probably be like this when he encountered this situation...

The True Gentleman of Huashan - Yue Buqun: Beyond the limits of ideological cognition, this reaction is understandable.

Dragon Ball - Frieza: Hahaha, I like this expression of fear and despair the most.

My Majesty, please spare your life - Lu Shu: My personal suggestion, Frieza, you should stop talking too much. If everyone in the chat group dislikes you, there is no need for you to stay in this chat group.

Peach Blossom Island Little Loli - Huang Rong: Indeed, Ronger hates you now!

Mr. Pleasant Goat: Mr. Xi, I've been a little busy recently. Xiao Sha, you are a dragon and you are coiled up for me, and you are a tiger and you lie down for me, otherwise I will let the Immortal God, Grandpa Man Yangyang, beat you.

Dragon Ball - Frieza: Okay! I, the king, will stop talking. Just stop talking!

Li Qiye: The Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin is quite interesting. I think it is a bit similar to the world of little friend Beixuan...but the world level is higher. After all, it is connected to the world of fellow ancestor worshipers.

Rebirth of Urban Immortal Cultivator - Chen Fan (Beixuan Immortal Lord): Senior Qiye is right. In the future, when I transform into the God Realm, I can go to the Zhetian Realm to play...

Ye Fan: Welcome to Senior Beixuan!

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie is in the coffin, Ye Fan, you kid can't help but say a few words...

Ye Fan: Isn't this boring...

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: Although it is boring now, your future will be very interesting.

Ye Fan: This...I feel a little uncomfortable when I say this, senior Yang Jian.

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: I have built a system here. I will transform it into the Supreme Emperor System. I want to experiment with it. I wonder if little friend Ye Fan is interested in using it.

Ye Fan: Of course I'm interested, Senior Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit!

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: That's good.

Ding! The ancestor sacrifice spirit sent Ye Fan an exclusive red envelope!


Arbitrary through eternity.

Eternal continent.

Qiyuan Ancient Palace.

Li Changsheng's teachings shocked the world.

Look at the information in the chat group.

Smile slightly.

He operates without God's law, and the crystal green wicker lingers with the runes of the avenue. Each rune is a supreme universe.

After learning about the most powerful harem system in the world of Xiao Longnu.

Li Changsheng pondered this in detail.

Cooperate with the magical power of the cause of all effects and return the cause to shape the effects, and match it with your own imperial method.

Li Changsheng's hand-rubbing system can be said to be at your fingertips.

Just watching Ye Fan feel worried.

Then he will give Ye Fan a Supreme Emperor System.

In fact, the principle of the manufacturing system is very simple.

From the beginning, Li Changsheng could simply create some systems.

For example, there is a master system in Uchiha Madara's world, and the strongest cross-dressing boss system of group leader Ma Daxian.

Later, I passed the most powerful harem system in Xiao Longnu’s world.

Li Changsheng has a better way of building systems.

He didn't intend to get any benefits from Ye Fan's system, nor did he think about the layout.

But as long as you give, these will be there in the future.

Take back your thoughts.

In the chat group.

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: I... Actually, Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, I also want a system.

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: I said, Xiao Song, you are being unkind. You have a cultivation chat group. Isn't the information file uploaded by the leader of the horse group very clear? This is your golden finger. Your future achievements are also very strong, so don't ask for it. I think I, Lu Bu, really need a system to restore the Han Dynasty. For this great wish, I need a system.

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: Pull him down, Senior Lu Bu. You should say it or not. With your current strength, even a one-man army is considered small. If you want to regain the Han Dynasty, isn't it the same as playing games? You are just greedy for the system. Besides, have you forgotten, Liu Xie is the incarnation of the ancestor sacrifice spirit, you really have no memory.

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: ...

The Great Master - Muchen: Once this system is obtained, there will be no point in Grandma Dryad, Senior Yang Jian and Ban's presence.

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: We are back. Before we left, we cleared the memories of everyone except Xiaofan.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jie Jie, Ye Fan has already received the system. As soon as he received it, he got the cultivation level of the Wheel Sea Realm, and the vision of the Holy Body, the Immortal King Lin Jiutian, bah... ... He was so unlucky that his grandma was ready to play with that Crocodile Ancestor. Moreover, this kid Ye Fan also started to brag about himself, saying that he was the reincarnation of the Supreme Emperor of Heaven, which disgusted his grandma. Although what he said is probably wrong, I see that Master Ancestor Sacrifice gave the system to this kid, but it made him drift...

Swallowing Starry Sky-Luo Feng: ........., you are really efficient.

The Great Master - Muchen: @Ye Fan, Brother Ye, please don't be too arrogant. It's true that you have a system, but this is given to you by the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit.

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: The tree demon exaggerated. Xiaofan is not floating. It's just that the tree demon was a little unhappy because he failed to go to Mars.

Your Majesty, please spare my life - Lu Shu: I have already said that Ye Zi can handle this person. Don't believe the words of the peerless beautiful tree demon sister.

A Chinese Ghost Story-Tree Demon Grandma: ...

Ye Fan: Thank you, Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, for your system. It is really useful to me. Also, thank you everyone for your trust. As for the issue of Piao, I am really sorry to Grandma Dryad, Senior Yang Jian and Senior Ban, but... .It seems that the dryad grandma took the initiative to say that it was boring and retreated. Then senior Yang Jian erased the memories of my classmates. If your grandma feels bored, go back to the main world...

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: This...

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world: You laughed me to death, I will be executed on the spot, the beautiful tree demon girl...

The True Gentleman of Huashan --- Yue Buqun: Hey, let's watch the live broadcast. Let's not talk about this topic anymore. Let's see how Brother Ye will perform after getting the Supreme Emperor System.


Covering the world.

Ye Fan opened the red envelope immediately after receiving it from Li Changsheng.

Then the Supreme Emperor system was officially bound.

He is very happy now that he has obtained the cultivation level of the Wheel Sea Realm, the Supreme Vision Immortal King Lin Jiutian, and the Flawless Chaos Body.

Because Yang Jian cleared his memory.

So everything seems to be roughly back to normal.

But Ye Fan got the Supreme Emperor System.

Accidentally showed off his extraordinary abilities.

The students were shocked. .

Ye Fan found a reason to explain that he was the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven.

This is not considered bloat either.

Just when everyone was extremely alert, Ye Fan slowly stood up.

Because of the Supreme Emperor system.

Now Ye Fan has some cultivation.

It activates the vision of the wheel and sea in the body, which is as vast as a golden ocean.

Ye Fan, who possesses the ancient holy body, has his energy and blood like the scorching sun, circulating his immortal power throughout his body.

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