Everyone turned around for more than half a circle, their inner fear gradually diminished, but they still felt a little uneasy and decided to go down the mountain as soon as possible.

Look, there is a giant altar in the central pit!

The ancient bronze coffin smashed a huge pit into the ground. Everyone had turned to the other side of the giant bronze coffin. When they looked down, they were suddenly shocked again.

There is a super altar under the pit. It is not made of soil, but is made entirely of five colors of boulders. It holds a twenty-meter-long ancient bronze coffin steadily without any cracks.

This super large five-color stone altar is obviously different from the other earth altars. It is located in the center of the Jade Emperor's Summit. It is majestic and far larger than those earth altars.

The impact of the copper coffin that fell from the sky was so huge, but it didn't crack any cracks or damage at all. It's hard to imagine what kind of strange stones it was made of.

On this large five-color altar, in addition to the ancient bronze coffin, there are also many jade blocks and stone slabs piled up, all of which are full of ancient charm.

Both the jade blocks and the stone slabs are engraved with extremely mysterious ancient characters, which are more primitive than the oracle bone inscriptions seen on the five-color earth altar. They are mysterious symbols that are almost like heavenly calligraphy and paintings.

On the super large five-color stone altar, a large row of such jade blocks and stone slabs were neatly stacked, and they were not destroyed by the copper coffin, which was surprising.

Let's get out of here quickly. Ye Fan and Zhou Yi spoke at the same time, urging everyone.

Yang Jian, Dryad Granny and Uchiha Madara looked indifferent. Except for Mark, they didn't care about anyone.

Everyone nodded. It was really not suitable to stay here for a long time. Even if there were endless secrets, they were not something they could explore now. The nine huge dragon corpses next to them were unsettling, and the giant bronze coffin was even more frightening.

Just when everyone was about to turn around and leave, a female classmate let out a scream, and a large stone rolled down under her feet into the huge pit. She also lost her balance and fell down.

At this critical moment.

Uchiha Madara glanced lightly.

The boulders that had rolled down flew upward again.

He held the woman back.

However, no one present except Ye Fan and his party noticed this scene.


The super-large stone altar suddenly emitted a hazy halo of five colors. Everyone felt a huge force envelope their bodies, and their legs seemed to be tied with lead weights, making it difficult to move a step.

Of course, Yang Jian, Dryad Granny, and Uchiha Madara are fine.


The five-color stone altar continued to vibrate, making the Jade Emperor's Summit tremble. The people standing on the edge of the pit suddenly felt like the world was spinning, but they could not move a step, and they were all shaken and tumbled down into the pit.

Yang Jian and others also followed the plan and rolled down the pit. .

A group of people fell on the five-color stone altar, and most of them were afraid!

Everyone fell on the five-color altar, knocking down a pile of ancient books carved from jade blocks and stone slabs. There was a loud crash and the altar was in a mess.

An ancient giant bronze coffin lay beside it, with a lot of patina and rust stains on it, but it still couldn't cover up the blurry bronze carvings, which seemed to be of ancient gods, and all of them were actually stained with tears.

They were so close that they could even reach out and touch them, which made everyone feel fearful and send chills down their spines.

This five-color altar that has gone through countless years was built by the ancient ancestors and used to worship heaven. Could it be that those ancient emperors could really summon something?

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt a desolate and distant atmosphere flowing, which made people feel excited.

At this moment, nine dragon corpses and copper coffins were laid out in front of them. Could it be that they were really attracted by the five-color altar?

According to legend, as early as before the Qin Emperor and the Han Dynasty, the seventy-two ancient kings of the Three Sovereigns, Five Emperors, and Five Emperors held Zen ceremonies here. What did they receive?

The five-color brilliance shone, and the jade blocks and stone slabs displayed on the five-color altar suddenly became crystal clear. The ancient characters engraved on them all shone brightly, and the entire super-large altar emitted a soft light.

Crack, click, click

There was a sound of shattering, and the piles of jade blocks and stone slabs suddenly cracked, and then burst out with streaks of light. The ancient characters engraved on them all rushed out and appeared in the void as if they were alive.


More ancient characters shone brightly and floated in the air. Then the jade blocks and stone slabs were wiped out in a gust of wind, and all the ancient characters engraved on the jade blocks and stone slabs were freed from their restraints.

Above the ancient bronze coffin and around the huge pit, there are thousands of ancient characters shining, as if they were completely cast from molten iron, with a metallic luster and texture.

Crack, click, click

The sound of shattering came again, and ancient characters shone out one by one from the small five-color earthen altars nearby, floating in the air.

There seemed to be stars swaying around the giant bronze coffin, which looked especially mysterious under the bloody sunset.

There were some other people on the top of the Jade Emperor who had not fled down the mountain during the chaos not long ago. But now they saw Ye Fan and others falling into the huge pit, and saw such a strange scene. They were all frightened and rushed towards them. Rush down the mountain.

In the panic, someone fell down, and cries of pain and calls for help continued to sound.

At the same time, the shining ancient characters in the air gathered together and gradually formed a huge gossip, and a mysterious power vibrated out.

This is a shocking picture. Those ancient characters and symbols have incredible power. After being condensed together, they manifest into a huge Bagua diagram, which is shrouded above the ancient bronze coffin and nine dragon corpses. It has the solidity and texture of metal. It's like it's made from alchemy.

Jiejie, is this the formation that covers the heavens? It's interesting. He takes the heaven and the earth as the law and himself as the law... The Huangtian Emperor who created this system is truly the supreme being...

Looking at the essence through the surface, as the supreme demon, Grandma Dryad got the fallen sun from the ancestor sacrifice spirit. Lin Daiyu got another cosmic seed when she performed the mission.

Today's Dryad Grandma Realm cannot be said to be a T1 lineup in the chat group, but it can also be said to be very strong. .

The brilliance of this five-color altar and the energy it emits.

It was different from what she had felt in Perfect World Stone Village before.

This method, this system, depends entirely on oneself.

Because there is something missing in the great road of heaven and earth here.

But get a glimpse of it all.

Using one's own body method to open the secret scriptures of the body can lead to such magical powers that one can travel across the universe and starry sky, leaving behind coordinates.

The ancient times of this world were absolutely glorious.

The dryad grandmother analyzed it painfully.

Members of the chat group expressed their agreement.

Even the group leader Ma Daxianye couldn't help but praise him.

Li Changsheng felt that Grandma Dryad's analysis was very good and very reasonable.

Covering the world.

Uchiha Madara has been silently observing everything.

He is now many times stronger than Madara in the Six Paths form. .

Chapter 146 The future demon emperor Pang Bo

But for the altar, for the innate Bagua, and for the ancient road in the starry sky.

He knows nothing.

Nothing else.

After all, Uchiha Madara comes from the anime world.

I want to get out of here! Someone cried under the huge pit.

My body can't move... It was difficult for everyone to move and they were afraid, but they couldn't change anything.

That is……

At this moment, a Tai Chi diagram appeared in the center of the Bagua diagram in mid-air, with two Yin and Yang fish hugging each other.

Even in today's technological age, the profound meaning contained in the ancient Tai Chi Bagua diagram has not yet been deciphered. Someone once used astronomical parameters to calculate based on the corresponding relationship between the stars and the hexagram positions of the Bagua, and proved that the orbital speed of the stars could be calculated. The founder of modern computer binary was also deeply inspired after observing and studying the Tai Chi Bagua chart, and succeeded in one fell swoop.

The ancient Tai Chi Bagua chart is still a fascinating mystery to people today. How was it created? What are its functions? What was the purpose of creating it? So far, there are only legends and inaccurate conjectures, but no conclusive evidence.


Yang Jian looked at the huge Tai Chi Tai Ba Ba Diagram and nodded slightly: Well, it is related to time and space. Although it is a fantasy world, there is no difference in this Tai Chi Ba Ba Diagram. With such mysterious and complicated formations, combined with the power of the universe and stars, Constructing a road to the stars? It’s really fun!”

Only Dryad Granny, Uchiha Madara and Ye Fan could hear Yang Jian's words.

Because Yang Jian only wanted the three of them to hear it.

So that's it.

Of course.........

Everyone watching the live chat can also know.

Around the huge Tai Chi and Bagua diagram, the space is distorted and the light is hazy. The Bagua symbols corresponding to Qian, Kun, Xun, Dui, Gen, Zhen, Li and Kan glow successively, like a set of mysterious and ancient codes. Shining.

The two yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi diagram are like two strange portals, constantly vibrating and slowly opening a gap, seemingly connecting to the distant and unknown starry sky.

The brilliance continued to shine, and the eight symbols of the Bagua flickered on and off. Finally, after changing several times in a complicated sequence, they finally all lit up at the same time, emitting a dazzling light.


With a dull vibration, the two yin and yang fish in the center of the Tai Chi Bagua diagram slowly opened. During the process, stars shone from time to time inside, and even an ancient road in the starry sky was seen.

In the end, the Yin-Yang Fish really opened completely like a portal, revealing a mysterious and huge passage. It was unknown where it led, and it was completely dark inside.

At the same time, at the top of Mount Tai, nine huge dragon corpses began to tremble, and at this time, the copper coffin also made a loud clang sound and shook violently.

Ye Fan and others were close at hand, right next to the copper coffin. Many people were frightened and shouted, and many female classmates even cried.

what to do?


In this situation, everyone felt helpless, and many female classmates cried loudly.

At the same time, some strong-willed people looked at the huge ancient bronze coffin in surprise and uncertainty. The lid of the coffin actually deviated from its position during the shaking. A large gap was exposed in the ancient coffin, and a strange aura filled the air.


The copper coffin shook again, the coffin lid almost fell off, and an inexplicable invisible force pulled towards everyone. In the next moment, everyone felt like the world was spinning, and then everything went dark, and everyone entered the copper coffin.



Some people nearly collapsed and cried out in terror.


The nine huge dragon corpses hanging on the cliff were shaking. At the same time, the lid of the ancient bronze coffin made a loud noise, and then completely reset and closed.

Immediately afterwards, nine mountain-like dragon corpses rose into the sky. Although they still did not show any vitality, they pulled the giant bronze coffin and slowly sank into the dark and mysterious passage constructed by the Tai Chi Bagua Diagram. .


The whole Mount Tai shook violently, as if the sky was about to collapse. From the top of the Jade Emperor, five-color divine light shot into the sky and penetrated the sky and the earth.

Then, at the moment when the bloody sunset disappeared, the top of Mount Tai dimmed in an instant, and the huge Tai Chi Bagua diagram in the sky closed completely and slowly disappeared.

Kowloon pulled the coffin and disappeared!

All the jade blocks and stone slabs on the five-color altar were turned into ashes. A breeze blew by, and the ashes scattered with the wind.

Everything that happened under this bloody sunset was destined to cause an uproar and spread to every corner of the world. Mount Tai would inevitably become the focus of global attention, but all of this had nothing to do with Ye Fan and others.

The interior of the ancient bronze coffin was pitch black, filled with an icy chill. Some female students almost collapsed. Their hearts were full of helplessness and fear, but they did not dare to cry loudly. They suppressed their emotions and voices and sobbed quietly. With.

What should we do? Who can save us?

Are we really inside the copper coffin now?

Why is this happening? Is there any way to get out?

People keep using their mobile phones to dial, but they can't get through at all and can't contact the outside world. This is even more frightening.

There is no need to panic. Although we are temporarily unable to contact the outside world, such a shocking incident in Mount Tai will inevitably spread to the outside world as soon as possible. I believe rescuers will arrive soon. Zhou Yi seemed very calm. , his words somewhat relaxed everyone's fearful mood.

Zhou Yi is right. Don't panic, everyone. We must stay calm. I believe everything will be fine. Wang Ziwen's voice was also very calm, and he spoke to stabilize the emotions of everyone present.

That's right, don't panic, everyone. Things have already happened. It's useless for us to be afraid. The important thing is to find a way to escape. Although Lin Jia is a woman, she behaves very calmly at the moment and does not panic.

Ye Fan said nothing and sat quietly with Yang Jian and other group members. The dark and mysterious passage constructed from the Tai Chi Bagua diagram appeared in front of his eyes from time to time. At this moment, are you still on top of the Jade Emperor? He had a bad association in his mind.

With the faint light of the mobile phone, one can see frightened faces, many of them pale, and some even trembling.

Li Xiaoman was not far away, sitting there holding his knees. Although his face was a little pale, he looked very calm.

Liu Yunzhi clenched his hands so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He was obviously very nervous, but he did not show any fear.

In fact, everyone present felt very uneasy. After all, they were in a closed ancient bronze coffin.

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