If I laughed like before, it would give people a scary feeling.

But at this moment, the tree demon's smile actually gave people a sweet feeling of wanting to fall in love.

Many of Ye Fan's classmates think that the tree demon grandma should be Ye Fan's girlfriend.

A jealous one, so to speak.

Especially the brat Liu Yunzhi.

Originally, because of the Mercedes-Benz incident, he couldn't show off, but was pretended to be by Mark instead, which made him very unhappy.

Chapter 144 Kowloon pulls the coffin and descends to Mount Tai

Now there are peerless beauties like Dryad Grandma chatting and laughing with her.

He could be said to be jealous to the extreme.

I tried to find trouble several times.

But the auras of Yang Jian and Uchiha Madara are too strong.

He didn't dare to speak either.

All we can do is wait and look for opportunities.

Regarding Liu Yunzhi’s character.

Everyone in the chat group already knows. .

Just a villain.

If it weren't for the fate line plot that needed Liu Yunzhi to advance.

Grandma Dryad had already banged it...

Mount Tai has lush ancient pines, many springs and waterfalls, and is majestic and graceful. Coupled with the misty clouds and mist, it naturally adds a bit of mystery and profundity.

Climbing all the way up, there are countless places of interest and cliff monuments along the way, which are amazing.

From the sacrificial site, through the Dai Temple, the palace of the emperor, to the Jade Emperor's Peak, which seals the sky, it forms a ten-kilometer-long axis of underworld - human world - heaven.

In the evening, everyone finally climbed to the top of Mount Tai - Jade Emperor Peak, overlooking the mountains below and the Yellow River in the distance. People immediately understood the true meaning of Confucius' climbing Mount Tai and minimizing the world.

You will be at the top of the mountain, and you will have a panoramic view of all the small mountains! The poet sage also left such an eternal masterpiece.

At this moment, the sun sets in the west, and the cloud peaks are inlaid with a layer of golden bright edges, shining like rare treasures.

Such a beautiful scenery can't help but make people intoxicated.

Suddenly, several black spots appeared in the sky, and then gradually became larger, and there were actually bursts of wind and thunder.

Nine behemoths fell from the sky, like nine long black rivers falling down. At this moment, everyone on Mount Tai had frozen expressions of shock and looked at each other in astonishment.

It turned out to be nine huge dragon corpses, pulling an ancient bronze coffin and pressing down towards the top of Mount Taishan.

Dragons are legendary beings who stand alongside the gods and are above the laws of nature. However, with the development of science now, who still believes that dragons really exist?

The tourists on the mountain were so shocked that they held their breath and even forgot to shout.

There was a brief silence, and then Mount Tai boiled. Everyone ran away in panic, rushing in all directions to avoid the approaching huge dragon corpse.

This is a shocking picture. In the bloody sunset, Kowloon pulls the coffin and lowers it to Mount Tai!

Screaming in fear and crying helplessly, everyone fled.

The Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin did not fall very quickly, but when it landed, it still shook the top of Mount Tai heavily.


The nine behemoths sank like nine mountains, shaking the Jade Emperor's roof and causing large cracks to appear. Earth and rocks flew everywhere, and dust and sand filled the air.

The ancient bronze coffin also clanged and hit the top of Mount Tai. The mountain shook as if there was an earthquake. Many rocks rolled down from the mountain, making a rumbling sound, like thousands of troops galloping.

Many people were affected, their flesh and blood were bruised by the impact of the rocks, and they fell down the mountain, and the sounds of fearful cries were heard.

at the same time.

In the chat group.

Cultivation Chat - Squirrel Airlines: It finally appeared, the Nine Dragons pulled the coffin, it was so shocking!

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: Ye Zi's fate line is about to truly open... Why am I looking forward to it so much.

Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator - Chen Fan (Beixuan Immortal Lord): It seems that the magnificent world is about to begin!

Imperial Female General - Esdeath: The road to the sky, singing and singing, covering the sky with a snap of your fingers is really fascinating.

The Great Master - Muchen: Come on Ye Zi, I will work hard too.

Huang Rong, a little loli from Peach Blossom Island: I am lucky in this life to be able to join the chat group. Otherwise, I would never have been able to see such a vast scene.

Dragon Ball - Frieza: If I had known that I, the King, would also go with me, I would have let this old woman, no, she is a little girl now, take advantage of her. Okay, okay, I won't say any more, I'll just continue watching the live broadcast.


Covering the world.


The shaking stopped and the mountain quickly calmed down. However, there was already chaos on Mount Tai. Many people fell down while fleeing. It was an extremely chaotic scene. Many people rushed down the mountain in fear with their heads bruised and bleeding.

Nine huge dragon corpses that are 100 meters long, most of the body is lying quietly on the top of the mountain, and the less half of the body is hanging at the bottom of the cliff, like a black steel Great Wall, full of shocking power, extremely shocking to people's vision.

The top of Mount Tai's Jade Emperor was shattered, and there were terrifying large cracks on the ground.

The twenty-meter-long bronze coffin was simple and unpretentious, with some vague ancient patterns on it, full of vicissitudes of time, and a mysterious aura flowing around it.


Arbitrary through eternity.

Eternal continent.

Qiyuan Ancient Palace.

Li Changsheng's eyes were deep.

It seems to have penetrated the past, present and future, and the years have the same cause and effect.

The Nine-Dragon Coffin, the Third Generation Bronze Coffin, the past, present and future, the Sacred Ruins Era Sacrifice, are not fully understood by anyone above the Sacred Ruins Era. The Master of the Third Generation Bronze Coffin, everything... I still have to wait until I can complete the trilogy. Say it again!”

He murmured.


Covering the world.

Things happened so suddenly, everything in front of them was beyond people's imagination!

This... Everyone couldn't believe it.

However, the nine dragon corpses and the copper coffin were lying in front of them, and the iron-clad facts were before their eyes!

All this seriously goes against common sense and subverts people's cognition, and everyone's thinking has been strongly impacted.

When the chaos just broke out, Ye Fan and his party did not run away in disorder. They gathered together until the Jade Emperor Peak calmed down. Although they all fell to the ground, there were no major casualties. Only a few people bruised their arms.

At this moment, their faces were all filled with shock. The incredible scene in front of them was something they would never forget!

Nine huge dragon corpses were lying quietly in front of them, and the huge copper coffin really shocked people's vision. It was all so shocking and mysterious.

Everyone was speechless, their hearts were in ups and downs, their faces were full of surprise, panic, fear, fear and other expressions, making it difficult to calm down.

Of course, Ye Fan and others were very indifferent.

After all, they already knew all this.

Moreover, Yang Jian, Uchiha Madara, and Dryad Granny are not ordinary people. Even if they don't know, they can't be afraid.


Ye Fan would not be like this, even if he did not have any cultivation.


He is Ye Fan.

It wasn't until a long time passed that Lin Jia whispered: Let's go down the mountain quickly.

Everyone nodded and felt that they should leave this place immediately. No one wanted to stay for a moment longer. The atmosphere at the Jade Emperor's Summit is chilling. Why are there nine dragon corpses pulling giant bronze coffins? Why did you land on Mount Tai? Even if the facts are before their eyes, it is difficult to accept, and they feel extremely uneasy.

Under the bloody sunset, the Jade Emperor's roof was devastated, especially the ancient bronze coffin. A huge crater was smashed there, and a large crack opened around it that was one or two meters wide, spreading in all directions like a spider web.

One of the cracks was like a winding centipede, stretching to the feet of Ye Fan and the others. Fortunately, the end of the crack was no longer as wide as a palm and did not cause any subsidence or cracks in the ground.

Just when everyone was about to leave, Li Xiaoman pointed forward and said, What is that?

Half of the jade pieces were exposed under the cracked surface, and there was a bright light reflecting in the setting sun.

Although everyone was a little scared, they still took a few steps forward and saw that there was a round altar exposed under the one-meter-wide crack, with half of the broken jade pieces displayed on it, shaped like a jade book.

How could this happen? Is there something buried underneath?

The round altar is not big, simple and simple. It is made of five colors of strange soil. It is full of the atmosphere of time. It is unknown how many years it has been there.

See this scene.

Yang Jian's heavenly eye, which only he could see, released his supreme immortal power, trying to destroy the heel of this garden altar.

Chapter 145: The Law of Covering the Sky

But Yang Jian was looking back.

The more alarming.

Finally received magical powers.

Because this involves the perfect world where the ancestors sacrificed their souls.

In the chat group.

Ma Daxian, who has calculated all the world, said: Altar, this is the prayer of the ancient ancestors. It covers the sky and the world. The ancient cultivators on the earth are still very strong...

Great Overlord - Muchen: In the great world that covers the sky, the most important thing is the issue of time. Even the great emperor who dominates the world and dominates the universe can only live for ten thousand years. It's really... .”

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: Ye Zi can become the Supreme Emperor of Heaven in such a situation where the great world is withering, and can live nine lives in reverse, have another kind of immortality, and even be ranked with the Emperor of Desolate Heaven in the future. It is really strong, although Ye Zi is just a small person now. . . ”

The True Gentleman of Huashan Mountain --- Yue Buqun: Speaking of the fact that this great world that covers the sky and the world of the ancestor worshiping spirit are the same world, it is really unimaginable that the future will be such a vast world, but the fate line information uploaded by the group leader Too little, what on earth is above this God...

Cultivation Chat - Squirrel Airlines: Don't talk about these faraway things first, let's watch the Kowloon Coffin first...

Covering the world.

Yang Jian knew that the origin of this altar was too ancient and mysterious, so he stopped tracing it.

Dryad Granny and Uchiha Madara didn't have this intention in the first place.

They are just waiting to set foot on the road to the stars!

The round altar is not big, simple and simple. It is made of five colors of strange soil. It is full of the atmosphere of time. It is unknown how many years it has been there.

Look, there's more ahead! Wang Ziwen, who was standing at the front, looked shocked and pointed at the wider crack ahead.

Under the large crack nearly two meters wide, there is also a five-color earth altar. The round altar has been cracked, and a jade plate sealed inside is exposed. There are many complicated words and symbols engraved on it. No one can Recognize.

At this moment, everyone looked shocked, and for a moment they thought of the word Feng Chan. This was most likely an ancient altar for worshiping heaven!

The five-color round altar has a jade seal inside it, which is similar to what Ban Gu wrote in White Tiger Tongyi during the Eastern Han Dynasty. It has been recorded: It may be called the seal, which is made of gold clay and silver rope, or it is called the stone clay gold rope, which is the seal.

The Historical Records. Book of Fengchan written by Ma Qian of the Taishi Company of the Western Han Dynasty also has the record of flying to great heights, records of gold, clay and stone.

In just a moment, everyone was surprised to find that there were such five-color altars under the big cracks around them. There were not a few, there were dozens of them.

Each five-color earthen altar is very simple and engraved with the marks of time. You can tell that it has existed for endless years at a glance. The five-color earthen altar is either sealed with jade pieces or stone slabs, and there are ancient symbols engraved on them that are difficult to identify. .

Everyone was deeply surprised, and vaguely felt that there might be some connection with the dragon corpse and the copper coffin.

Ye Fan likes to read search for strange ancient books. He knows more about the various kinds of Zen than others. He is really shocked. Could it be that in ancient times, the three emperors, five emperors and the seventy-two kings really performed Zen here?

Maybe the legend is true, otherwise why would there be so many five-color round altars. Judging from the texts on them, most of them are oracle bone inscriptions, which seems to confirm this speculation.

Everyone should have retreated immediately, but they were attracted unknowingly and had already circled the bronze coffin for more than half a circle. They were frightened by the nine huge dragon corpses, shocked by the twenty-meter-long ancient bronze coffin, and surprised by the underground one. A five-color altar.

There seems to be no danger, but this dragon corpse...

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