The guards brought by the little princess were worthy of being time-tested warriors. After these people were frightened, they quickly calmed down, held their weapons tightly and stood ready. The three trainee magicians began to chant spells, and bursts of magic were heard in the air. Waves of elements. But what was unexpected was that after the giant snake exposed a large part of its body in the crater, it stopped moving and just stared at everyone coldly.

The little princess was unusually calm and calm, Don't be afraid, everyone, the Fire Immortal Lotus is about to mature. That smelly snake has been guarding here for thousands of years. At this critical moment, it will never leave the Fairy Lotus. We are far away. Attack it.

Then she ordered: Sprinkle those realgars on that smelly snake quickly.

A dozen cloth bags were thrown at the giant snake at the same time. At the same time, the trainee magician had finished reciting the spell, and a large gleaming wind blade struck forward.

The wind blade cut through the cloth bag, and the realgar floated down from the air and landed on the giant snake. The giant snake's body trembled and retreated.

Everyone's spirits were lifted, and the cloth bags filled with realgar and large wind blades attacked forward again. The giant snake's cold and flashing colorful scales were covered with realgar, and the pungent smell of realgar filled the crater. Soon after, the giant snake shrank inside. The ground was motionless.

Everyone cheered immediately.

Chen Nan ran halfway up the mountain in one breath. When he heard the cheers behind him, he couldn't help but stop and turn his face to watch.

I didn't expect that this little devil was really brave enough to bring down such a huge creature. He is indeed the devil's sister.

He still felt a little scared when he thought of the giant snake's sharp fangs and ferocious red letter, but at the same time he felt very excited.

Chen Nan looked towards the crater. He wanted to get rid of the little devil and travel around the world, but he also wanted to stay and watch the rare battle between humans and snakes. He was hesitant in his heart. Finally, he couldn't resist the temptation and quietly climbed towards the crater. When he was more than ten feet away from the crater, he hid behind a huge rock.

The little princess carefully looked at the giant snake that was shrinking in the crater, and said with a smile: I didn't expect this smelly snake to be so cunning. It deliberately showed weakness to trick us. Everyone, please don't go over and attack it here.

The guards took off their strong bows and crossbows and fired arrows at the giant snake. The three trainee magicians also began to recite spells and prepare for magic attacks.

Rows of eagle-feathered arrows shot towards the giant snake like locusts, but what was surprising was that after the arrows made of fine steel touched the scales of the giant snake, they only wiped out a string of sparks and then fell to the ground.

After the huge wind blade released by the trainee magician struck the giant snake, it only trembled for a moment without leaving any trace.

The little princess decisively ordered: Stop attacking other parts and focus all attacks on its eyes.

The flying arrows were like rain, all attacking at the blood-red eyes of the giant snake. The giant snake closed its eyes as if mocking everyone, blocking the rain of arrows.

At this time, the three trainee magicians gathered a large amount of magic elements and condensed them into three cold ice spears. The three ice spears emitted bright light after being illuminated by the sun, and flew towards the eyes of the giant snake like a rainbow in the sky.




The ice spear shattered into countless pieces in front of the giant snake's eyes, and the light disappeared. These three powerful magic attacks were not without any effect, and the giant snake's eyelids showed traces of blood. At the same time, the huge snake's head was raised again, changing its original sluggish look. The giant snake was frightening and hesitant, its sharp fangs were emitting a soul-stirring cold light, and a pair of blood-red eyes were staring at it. Everyone.

Chen Nan was hiding behind the rocks, ready to run away at any time.


The giant snake opened its huge mouth and spewed out a large piece of flame, and the soaring flames swept towards everyone. The three trainee magicians hurriedly chanted spells, and a light blue magic shield protected everyone inside.

Chen Nan was dumbfounded and sighed: No way, this super scary guy has become a monster. Oh my god, a snake monster! I can never handle this level now.

Seeing this, he was more than ten feet away from the battlefield.


Chen Nan wants to go to the Super Dimension Mall to buy a QQ Speed ​​​​World's Top S [Purple Lightning Horse].

Chen Nan has been looking at this car for a long time.

During the time he spent in the chat group, he had enough points to buy it.

But on second thought, Chen Nan didn't plan to buy it.


Didn’t the group leader say that Hou Yi Gong is about to appear?

He ran away! !

What to do with Hou Yi's bow...

At this time, the three trainee magicians gathered enough magic elements. They opened a corner of the magic shield, and then sprinkled a large screen of light towards the giant snake. The light blue light curtain turned into layers of water waves, extinguishing the flames around everyone in the blink of an eye. At the same time, the giant snake was drenched with water, and white mist rose from the crater. Everyone took this opportunity to retreat seven or eight feet. distance.

The giant snake seemed to be enraged. Amidst the rumbling sound, it moved another four to five feet long snake body out of the cave. Countless pieces of gravel fell into the depths of the volcano. At this time, there were seven or eight snake bodies standing in the air. It's 10 feet long, and the huge snake head looks particularly ferocious and terrifying. The giant snake looked down at everyone, its eyes flashing fiercely, as if it wanted to swoop down, but in the end it retreated unwillingly to the side of the Fire Immortal Lotus, and its entire body was pressed against the volcanic rock.

The little princess and others let out a sigh of relief. At this time, a female guard came forward and said: Your Highness, this demonic snake has been successfully cultivated. It is not something we can deal with. Let's retreat quickly.

A trainee magician also said: Yes, this... what kind of little snake is this? This... this is a snake spirit. We still...

The little princess glared at him, which frightened the trainee magician and immediately shut his mouth.

Chen Nan hid behind the volcanic rocks and said secretly: The little princess is stronger than a giant snake!

The little princess said: Didn't I give you thirty-six powerful magic arrows? Don't use them now, but shoot them for me later!

These attendants took out magic arrows from behind and put them on the bowstrings, aiming at the red eyes of the giant snake.



Magic arrows flew out like lightning, leaving waves of fluctuations in the air, and the magic elements in the air oscillated irregularly. The giant snake seemed to smell the danger and dodged its ferocious snake head to the side. The magic arrow rubbed a spark on the giant snake's mouth, and then the arrow suddenly exploded, blowing away a large piece of scales on the left side of the giant snake's mouth. After the remaining magic arrows hit this part, it immediately The giant snake's mouth exploded into a bloody mess, revealing its white teeth.

The giant snake was enraged, and its huge snake body suddenly stood up. Its white teeth were blood-red and hesitant to speak. At the same time, the snake body hidden in the cave continued to move outward, and the crater began to shake like the earth was shaking.

Everyone was stunned. The little princess said solemnly: It seems that we can only use the last resort. She took out a simple long box from the package behind her, opened the box and took out a handful of dark shiny longbow.

After Chen Nan saw the little princess's movements, his pupils began to shrink and he stared at the long bow without blinking.

Hou Yi's bow!

It turns out that Hou Yi's bow that the group leader said will appear, right next to me!!


In the super dimensional chat group.

With the emergence of Hou Yi's bow.

The chat group system automatically sent out a notification to all group members.

Ding! Congratulations to group member Chen Nan for the official opening of the destiny line. The prelude to the great world of God's Tomb is about to unfold, traveling through the vast wilderness of the universe and condensing the black and yellow of heaven and earth... Even if you get rid of the six reincarnations, you can't escape the turmoil of the world...

The Super Dimension Mall launches ---------- God's Tomb Great World Artifact·Supreme Totem·Houyi Bow (Universal Level)---------.

ps: The product produced by the chat group must be a high-quality product, and it is absolutely the same as the Houyi Bow in the Tomb of Gods. Within one month after the new product is put on the shelves, the Houyi Bow will only cost 10% off the original price! ! ! Not to be missed!

Chapter 140 The Mythical World of Mountains and Seas

In the chat group.

The group members who were watching Chen Nan's involvement in the crisis were left speechless by the sudden reminder in the chat group.

Cultivation Chat Group World - Squirrel Airlines: Hey guys, this is like a supermarket sale.

Rebirth of Urban Immortal Cultivation - Chen Fan (Beixuan Immortal Lord): Although it is cliché, it is really affordable. During this time, I will consider whether to sell the basic supreme immortal cultivation technique and get a Houyi Bow. When the time comes... It’s definitely useful to conquer the universe and stars!!”

My Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: This is the boss. The question is whether it is useful, not whether it can be afforded!

The True Gentleman of Huashan - Yue Buqun: I couldn't help but shed tears of poverty.

Fire Fist Ace: Even if I sell the entire One Piece world, I still can't afford this Houyi Bow...

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: This is the limitation of the world dimension. Any small enchantment of a big boss in the fantasy world may be as big as the success or failure of thousands of worlds like ours, but fortunately, we joined the chat Groups have unlimited progress and possibilities, right??”

Cultivation Chat Group-Squirrel Air: Full of positive energy!!

Xiao Longnu: Yes, as long as we work hard, one day we can afford Hou Yi's bow!!!

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: Come on!

Peach Blossom Island Little Loli - Huang Rong: Come on!


Ding! The administrator's ancestor sacrifice spirit successfully purchased Houyi's Bow x10, triggering hidden benefits and a 50% discount! It only costs 60 million points!



The chat group, which was originally full of positive energy, was instantly embarrassed.


Is this the boss? ?

Buy ten at a time.

Arbitrary through eternity.

Eternal continent.

Qiyuan Ancient Palace.

Looking at the ten Hou Yi bows in front of him, they are full of divine glory and exude the aura of supreme divinity and reincarnation.

Li Changsheng was thoughtful.

A thought came to my mind.

His four immortal swords appeared, and from the moment they appeared, they resonated with Hou Yi's bow.

The immeasurable divine light illuminates the entire Eternal Continent.

It shocked the world, the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and even... He wanted to go to the perfect world through the long river of time and space.

In the world of God's Tomb, Hou Yi's bow is also the tree of life. After being sealed, it can only be used once a year in the human world. Hou Yi's bow was made through the sacrifice of the first spiritual root in the creation of the world. When it is in the bow state, it is extremely powerful and can kill gods and demons. When it is opened, it can challenge multiple levels. Transformed into the state of an ancient tree of life, it can absorb spiritual energy, release spiritual energy, and create heaven and earth.

But when Li Changsheng summoned him to his main world. .

Hou Yi's bow was originally the law of heaven and earth in the world of the tomb of gods, and it was also transformed into the law of heaven and earth in the perfect world.

Moreover, it resonates with the four swords of Zhu Xian that he summoned from the world projected by Gu Shaoshang and originated from the mythical world of Legend of the White Snake.

It stands to reason. .

Fantasy and mythology are not the same system at all.

But the artifacts in fantasy legends do resonate with the Four Swords of Killing Immortals in the mythical world of White Snake.


Li Changsheng felt that Hou Yi's bow contained an incomprehensible Tao. This Tao seemed to be more mysterious than the origin of the mythical White Snake Legend world where the Four Swords of Killing Immortals were located.

Of course. .

This mystery does not come from the great world of the Tomb of Gods, nor does it come from the material used to make Hou Yi's bow, the Tree of Life. .

But it comes from the three words ------Houyi Gong------.

Why could Li Changsheng feel something?

That's because there are countless visions appearing in the Great Brahma True Sky Xuankong in the Jade Pure Supreme Inner Scenery Heaven and Earth where the causes of the supreme Tao and Fruits that He has control over are born.

And there appeared the supreme mantra that was originally unspeakable and inconceivable, but was manifested.

Described in the true sky and mysterious sky of Brahma.

Li Changsheng used the method of The Cause of All Effects and The Infinite Treasure [Great Wisdom] and [Transform all external phenomena to express the inner scene] to see clearly this supreme mantra.

【Qionghua Gaozhen, the spirit of the Emperor of the Sun, maintains the wonderful transformation of fortune, controls the sun god, the jade poppy and the yellow glutinous rice, the spirit of eating the sun, the flower is applied to the five internal organs, the poppy is restored in age, the shape is perched on the crimson platform, and the length is the same as Qi. 】

[It is for Hou Yi's bow] [It is for Hou Yi]

These supreme mantras eventually turned into the symbols of the avenue, and finally condensed into a divine man wearing robes, holding a red divine bow and white feather arrows.

The god-man glanced at Li Changsheng and Hou Yi Gong.

Then salute respectfully.

Turned into nothingness.

While turning into nothingness.

Ancient and mysterious songs echoed between heaven and earth.

In the realm of mountains and seas, the emperor of heaven is handsome, and he has the connection between heaven and earth. In the Kunlun ruins, the minister Yi can eliminate six evils. He flies across the sky for ten days. Yi shoots for nine days and falls into wojiao. He will not die...

The song was not finished. .

The sound is gone...

Because it is the cause of all effects.

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