The group members who have been watching the live broadcast can't help but sigh that the group leader is really smart!

This made Chen Nan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

When resting at night, Chen Nan bought two bottles of the aura version of Red Bull at the Super Dimension Mall to cheer up and plan to sneak away secretly.

But as soon as he moved, the guard who was keeping watch gave him a cold glance, forcing him to give up his plan to escape.

Let me talk about it here, things produced by the Super Dimension Chat Group Mall can be set to be visible only to you.

So when Chen Nan drank the spiritual version of Red Bull, the guards didn't notice!

I didn't expect that I, Chen Nan, would fall to such an extent. Little devil, please don't fall into my hands...

The members of the chat group watched everything that happened.

There was a lot of discussion.

However, after confirming that Chen Nan was not in danger for the time being, everyone relaxed and joked.

Chapter 138 Hou Yi’s Bow

Chen Nan is a member of the chat group.

It's impossible to really let him become a eunuch.

Of course...

As for now.

Chen Nan seems to be relatively safe.

In the chat group.

Dragon Ball - Frieza: This little princess is quite cute...

Xiao Longnu: It's just that she is a bit unruly. She is a princess after all, and this is a fantasy world.

Your Majesty, please spare my life - Lu Shu: If you say this, it will hurt my brother Chen Nan.


The great world of Tomb of Gods.

Chen Nan saw Lu Shu speaking for him.

I was almost moved to tears!

Their group had been walking through the mountains for three days. They had seen giant dragons flying in the sky and the huge footprints of ancient giants. These made the little devil princess very excited. Every time at this time, she always asked Chen Nan to express her inner joy. As a result, Chen Nan was so excited that she foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground.

For Chen Nan, this is really an extremely painful journey. He hates and is angry with this little princess, but there is nothing he can do.

The group leader said that this is the only way for him to experience.

Even the Ancestral Sacrificial Spirit said that this fate line is irreversible...

Chen Nan was helpless.

Two days later, Chen Nan finally understood the identity of this group of people and the purpose of their trip.

The little devil princess is Chu Yu, the youngest daughter of the Emperor of Chu. She has countless favors and is deeply loved by the Emperor and Queen of Chu. The guards beside her were soldiers trained by the emperor and were loyal to her. As for the three magicians, they were not real quasi-magicians yet and were only trainees at the moment.

In a few months, it will be the sixtieth birthday of the Emperor of Chu. In order to show her filial piety, the little princess sneaked out of the palace and prepared to pick the legendary Fire Fairy Lotus from the Western Region of Chu as a birthday gift to the Emperor. But she This group of subordinates were kidnapped by her threats and intimidation.

Tell me, what will my father's expression be like after I present the Fire Immortal Lotus to him? Well, I guess he will smile from ear to ear and allow me to freely enter and leave the imperial city in the future. Haha, that's great From now on, I can go wherever I want to play, and no one will stop me anymore, haha...

Chen Nan sighed in his heart: He looks so cute now, just like an innocent little angel. The heart of a devil, the appearance of an angel!

Each of these guards had a grimace on their faces. Although they were coerced by the little princess, the emperor would definitely not care about this and would definitely punish them when the time comes.

Humph, have you all eaten bitter melon? How many times have I told you that I will definitely not let my father punish you for your crimes. The little princess was a little unhappy, looked at Chen Nan who was standing next to her, and said: Huh, you scum, how dare you snicker, come and practice with me.

In the past two days, the little princess had been calling Chen Nan a silver thief. Then a female guard whispered a few words to her. The little princess immediately realized something. First she beat Chen Nan to a pulp in shame and anger, and then she never stopped. Instead of calling him a silver thief, call him a scum and a stinky thief.

Chen Nan gritted his teeth and walked over reluctantly. He prayed in his heart: God, Buddha, angel sister, although I know that you have all entered the cemetery of gods and demons to enjoy blessings, but don't you even have a distant relative? Let them conquer the devil. Devils, ghosts, lords of hell, hurry up and take away this close relative of yours.

In the past two days, Chen Nan had practiced martial arts with the little devil princess in his eyes for many times. The little princess's martial arts was surprisingly high, and she had ravaged him so badly that his nose and face were bruised and swollen.

The little princess smiled maliciously at Chen Nan and said, Why do you look so sad? Do you think it's so uncomfortable for you to practice martial arts with me? Humph!

Haha, you've made some progress, not bad, try my trick again. Haha, you know how powerful it is, it's so funny, haha... The happy and proud laughter of the little princess came from the forest, Chen Nan's Nth move A nightmare started again.

On the sixth day, the little princess and her party finally arrived at their destination. A volcano appeared in front of them. The crater was filled with smoke and clouds, and flames seemed to erupt at any time.

Chen Nan was secretly shocked: This scary little devil is really crazy. He actually wants to go to the crater of the volcano to pick the Fire Fairy Lotus.

The guards under the little princess were extremely nervous. One of the trainee magicians said: Your Highness, is there really a fire fairy lotus in the crater?

The little princess was a little unhappy and snorted: Of course, are you scared?

The trainee magician hurriedly said: No, of course not, we will die to pick the Fire Fairy Lotus for Her Royal Highness the Princess.

The little princess said: When the master accidentally discovered the fairy lotus, it was not yet mature. Calculating the dates, these two days are the best time to pick it.

A female guard reminded: Your Royal Highness, I heard that all heavenly and earthly treasures are protected by spiritual beasts, but I didn't know about this fairy lotus...

Oh, if you didn't tell me, I almost forgot. My master said there was a small snake there. Well, you can't even deal with a small snake, right? Just pay a little attention to it then. The little princess didn't care. road.

Chen Nan secretly whispered in his heart: Pay a little attention? ! Can the spiritual beasts that guard the treasures of heaven and earth be dismissed casually? This little devil's nerves are really extraordinary. No, I can't walk in front, I'd better hide far behind.

The group of people headed towards the mountain. Chen Nan slowly moved his steps and finally landed at the back.

Scum, go to the front. The clear voice of the little princess made Chen Nan's plan fail.

He cursed secretly in his heart: Little devil... He reluctantly walked to the front of the team.

Hey, scum, what's that look in your eyes? Are you unconvinced? Do you want to learn from those masters and fight me on the top of something? Wow, great, how about we also have a fight on the top of a volcano? the little princess shouted excitedly.

Chen Nan sighed in his heart: Devil Princess!

In the chat group.

Ma Daxian, who has entered the world, said: Don't sigh, Xiaochen, your destiny is about to start, and Houyi's bow will be in place soon!

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Grandma has read the information uploaded by the group leader. Hou Yi's bow is also a supreme artifact. It seems that Chen Nan will have all the hardships, Jie Jie...

The Great Master - Muchen: Congratulations to Brother Chen!!


The great world of Tomb of Gods.

Chen Nan, who was originally looking sad, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the group leader's words.

At the same time, there was a tremor in my heart.

Houyi's bow......

He didn't expect that after ten thousand years, he would see the magical bow from the Immortal Fantasy Continent. Hou Yi's bow changed hands countless times, and its last owner was Chen Nan's father Chen Zhan thousands of years ago. Back then, Chen Zhan relied on this bow to kill three powerful men who besieged him in one day, thus becoming famous in one battle and shocking the entire Immortal Fantasy Continent.

Chen Nan's lips trembled and he said softly: Houyi Gong, I didn't expect that I would be able to meet you again after ten thousand years...

The closer they got to the crater, the higher the air temperature became, making people feel sweltering, and the rocks under their feet became hotter and hotter. Chen Nan felt a little nervous, always on guard against the little snake hiding in the dark.

Everyone finally arrived at the crater. Waves of smoke drifted out from the crater. The air was extremely hot. The crater was like an oven. Sweat dripped on the dark brown volcanic rocks and immediately evaporated and disappeared.

A fragrant and fragrant aroma wafted out from the smoke, making everyone who was tired and tired suddenly feel refreshed.

On the inner cliff of the crater, a ball of fiery red light reached everyone's eyes through the smoke, and the aroma wafted from there.

The little princess smiled and said: There really is a Fire Immortal Lotus. Master really didn't lie to me. Haha, that's great.

Everyone took out the anti-gas gauze and covered their mouths and noses. The little princess looked at Chen Nan and threw one to him, saying: Put it on quickly, the smoke is very toxic.

Chen Nan felt a little grateful in his heart. It seemed that everyone in the chat group was right. The nature of this little girl was good. .

But this idea disappeared immediately.

Just listen to the little princess continue to say: Hurry up and put it on, and quickly lead that little snake out.

He thought to himself: The devil will always be the devil!

The crater is filled with smoke and visibility is very low. Looking down, you can only see a faint light, which is undoubtedly the rolling magma. Chen Nan walked forward cautiously along the crater, secretly praying that the little snake was taking a nap.

The fragrance of the Fiery Fairy Lotus became stronger and stronger. The breeze blew gently, blowing away the smoke lingering in the crater. The scene in front of Chen Nan immediately became clear.

The Fiery Fairy Lotus is rooted on the cliff three feet below the crater. The whole plant is about half a meter tall. It is fiery red and shiny. There are nine crystal clear red leaves on the stem. The flower at the top looks like a lotus, but it is a hundred times brighter than the lotus. , the fiery red petals are as bright as a jade sculpture.

The smoke surged, and the Fire Immortal Lotus was gradually obscured, and only a fiery red light could be seen. Suddenly, Chen Nan felt a huge sense of crisis in his heart. He felt like he was being targeted by people like prey.

A pitch-black cave entrance appeared on the cliff not far from the Fiery Fairy Lotus. Two dots of blood-red light shone in the cave. With a loud rumbling sound, countless huge stones fell from the cave into the depths of the volcano. A huge object emerged from the cave. Exploded out.

Chen Nan was so horrified that he almost lost his mind. The behemoth turned out to be a huge snake head, as big as a house. The two shining blood-red lights turned out to be a pair of red eyes of the giant snake, as big as a washbasin.


Countless gravels fell into the depths of the volcano. The giant snake slowly moved outward from the cave, revealing a colorful snake body. The snake's body was covered with scales the size of a cattail fan, which was sparkling, strange and terrifying. .

Damn... damn, this... this is what the little devil said... little snake? Damn... this... this is too exaggerated. Chen Nan cursed with a trembling voice.

The giant snake stopped moving, and its blood-red eyes stared at Chen Nan. At the same time, it opened its huge mouth, revealing its white fangs. The fangs were as sharp as swords, half a meter high, ferocious and terrifying.

Chen Nan felt a cold current quickly spread from his head to his heels, and a small pimple appeared on his body.

Suddenly, a two-foot-long blood-red snake came out of the giant snake's mouth and quickly rolled towards him. The strong stench was nauseating.


Chen Nan yelled, turned around and ran away. His speed reached the highest peak in his history. As he ran, he shouted: Princess Devil Fart, I am XXXXX, you want to kill me...

In the chat group.

Ma Daxian, who calculates everything in the universe: If you want to help Xiaochen at this time, you can do it. After all, there is no fate that goes against the big line...

Please subscribe, brothers.

I don’t expect everyone to subscribe. Baidu, Xueshe, and friends who read free books can help me subscribe to a few selective books. Thank you.

Chapter 139 The Supreme Totem, a new product in the chat group mall

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: Okay, but I think little brother Chen Nan hasn't reached the critical moment of life and death yet, so don't worry...

Uchiha Madara: Well, only through life and death crises, such great horrors, can we grow, so there is no need for us to take action until the critical moment. If it disturbs the cause and effect of the Chennan brothers, it will not be beautiful!

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: I agree with what Madara said. If you want to become a strong man, you naturally need to go through the experience of blood and bones...

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: I am really looking forward to Houyi's Bow. Although it is an artifact of the fantasy world of Tomb of Gods, it definitely has merits!

Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit: Although the world level is limited, it is ancient and powerful. Houyi's Bow in the God's Tomb World is still very good... The God's Tomb World is also a good fantasy world.

God's Tomb - Nangong Xian'er: Hehe, that's it. Thank you, Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, for the compliment. The world of God's Tomb where Chen Nan and I are is really outstanding!! Proud face.jpg.

Big-eared Tutu: Hey, brother Chen Nan is in danger. Tutu has gone to kindergarten recently, so he is very busy and can't come to the chat group often. Do you have any thoughts about Tutu?

Maoshan Lin Fengjiao: Recently, poverty is caused by secular things, so I can't pay too much attention to the chat group...

Ma Daxian, Calculator of the Universe: It's okay, of course this kind of thing is understandable.

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: There are so many people in the chat group now, it's okay for you to leave the group, you don't have to mind at all.



As soon as Lu Shu said these words.

The chat group was embarrassed.


The Great Master - Muchen: Hey, Lu Shu can't help it. Everyone knows that this kid has a golden finger to collect negative emotions and resentments. Don't take it too seriously. Brother Chen Nan is in a critical moment of life and death. You should continue to watch the live broadcast.


The great world of Tomb of Gods.

The group members are chatting here.

Chen Nan was not so comfortable.

The little princess always thought that Chen Nan's dumb hole was sealed by her. Now when she heard him yelling and cursing loudly, she was first shocked, then resentful and angry. But when she saw the colorful giant snake behind Chen Nan, her face turned pale, but she quickly calmed down and finally said something that almost made Chen Nan faint: This snake is so beautiful!

Chen Nan ran towards the volcano like the wind. When passing by the little princess, he cursed: Pervert, madman, devil...

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