Lu Bu, the most filial son of the Three Kingdoms: I feel that Liu Shen's intimidation played a big role, otherwise they would have been very rude to senior Li Qiye.

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Hang: The Ancient Order of Cleansing Incest has mastered the control of these elders. In terms of temperament, Senior Li Qiye is truly invincible.

Uchiha Madara: It seems arrogant, but in fact, everything has been planned. This is Senior Li Qiye.

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the universe: It is inevitable that Senior Li Qiye will become the chief disciple, not to mention that there is Liu Shen, the incarnation of Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, here...·

Ye Fan: I will go to Mount Tai tomorrow. I hope to see Senior Li Qiye become the chief disciple before the coffin is pulled in Jiulong.

The Great Master - Muchen: Come on, Ye Zi.

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: Remember to start the live broadcast...

The Lord of the Fifth Parallel Universe-Pluto: Look forward to it.

Peach Blossom Island Little Lolita-Huang Rong: Looking forward +1

Ma Daxian, who has calculated everything in the universe: I have been waiting for a long time to climb to the sky, sing songs, and cover the sky with a snap of my fingers. I think everyone is also looking forward to it. But for now, let's take a look at Senior Li Qiye and Senior Liu Shen first.

Swallowing Starry Sky-Luo Feng: Okay!


Arbitrary through eternity.

Eternal continent.

Qiyuan Ancient Palace.

The coffin of Nine Dragons has been raised, so... the fate of the Era of Shrouded Heaven has also been opened. It's interesting... My layout has gradually unfolded.

Li Changsheng said slowly. .


The great world of Emperor Domination.

The disciples sent out came back and confirmed that Li Qiye's Ancient Cleansing Order was indeed given voluntarily by Lord Three Ghosts. Of course, the disciples who came back saved the matter of the three ghost masters having fun in Cuihong Mansion, otherwise, the six elders would look extremely ugly again.

The six elders were very reluctant to admit the Ancient Order of Cleansing Incense in Li Qiye's hands. However, Li Qiye's guardian Liu Shen was unfathomable and his ancestral precepts could not be violated. After all, the Ancient Order of Cleansing Incense Sect was the imperial lineage of the Immortal Sect, even if it declined. No, I can't afford to lose this person.

Please bring me the Mirror of Truth. The Ancient Order of Cleansing Incense was true. The six elders had no choice but to say it coldly.

Soon, the disciples invited the true mirror and shone it on Li Qiye. Any mortal who wants to join the sect and practice Taoism must go through the sect's true mirror to see the person's physique, longevity wheel, and life palace.

In the original mirror, Li Qiye's shadow was reflected. Li Qiye's shadow was dim and swaying, like a candle that could be extinguished at any time. Behind the shadow's head, there was a faint glow of blood, and there was also a faint ball of blood on his forehead. Light and shadow, however, both blood and light are blurry.

The physique is a mortal body, the life wheel is a mortal wheel, and the life palace is a mortal life. Finally, the disciple said this after detecting Li Qiye's physique, life wheel, and life palace.

Everyone has a constitution, a life wheel, and a life palace. The constitution is directly related to the strength of the body, the life wheel is related to the length of life, and the life palace is related to the quality of talent!

When they saw that Li Qiye actually had a mortal body, a mortal wheel, and a mortal life, the six elders were immediately speechless. With such a physique, such a life wheel, and such a life palace, if they were placed in the mortal world, it would be easy to grab a large one at any time. Well, as long as you are human, I am afraid that everyone has such a condition!

The chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, not to mention the imperial body or the holy body, must at least be an innate body. The same is true for the life wheel. Your conditions are not suitable for becoming the chief disciple. The chief elder said coldly .

I know. Li Qiye was not surprised and still said slowly: My condition is to become the chief disciple!

You— Li Qiye's words immediately made the other elders furious. With a physique like Li Qiye's, he couldn't become the chief disciple at all. He couldn't even meet the conditions to join the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Now he wanted to become the chief disciple. Disciple, how can this not make them angry?

I believe that the descendants of Immortal Emperor Mingren will not violate the ancestral precepts and deceive their masters to destroy their ancestors. Li Qiye spread out the ancient Cleansing Incense Order in his hand and said slowly: If this order falls into In the hands of others, the consequences would be unimaginable.”

The faces of the six elders present looked very ugly. The elder said coldly: Even so, the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, regardless of his origin or background, must undergo a comprehensive investigation. Otherwise, it is impossible to become the chief disciple. disciple!

This is your business. Li Qiye looked at the six elders and said calmly: Besides, if you think that I am sent by other sects to secretly learn your Immortal Emperor's inheritance, I don't need to become the chief disciple. With this order, I can directly ask for the secret manual, and you should know this better than me! Once I have the order in hand, it will not be difficult for me to truly intend to harm the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!

Li Qiye's words made the six elders look at each other, but they still couldn't believe Li Qiye in their hearts!

What he said is not unreasonable. Elder Xiong among the six elders couldn't help but said in deep thought: If the Ancient Order of Cleansing Incense is always outside, it will also be a hidden danger to our sect. We have no way to refuse the request of the order holder, so why not Let’s decide on this.”

Hmph - this matter is not a trivial matter! the great elder said coldly.

Throughout the generations, the chief disciple has been the master's direct disciple. Whether he succeeds or fails, why don't we ask the master what he means. Another elder couldn't help but ponder for a moment and said.

This makes sense. After all, this is the master's direct disciple. Another elder said in agreement.

Send a message to the leader. After the six elders discussed it, the elder finally said coldly.

The six elders sent news to the leader Su Yonghuang who was outside. Unexpectedly, the leader Su Yonghuang soon sent back the news. What they didn't expect was that the leader actually agreed to let Li Qiye become Chief Disciple.

The master is confused and ridiculous! The great elder read the master's message three times in a row. After confirming it, he was very dissatisfied and shouted in a deep voice.

Brother Gu, since the master has agreed, what else can we say? After all, the chief disciple is the master's direct disciple, so it can be said that the master has the final say. Elder Xiong persuaded.

Master, this is confusion. Some elders couldn't help but sigh and shake their heads.

Elder Xiong smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, Besides this, what else can we do? It is also a great merit that we can take back the Ancient Order of Cleansing Incense!


From beginning to end.

Liu Shen did not speak.


Because Liu Shen is here.

None of the elders of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect dared to touch Li Qiye.

Although even without Liu Shen, Li Qiye would be fine. .

In the chat group.

The members who watched the live broadcast couldn't help but sigh, Li Qiye is indeed the best in fantasy.

These six elders seemed to be shouting and shouting.

In fact, he was controlled by Li Qiye.

This is a conspiracy.

A replica of the behind-the-scenes stream.

In three days, I will worship the Patriarch and you will be the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. In the end, the Great Elder was very dissatisfied and said coldly.

Li Qiye sat there, with Liu Shen still beside him. He was not surprised at all by this result. He smiled calmly and said, Since I am the chief disciple, do I need one or two self-defense weapons?

Another elder was a little surprised by Li Qiye's calmness. Li Qiye was only thirteen years old, but he was calm and calm, like the master of one party. This kind of aura didn't seem to be fake, but someone like him It is impossible for a mortal to have such great courage.

However... this Liu Shen is indeed a supreme being, although he doesn't know how supreme a being he is.

Such a supreme being would be Li Qiye's protector. .

The elders were a little confused. . .

The elder glanced at Li Qiye, shook his head and said: Although you are now the chief disciple, I can give you one or two ordinary weapons. If you want treasures, then it is just nonsense. If you want to be powerful, If you want to use the treasured weapon and Immortal Emperor technique, you must have enough merit for the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. This is the rule of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect.

Li Qiye couldn't help but smile. His goal was of course not the Immortal Emperor's technique or the world's most ancient technique. His eyes fell on the burnt black stick next to the fireworks niche and said: Okay, then I want that How about a stick?”

That wooden stick? Hearing Li Qiye's request, the other elders couldn't help but froze for a moment, because the wooden stick placed next to the fireworks niche was the one used by the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect to remove the ashes when burning paper money to worship the ancestor. stick. It seemed like the stick had always been there, and no one was interested in it.

The elders present thought that Li Qiye wanted some treasure or imperial technique because of his status as the chief disciple. Unexpectedly, he actually wanted a wooden stick. This was beyond their expectations!

Li Qiye said leisurely: Since I am the chief disciple, in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, regardless of status or status, it is important and represents excellence and longevity. This wooden stick came from this hall, this The main hall is the ancestral hall of our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, and it is of extraordinary significance. Speaking of it, this stick also has an extraordinary origin. It represents the authority of our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, and it is also suitable for my status as the chief disciple...

Li Qiye opened his mouth and talked about a lot of truths. Elder Xiong and the others looked at Li Qiye as if they were idiots. At this time, they had only one idea, or maybe only gamblers and prostitutes like San Guiye would deal with Li Qiye. An idiot like Li Qiye has the same resemblance!

Okay, I'll give you this stick. The great elder interrupted Li Qiye impatiently. For him, this was just a fire stick, not worth mentioning. He was too lazy to listen to Li Qiye's speech. What a bunch of idiots talking!

Okay, thank you elder for giving me the stick. This was what Li Qiye was waiting for, so he copied it in his hand and pinned it to his waist. In the eyes of the elders, his actions were almost like an idiot.

Liu Shen felt a little funny when he saw this scene.

These people's vision is too low.

The aura and Taoist charm contained in this fire-burning stick were so obvious that one actually thought it was just an ordinary wooden stick.

Huairen, take him and live where he should live! Finally, an elder became impatient and ordered his disciples to send Li Qiye away.

Liu Shen naturally followed Li Qiye. .

However, he transformed into a Yang God state and only Li Qiye could see it.

This made the elders even more awed.

For the six elders, what happened today was as heart-breaking as it could be. A loser turned out to be the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Even though the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is no longer as good as it used to be, it still doesn’t allow a useless idiot to become the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect!

But this piece of trash does have the ancient order of cleansing the face, and there is also a supreme being as its protector.

Liu Shen and Li Qiye were taken to a lonely peak by the disciples of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. The peak was not too small. There was more than ten acres of land on the top of the peak, and there was a small courtyard on the top of the peak.

Looking at this small courtyard, it is somewhat in disrepair and is very overgrown with weeds and vines. Although this solitary peak is relatively remote within the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, it is still within the sect's territory.

Opening the small courtyard, the disciple said to Li Qiye: Junior brother, no, senior brother will live here from now on. This disciple changed his words quite quickly.

In terms of entry time, Li Qiye cannot compare with him, but now Li Qiye is the chief disciple, so in terms of seniority, no matter how old he is, as long as he is a third-generation disciple, he must call Li Qiye senior brother.

Li Qiye glanced at the disciple who was able to change his words immediately, looked at the surrounding environment, and was not picky. He nodded and said: Gushan Yuanying, this is also a good place.

It just so happens that this mountain peak is called Lone Peak. The disciple couldn't help but smile. Having said this, the disciple couldn't help but look at Li Qiye a few more times, then laughed dryly and said, Senior brother will move into the main peak in the future.

In fact, according to the rules of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, as the chief disciple, he is certainly qualified to live on the main peak. The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has many main peaks, and its chief disciple can be said to be qualified to choose any main peak to live in.

However, now that the major peaks of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect are occupied by people, the six elders are very dissatisfied with the chief disciple like Li Qiye who has snuck in. Of course, they will not let him live in the main peaks.

There are of course many benefits to being able to enter the main peak. One of the biggest benefits is that the essence of heaven and earth on the main peak is much richer than that of the side branches and secondary peaks.

Just live here. Li Qiye said calmly. He didn't find fault with such things, Gujing Wubo.

I have brought the items that senior brother needs. This disciple was experienced and thoughtful. He gave Li Qiye the items needed for daily life and said: If senior brother needs anything, you can come to me in the outer hall.

What's your name? When this disciple was leaving, Li Qiye stopped him and asked casually.

at the same time.

In the chat group.

Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: This is the model. I think this polite disciple is going to have great luck. Senior Li Qiye will give him good luck. It's so awesome. I can't wait to see Senior Li Qiye pretending to slap him in the face. Well, it would be better if Lord Liu Shen, the incarnation of Lord Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, shows up again.

Chapter 134

Ma Daxian of Calculate the World: Squirrel Airlines is right. In fact, this kind of seemingly clichéd plot and development is the foundation of the fantasy world. I am fortunate to be the group leader of the chat group, and with the permission of the group leader, this kind of seemingly clichéd plot and development can be achieved by everyone. The cliche plot is actually influenced by [Incredible·Traditional Fantasy Avenue]...

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: ..., what the group leader said is too mysterious, I can't understand it...

Great Master - Muchen: I feel it in my heart, but I don't understand its deep meaning.

Swallowing Starry Sky - Luo Feng: I feel the same as Muchen.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: Jiejiejiejiejiejie, I don't understand you at all, grandma...

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: Can the leader of the group stop being the Riddler?

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Jian: I can roughly know what the group leader said, but I can't express it.

Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit: The group leader is very good, but I still don't want to talk about this now. There is supreme cause and effect.

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: Hiss-----------Even the Master Ancestor Sacrificial Spirit said that there is supreme cause and effect, stop talking about it now.

The true gentleman of Huashan --- Yue Buqun: Shut up.jpg.

Your Majesty, please spare my life - Lu Shu: Be well behaved.jpg...

Ma Daxian, who calculated everything in the world, said: Then I won't say anything anymore. Thank you, Master Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, for reminding me.


Arbitrary through eternity.

Eternal continent.

Qiyuan Ancient Palace.

Li Changsheng looked at the message sent by Ma Daxian.

There are so many thoughts in my mind.

As expected, the rights of this group of masters are different from their own administrator rights.

The secret that I only know through the causes of all effects.

Ma Daxian also knew it through the authority of the group leader.

As for what it is [Incredible·Traditional Fantasy Avenue].

This involves the origin of all fantasy worlds in the heavens and the world.

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