Cultivation chat group - Squirrel Airlines: I'm so angry. When will we, the lower-level members, stand up? Damn it!

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: Song Shuhang, don't pretend, your future is not bad either!!

Prequel to Lotus Lantern - Yang Erlang: Watch the live broadcast with peace of mind. For an existence and world at the level of Senior Li Qiye, it is good fortune to watch more. Stop arguing...


Because of Yang Jian's words, the chat group became quiet.

The great world of Emperor Domination.

Not long after Li Qiye, Liu Shen, and Three Ghost Masters left, a woman of extraordinary grace and beauty walked out of Tianhai City. She was like a fairy on blue waves or a goddess on the Hanhai. When she walked out of the city gate and was about to go far away, suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the remaining corner of the paper money burned in Chenggen. On this corner of the paper money, there was a faint symbol.

As soon as she saw this symbol, the goddess' face changed drastically and she said in a deep voice: Who was burning paper money here just now!

An old servant beside her quickly got the answer and informed him: I heard from the guard that there was a man in white, an old man and a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old burning paper money here not long ago.

Chase them and find them! The goddess immediately said in a deep voice.

Your Highness is going to the Holy Mountain. The old servant couldn't help but say.

Chase— As soon as the goddess finished speaking, she had already gone away and chased him instantly.

In the end, the goddess still couldn't find the person who burned the paper money. She returned to Zhentianhai City. The goddess was silent for a long time. That symbol had not appeared in Zhentianhai City for a long time. Why did this symbol appear again after tens of thousands of years? Friend or foe?

Your Highness, I didn't find the person who burned the paper money. Finally, the loyal old servant reported back.

Go ahead and tell everyone to pay attention to these two people. Don't make any publicity. If you have any news, report it to me immediately. The goddess said in a deep voice.

These words made the old servant stunned. They suppressed the sky and sea city and intimidated the world. Their highness, the Goddess of Suppressing the Sea, was also famous in the world. It was rare to see her look so dignified.

Over there at the sacred mountain - the old servant couldn't help but said in deep thought.

Cancel—— the goddess said in a deep voice: I need to look through the ancient books left by my ancestors. This thing is a bit weird! After saying that, she entered the deepest forbidden area of ​​Zhentianhai City.

The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is located in the territory of the Holy Treasure Kingdom. The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect can be said to be a long-established inheritance. It is an imperial lineage of the Immortal Sect. In the early years of the era of emperors, Immortal Emperor Mingren, who looked down upon the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, founded the sect here and named it the Cleansing Incense Sect. Ancient school.

Unfortunately, millions of years have passed and times have changed. The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is no longer the imperial lineage of the Immortal Sect that once dominated the wilderness. Countless years have passed and the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has begun to decline. Although the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has also experienced a revival, , still unable to reverse the decline.

Elder, I'm sorry, there is a mortal from the sect who wants to be our chief disciple. On this day, the great elder of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect got up early, and his disciples hurriedly came to report.

Blow him down the mountain! The great elder said without even looking at him: Do you still need to report such a small matter?

A mortal wants to be the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect? Is this a joke? The chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has a different meaning. The other meaning of chief disciple is the heir to the sect. The chief disciple is often likely to become the next generation of sect leader. Although the leader is not in the sect, the elders can still make the decision in this matter.

But, but, he, he was recommended by the Third Ghost Master, and he was followed by an extremely extraordinary young man in white, who looked extremely noble. The disciple couldn't help but muttered.

Three ghost masters? The man in white clothes. The elder couldn't help but glanced at him and said, Isn't he asking for a drink from this young man in white clothes and promising benefits to others?

Master Sangui, yes, he is indeed a member of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, but the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is even more unwilling to admit that he is a member of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect.

Master Three Ghosts, this name sounds very majestic, but this name makes the elders of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect look bad. The Three Ghost Lord has three great hobbies: wealth, gambling, and prostitution. He calls himself a Lord, so he is teased as the Three Ghost Lord.

Chapter 132: The arrogant Immortal Emperor fights three thousand emperors with one hand and conquers thirteen continents with two palms

In the chat group.

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: This Three Ghost Lord is really disgusting and abandoned.

Peach Blossom Island little loli - Huang Rong: Didn't the group leader say that the Third Ghost Master is very important?

My Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: Don't worry, Senior Li Qiye's fate has just begun, and we can't see anything yet.

A Chinese Ghost Story-Tree Demon Grandma: I find that this situation is very common in fantasy worlds.

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: Speaking of which, what level is the Immortal Emperor of the Imperial World?

The Great Master - Muchen: Curious!

Ma Daxian, who has entered the universe: I can't explain a word or two clearly. The upper and lower limits are too high, so I'll just say it briefly...------

Powerful ones such as the Immortal Emperor Arrogant and Heng, who became the first Immortal Emperor of the human race in the Manghuang era, have 12 fate palaces. Carrying 1 destiny of the Immortal Emperor. There is a poem that praises: Fighting three thousand emperors with one hand, pushing across thirteen continents with two palms. He is the only undefeated Immortal Emperor in all eternity. The arrogant Immortal Emperor is undefeated throughout his life. Even when he was young, no matter what kind of powerful enemy he encountered, he would still push past him and no one could stop him.

The Emperor's Domination World is an infinite fantasy world with the appearance of supreme fantasy. I don't know the specific state of the Arrogant Immortal Emperor, but it is only stronger than the current Lord Sacrifice Spirit, and will definitely not be better than the one in the future. Emperor Huang Tian, ​​Ye Fan and Luo Fengcha.

And it will continue to get stronger.

Fire Fist Ace: Hey, is this arrogant Immortal Emperor so terrifying?

The most filial son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: Fighted three thousand emperors with one hand, pushed across thirteen continents with two palms. Good guy, so domineering!

Ye Fan: Fighting Three Thousand Emperors with one hand, pushing across thirteen continents with two palms... I feel an invincible and invincible spirit, and my future will be the same!

A Chinese Ghost Story - Dryad Grandma: It will probably take a long time for the leaves to grow. Senior Li Qiye's fate line has just opened. It's probably still early to meet this arrogant Immortal Emperor.

Female General of the Empire - Esdeath: The old witch is right. Now I want to see what the incarnation of Lord Sacrifice Spirit, Senior Li Qiye and Master Three Ghosts are going to do. And I also want to know about this Cleansing Incense Ancient The origin of Pie.”

Swallowing Starry Sky - Luo Feng: Then continue watching the live broadcast.

The great world of Emperor Domination.

It doesn't matter if the Third Ghost Lord recommends him, send him down the mountain! The great elder was not in the mood, but this name ruined his good mood early in the morning.

But, but, but, he, he, he has the ancient cleansing order of the Third Ghost Lord in his hand. And he said that the man in white must be the honorary sect master. The disciple muttered.

The ancient order of cleansing the face! Upon hearing this, the great elder couldn't help but change his expression. After pondering for a while, he ordered: Summon the other elders and ask the mortals and the man in white to wait in the main hall!

There are a total of six elders in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. When the other five elders heard the Cleansing Incense Ancient Order, their expressions changed and they had no choice but to attend.

The Ancient Orders of Cleansing Incense are three ancient orders left by Immortal Emperor Mingren, the founder of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. The other two were recovered a long time ago, but for unknown reasons, the last one fell into the hands of the Three Ghosts. In my hands.

In addition to the fact that the previous generation leader told him to take care of the Third Ghost Master, the Third Ghost Master can still stay in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect and the elders have nothing to do with him. Another reason is because he has an Ancient Order of Cleansing Incense in his hand.

Those who carry out this order, such as Immortal Emperor Mingren, are here. Those who carry out this order can put forward a condition to the ancient order of Cleansing Incense.

Sitting in the main hall of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, looking at the ancient main hall and the statue in the upper hall that was dimly smoked by fireworks, Li Qiye couldn't help but be reminded of many dusty past events.

The statue of Immortal Emperor Akihito is enshrined in the upper hall of the main hall. Although countless years have passed, the dim statue still has an ancient divine power. It towers high to the sky, and the heart of worship arises spontaneously.

Looking at the statue, Li Qiye felt various emotions in his heart. How many years have passed, Immortal Emperor Akihito is no longer alive, but he has lived for one era after another. Today, he finally got his body back as he wished, but how many influential figures have disappeared In the clouds and smoke.

Thinking back to that year, when the age of ancient underworld ended and the age of emperors began, his soul was trapped in the crow. At that time, after countless years of hard work, he had temporarily escaped the control of the Immortal Demon Cave.

Thinking back to the time when he met Immortal Emperor Akihito, Immortal Emperor Akihito was still a young man who had not been exposed to the Tao, a young man who was passionate about ancient Taoism but also liked to practice martial arts!

I recall that it was he who introduced Immortal Emperor Akihito into the world of monks. Unfortunately, millions of years later, the generations of invincible creatures had disappeared into smoke.

Look at Li Qiye's expression.

When Li Qiye's eyes fell on a black wooden stick next to the fireworks niche under the statue, he couldn't help but be surprised. Then he couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth and smile. Countless years passed, but he didn't expect The stick is still there.

I think back to those days when he beat those young men until they howled and screamed. How high-spirited those young men were back then...

At this time, the six elders of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect filed in. Although the six elders of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect were not young, they were full of vigor and vitality. Each elder had a fierce aura and a precious light glowing around him.

Although it is said that the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has declined, after all, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is the imperial lineage of the Immortal Sect. If the elders of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect are willing to enter the Holy Treasure Kingdom and be granted titles, they may be able to be named heroes!

Liu Shen on the side knew that this man was beginning to recall the glory of the past and plan for the future.

So Liu Shen didn't speak.

As the incarnation of this deity, he is fortunate enough to come to this supreme fantasy world.

What he needs to do is to follow Li Qiye and learn how to fill the cup. No, it is to understand the supreme truth of this world.

The six elders' sharp eyes fell on Li Qiye.

But when they saw Liu Shen.

The pupils shrank immediately.

The hairs all over the body stand upside down.

A great instinctive terror swept through my heart.

This is a supremely strong man.

Powerful beyond their knowledge.

Liu Shen smiled warmly.

Standing next to Li Qiye.

and didn't speak.

This senior is...

The great elder asked respectfully.

This is Liu Shen. You can regard him as my protector. He is not from this world, but he is definitely not an existence that you can imagine. Letting him be the honorary sect master can ensure that the sect is safe.

Li Qiye said.

Not from this world...

The six elders were extremely shocked.

Because of the problem of vision, they thought wrongly. .

But the final direction is correct.

That means Liu Shen is the boss.

There is no doubt about this.

Because when Liu Shen appears, the feeling and style of painting are different...

So although Liu Shen didn't speak.

But the six elders did not dare to be disrespectful. .

As for Li Qiye’s attitude.

They also had to shift.

But the attitude is definitely not that good.

Where is the Ancient Order of Cleansing Incense? Finally, the Great Elder spoke in a deep voice and said calmly. For the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Order can be said to be of great importance. This is something left by their ancestor, Immortal Emperor Akihito.

Li Qiye slowly opened his palm, revealing a simple token. When the Third Ghost Master sent him to the town at the foot of the mountain of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, Li Qiye did not expect that the Third Ghost Master would actually dive into the Cuihong Building.

Before the third ghost master left, he threw him an ancient order of cleansing face. In fact, Li Qiye did not expect that the Third Ghost Master actually possessed the Ancient Order of Cleansing Incense.

After Immortal Emperor Akihito assumed the destiny, even though he was still a crow, Immortal Emperor Akihito also gave him three Ancient Orders of Cleansing Incense. Later, Li Qiye gave these three ancient orders to other people!

Li Qiye was deeply moved to see this order again after millions of years. He did not expect that he did not need this order back then, but today he actually used this ancient order to cleanse the face.

The six elders read the Ancient Order of Cleansing Incense carefully and were finally able to confirm that the Ancient Order of Cleansing Incense was indeed genuine. This made the six elders look at each other involuntarily.

In fact, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has always wanted to take back this ancient order. The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has used many methods to take back this order from the Third Ghost Master. However, the Third Ghost Master also knows that this ancient order belongs to him. The amulet has been refused to be returned to the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Unexpectedly, Master Sangui would give this ancient order to an unknown mortal today.

Where is the Third Ghost Master? the great elder couldn't help but said coldly. The Great Elder has never had a good look towards this Third Ghost Master who is fond of money, gambling and prostitution. Even if he is really the illegitimate son of the previous generation leader, the Great Elder would not like to see him in his heart!

He went to Cuihong Tower. Li Qiye said calmly.

Such words made the six elders lose their composure. Although they did not admit that Master Sangui was a member of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, in fact, he was a member of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Of course the six elders knew where Cuihong Mansion was. It was the most famous brothel under the mountain and the largest brothel within a thousand miles!

This is not the first time that something like this has happened, and it is not the first time that Mr. Sangui has visited Cuihong Mansion! The six elders were particularly depressed. They wished that the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect did not have such a romantic guest!

What do you want? Another elder said in a deep voice. They didn't know what method Li Qiye used to make Master Sangui willing to give him the Ancient Cleansing Token. However, the Ancient Cleansing Token in front of them was genuine.

I heard that the position of the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect is still vacant. Master Sangui also strongly recommended me to be the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Therefore, I want to be the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. Li Qiye slowly said said.

Such words immediately made the six elders' faces darken. When would a prostitute like Mr. Sangui be qualified to recommend the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect? Besides, the selection of the chief disciple of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has always been cautious. Incomparable, otherwise, this seat would not always be vacant.

The position of chief disciple is not a child's play! We dare not have any objections to Senior Liu Shen being the honorary sect master. If you say...except for the chief disciple, we will agree to anyone you choose. The elder said coldly.

I know. Li Qiye said calmly: However, those who hold the ancient order of Cleansing Incense can make a request. This is the rule set by your master, Immortal Emperor Mingren.

The ancient order in your hand may have come from a wrong origin. The great elder said coldly. The position of chief disciple is not a trivial matter, it can only be trivial.

Li Qiye was not surprised and said slowly: I understand that the elders are afraid that I took it from Master Sangui. If you don't believe it, you can send someone to Cuihong Tower to confirm.

Hearing the words Cuihonglou, the six elders immediately blushed, but they immediately sent their disciples to confirm.

at the same time.

In the chat group.

Chapter 133 The fate of the Era of Shrouded Heaven is about to open. Li Qiye is worthy of being the number one forcing king of fantasy.

Your Majesty, spare your life - Lu Shu: Haha, as expected of Senior Li Qiye, he shows his true character all the time.

A Chinese Ghost Story - Grandma Dryad: Jie Jie...Senior Li Qiye has mastered these people. He is worthy of being a big boss who has been planning for endless years.

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