I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 10 Chapter 164: Forming the Ministry of Space to enter space

Pepper Potts knew that the other party was an official intelligence agency at this time, but she still didn't want to go, so she used the FBI and the CIA to frighten Coulson and said:

"The Department of Defense, the FBI, and the China-Buy Intelligence Bureau have all approached us."

Coulson heard the intimidation in Pepper Poze's words, but he refused to let it, and said seriously, "We are an independent department with more centralized functions. We want to hear the details of Stark's escape."

Pepper Potts was shaken by Coulson's seriousness, and she had to say, "I'll make arrangements."

"Thank you."

After speaking, Coulson withdrew. At this time, Tony's friend, U.S. Air Force Colonel James Rhodes, sat down and asked Potts, curious about the content of the press conference.

"What is he doing at this press conference?"

"I don't know what's going on, I don't know what he wants to do."


Location: Manhattan, New York City, Stark Building Press Conference Hall.

Time: Sunday, October 7, 2007 at 09:35 am.

"Can you all sit down, can you see me when you sit down? I can see you too, so you can be a little more casual..."

Tony sat on the marble while talking.

Hearing Tony's words, the reporters were surprised, but they all knew Tony's usual behavior, so they sat down obediently. Obadiah felt a little embarrassed, but seeing everyone sat down, he had to sit down and sit down. Next to Tony, said:

"Nice to see you back safely."

"Me too," Tony replied, but his next sentence took a different angle, leaving Obadiah unable to reply, allowing Tony to continue.

"I didn't catch the last time my father, I didn't catch the last time I saw him."

Speaking of this, Tony suddenly thought silently, and the atmosphere on the field became quiet. It was only after the flash of the camera appeared in Tony's eyes that he continued.

"I want to ask him what he thinks about the production of arms."

"Whether it has contradicted, has it moved, or is it still the same as the media reports, he is a tough guy."

"I saw with my own eyes the young soldiers sent by the army to protect me, die with the weapons I intended to protect them..."

Tony: "I also found that...I'm becoming part of this irresponsible world."

Hearing Tony's words, Obadiah was immediately surprised, thinking that this guy was talking about nonsense. Tony, who has always been so careless, would say such a thing, what a hell.

Seeing the very self-reproachful expression on Tony's face, the reporters became excited and shouted, "Mr. Stark!" "Mr. Stark!"

In the face of the reporter's question, Tony seemed very calm again and said, "Please speak."

A reporter couldn't wait to ask, "What happened there?"

Unexpectedly, Tony did not answer the reporter's words directly, but talked about another direction that can also be used in news.

"I woke up and realized that in addition to making weapons, I can contribute more to the world, so I decided to close the Starlight Enterprise Weapons Department!"

Obadiah, who just heard Tony's first two sentences, thought that this guy was going to make a fool of himself to donate money again, and he was so happy that he could borrow the money to get the foundation, and then evade taxes.

Who knew that Tony would actually say such a thing, Obadiah suddenly panicked, lost his previous calm and foresight, and quickly stood up to smooth the way, and at the same time competed with Tony for the microphone.

"The focus of the press conference is that Tony is back!"

Tony: "I will shut down Stark Enterprises Arms Production, effective immediately, until I find new goals for the company and other stability in the right direction!"

Obadiah: "And he's fitter than ever!"

Tony: "And I'll be aligned with the best interests of the world!"

Obadiah: "We'll discuss it further."

Tony: "I will also form the Department of Space to go into space..."

(The original text is and I will be with the country, but it was 2008, and now it is 20 years, so here is a small change to expand Tony's mind to the whole world, not just the country.)


Location: Manhattan, New York City, Stark Building Press Conference Hall.

Time: Sunday, October 7, 2007 at 09:39 am.

"Speaking of which, we have been fishing in troubled waters, okay?" asked the white horse holding the camera.

Team White Horse, Montenegro who was holding the transmitter, asked, "Isn't it bad to fish?"

White Horse replied, "Of course, but I'm more afraid of being discovered by the enemy. We still don't know if they joined S.H.I.E.L.D."

Hearing this, Montenegro couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't worry, S.H.I.E.L.D. was very stupid in the early stage, and there were a lot of brain-damage operations."

Thinking of the senior's words, Bai Ma retorted, "But I heard the senior say that if you join SHIELD in the early stage, you can do a lot of tasks, and you can follow the story line of SHIELD agents."

Hearing "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." in Baima's mouth, Montenegro suddenly remembered that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ended the plot, and said angrily: "Fuck, no matter how many tasks there are in the plot line, it is still a beginning. When I return to the real world, I will Make sure to convert the points to money and remake Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"By the way, NTR must be killed, I am a pure love party!" Montenegro added.

"However, even if you remake Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the plot of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Infinite Space, Lord Shen Kongwen, and Nightmare Space will not change."

Before Montenegro's wound was healed, Baima made up for it.

This caused Montenegro, who heard this sentence and thought of it at the same time, the anger in his heart was like a volcanic eruption, but before he could make a sound of "aaaah", violent vibrations and explosions occurred on the ground of the Stark Building at the same time. occur.



Under the violent vibration and explosion, everyone in the hall could not help falling down, and even the curtains covering the hall and the backstage were torn off, revealing Zhou Wenwen in medieval armor.

But Tony, Zhou Wenwen, White Horse, Montenegro, and two female reporters in white collars stood up, and the faces of the six people who saw each other became very exciting.

But before the action of the six people occurred, the violent vibration and explosion sounded again, but at the same time, there was the sound of accelerating footsteps running.

Driven by curiosity, the six survived the shock and explosion~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and saw that the initiator of all this was Burning Man.

But most importantly, the man in red and black with a spider on his head, who leaped in front of Burning Man and stuck to the ceiling.

Zhou Wenwen, Baima, Montenegro, and two female reporters in white collars subconsciously called out, "Spider-Man?"

"Peter Parker?"

"the Amazing Spider-Man?"

"You know me?"

Hearing the voices of the five people, the man couldn't help being surprised. He pulled down the mask curiously, revealing the faces of the five people that were very familiar to them, that is ——————!


To be continued

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Chapter 0165 Announcement of the Water Lai Shield

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