I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 10 Chapter 163: Time-limited tasks

"Or are you confident that you can dodge bullets without that armor?"

Before Zhou Wenwen spoke, the hunter and cheetah who saw their master threatened immediately jumped up, one was about to pounce on Tony, and the other was about to pounce on the master to resist the bullets.

Unexpectedly, Tony had already prepared a response. The ground under the hunter and the cheetah suddenly became heavy, and the two Transformers were firmly sucked to the ground.

Zhou Wenwen, who didn't expect this step, was a little surprised, but he didn't panic. He didn't even raise his hands. After drinking the orange juice calmly, when he was about to speak, he saw Tony removed the pistol and showed that there was no bullet.

"Go back."

Zhou Wenwen couldn't help being surprised, but he didn't show it on his face, but very calmly reprimanded the hunter and the cheetah to step back, and the hunter and the cheetah who received Zhou Wenwen's order had to step back.

"Tony, what do you want to know?"

Zhou Wenwen took a deep look at Tony, and he found that the temperament of Tony in front of him was not the same person as the Tony he saw in the movie.

And the reason for this difference-----Zhou Wenwen doesn't know.

Because he didn't want to know, and he came here this time to "be famous", that is, to rub off the heat, to rub off the heat of Tony's preparation to close the weapons production conference.

"Who knows?" Tony said, turning off the projection screen, because when he heard Zhou Wenwen's words, Tony already understood what the answer he wanted to know.

Seeing this scene, the hunters and cheetahs couldn't help but look at each other, they seemed to be in trouble.


Half an hour later, the two and Transformers came to the Stark Building in Manhattan, and the two walked into the press conference hall. After Tony asked his assistant to notify the reporter of the press conference, Zhou Wenwen also put on the overclocking armor in time.

Not only that, ten minutes ago, Zhou Wenwen's Transformers in Detroit all transformed into vehicles and flew towards Manhattan.

The reason for this is the time-limited mission that was suddenly spawned.

Of course, what Zhou Wenwen didn't know was that Tony had completed the development of the Mark 2 (not yet tested), and came to the Stark Building together. He was passing the elevator and, under the supervision of his butler, arrived at Tony's temporary installation. hall.


Time-limited mission, the 1st Manhattan Guard Battle: "Unfinished" mission evaluation: B.

Quest rewards: 3 A-level quest main lines, 3 C-level quest branch lines, 30,000 reputation.

The mission "Fighting the Otherworld Invasion 1 Manhattan Air Defense Battle" has been changed.

Description: Just in case, a force from another world decided to send a combat team to test the safety of air coordinates and the continuity of space gaps.

You must organize your forces to stop the combat team from completing the test.

Mission requirements:

Kill 3 elite wandering warriors (0/1).

Kill and capture 5 Antanderas (0/3).

Destroy 60 F/A-1-D aerial bombardment magic golems. (0/60)

Destroy 120 F/A-1-D aerial combat magic golems. (0/120)



Beware of intruders who fish in troubled waters.


The first time he received the task, Zhou Wenwen called the hunter and asked everyone to go to Manhattan from Detroit, and because Zhou Wenwen's hand was aboveboard, the sensitive Tony also quickly discovered the crisis.

Because Tony did a comparison of Zhou Wenwen's battles, he found that every time Zhou Wenwen played, he would call all of them, so when Zhou Wenwen called someone, Tony knew something was wrong.

But he still decided to go check it out. To this end, Tony asked his butler to transport the Mark 2 to the Stark Building, Tony's temporary installation hall, in a statement that imitated medieval armor collections.

Then Tony took a chance and went to the installation hall in the name of the toilet, activated Mark 2 before 9:10, and returned to the press conference hall.


Location: Manhattan, New York City, Stark Building Press Conference Hall.

Time: Sunday, October 7, 2007 at 09:15 am.

"So, is your speech ready?" Zhou Wenwen asked curiously, looking at Tony who was thinking about what to wear.

"What's wrong?" Tony asked.

"Don't you want to read a manuscript for your speech," Zhou Wenwen said.

"That thing works occasionally, but certainly not now," Tony replied.

...As time passed, and soon, reporters gathered in the press conference hall, and Tony walked out of the backstage at 9:30 in time.

And Zhou Wenwen is naturally in the background, he hasn't come out yet, because the guy Colson is right in front, greeting Potts.

Like in the movie, Tony appeared with a hamburger, but this time his hand recovered, so Tony carried 6 burger thermos bags himself, and the butler Happy also appeared with a hamburger thermos bag and "divided" the burgers one by one. reporters on site.

It's not so much a "point" as a toss, and those reporters grabbed the hamburger flexibly, but they didn't eat it due to etiquette.

Obadiah Stani also received the hamburger. Although he was very hungry, he felt that it was not very good, so he suppressed his hunger and waited for Tony's publication.

"Can you all sit down, can you see me when you sit down? I can see you too, so you can mess around a little..."

Tony sat on the marble while talking.


Location: Manhattan, New York City, Stark Building Press Conference Hall.

Time: Sunday, October 7, 2007 at 09:29 am.

Before the launch, Coulson found the opportunity to chat alone with Virginia Pepper Potts.

Coulson called, "Miss Potts."

Hearing the voice, Virginia Pepper Potts couldn't help turning her head to look at Coulson, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Coulson said, "Can I have a word with you?"

Pepper Potts heard the words and judged that this guy was a reporter who wanted to dig up Tony's private news from his side.

Pepper Potts, who was determined to refuse, said, "I don't need me at the press conference for the time being, but it will start soon."

Coulson, who heard the meaning of Pepper Poze's words, quickly corrected, "I'm not a reporter, I'm Agent Coulson, representing the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency."

Coulson said, and handed over the business card.

Strategic, Enforcement and Logistics (Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau ~ www.wuxiamtl.com ~ Phil Coulson, LV8)

(ps: I don’t know the style of American business cards, so I just talk about the possible contents of business cards. Those who know are welcome to correct them.)

Hearing Coulson's words, Pepper Potts couldn't help complaining, "It's really convoluted."

Hearing this, Coulson, who felt embarrassed, quickly explained, "I know, we are also trying to solve this small problem."

Pepper Potts knew that the other party was an official intelligence agency at this time, but she still didn't want to go, so she used the FBI and the CIA to frighten Coulson and said:


To be continued

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Chapter 0164 Announcement of the formation of the Ministry of Space to enter space

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