I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 9 Chapter 244: 1st world crisis

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Medivh reveals his identity as the crowd gathers.

Medivh appeared in the dreams of Thrall, the night elf Malfurion Stormrage, and Jaina, telling them to form a coalition against the Burning Legion.

Medivh said he was Medivh, the last guardian of Tirisfal, who introduced the orcs and the Burning Legion to Azeroth.

Jaina, Thrall, and Malfurion believed in Medivh and understood that victory could only be achieved by joining forces, so they joined forces to defend Nordrassil, the world tree.

In the final moments of the decisive battle, the spirit of nature answered the call of the Horn of Cenarius, surrounded Archimonde, and destroyed the demon forever.

After the war, Medivh believed that the world was safe, and thus repaid a little of the sins he had committed. He has since disappeared and has become a "legend of the past".

He continued Azeroth's future, and he could be considered a little redemption for his past mistakes.

But what no one thought was that this was just the beginning, Lich King, Old God, Pandaria, Cataclysm, Iron Horde, Burning Legion, Broken Isle, Battle for Azeroth, Shadow Realm...


Zhou Wenwen remembers that the monsters in Karazhan, the Tower of Medivh, mainly include the following types.

The first is the demons that ran from the Mirror Tower. These demons were summoned by Sargeras, the dark side of Medivh, to covertly deal with his enemies - the Council of Tirisfal. After Medivh's death, some The demon escapes the Medivh seal and escapes.

The second type is alien invasion creatures. Due to the huge space-time rift that appeared on the top of Karazhan, many alien creatures came to this world.

Medivh's Experimental Creatures: Like Dalaran, Medivh has his own experimental creatures, both living creatures and puppets of his own creation.

Some are even summoned from another world (the difference from the above is that one was summoned by Medivh, and the other came by himself through the crack at the top of the tower).

The third are illusions, which are fragments of the past and future, and theoretically can't really hurt the player... but if you add the effects of curses and spells...

The fourth type is the cursed soul. The souls of the explorers who died in Karazhan were cursed by the tower itself, unable to obtain supernatural life, and were forced to perform in Karazhan's dance halls and opera houses forever.

In addition, the spirits of Karazhan's inhabitants and Medivh's servants roam the tower. All the player needs to do is to free them.

The fifth is Medivh's mana residue.

Medivh's powerful power condenses the mana residue after his spell into some arcane elements, and these elements have a long-term effect.

Finally, a huge space-time rift was formed on the top of Karazhan, which was swallowing the top of the tower at an extremely slow speed.

Seeing that the Curtain Forest has not appeared, so now Medivh is not dead, then the fifth and first type of Medivh Tower Karazhan monsters will not appear.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenwen's heart suddenly moved, and the dog dragon warlock quickened his speed and tried to reach Karazhan, the tower of Medivh, as soon as possible.


Location: Transformers Base Detroit.

When: Friday, October 12, 2007 at 9pm.

Although it is 9 o'clock at this time, the Transformers base in Detroit is still brightly lit. This is because Zhou Wenwen spared no effort to invest in the six plans, which makes major metal material companies, farms, and grain merchants very happy. The Transformers signed a contract, and one truck after another of supplies was pulled into the Transformers base.

The six plans are:

The first plan allocates $1 trillion to purchase materials for the construction of the annular particle acceleration and collision laboratory, of which 30 million will be spent on the account, and 70 million will be spent on the rest.

The second plan allocates US$200 billion to purchase three or more farms to raise more than 1,000 heads of edible meat animals, of which 50 billion will be contributed to the balance and 150 billion to the rest.

The third plan is to allocate 500 billion US dollars to purchase materials to manufacture more than 6 new 120mm electromagnetic railgun space-based weapon systems, of which the balance is 100 billion and the rest is 400 billion.

The fourth plan is to allocate 900 billion US dollars to purchase cereals mainly for human consumption, such as corn and rice, and store them in the heart of the castle.

The fifth plan allocates 300 billion US dollars to purchase various metal ores, including rare earths, and store them in the heart of the castle. This time, the money depends on the rest.

The sixth plan is to allocate 400 billion US dollars to establish a foundation to support a project in the Far East, namely the development of maglev high-speed rail and 4G technology. At the same time, it will find opportunities to contract a nine-year compulsory middle school and apply to the Ministry of Education for a nine-year compulsory education. The system is upgraded to the 12-year compulsory system.


The lights outside the base are bright, and the work is also stepping up inside the base, because the world crisis is coming.

After she was defeated, these guys with the black iron cross set off from Siberia and forcibly crossed Mongolia, and launched a blitzkrieg against Hasatan, Uztan, and Turktan with the advantage of abundant troops. Taking control of several large cities, the governments of the three countries were forced to flee outside the map.

After Hasatan, Uztan, and Turktan were captured, the Black Iron Cross forces concentrated their planes and forcibly flew over the Caspian Sea. The division launched an attack on Romania, Bulgaria, and Constantinople.

And when Tony and Peter escaped from Constantinople and came to South Africa, except that Constantinople escaped because of the protective shield, Bucharest in Romania and Sofia in Bulgaria have been breached~www.wuxiamtl .com~ As for the Turkish government's Ankara, it was not spared, and was surrounded by a large number of airborne tanks, armored vehicles, and infantry.

Now, two large armies have been drawn from the Romania and Bulgarian battlefields. One large army is divided into two teams and is advancing to Chisinama in Morwa and Kyiv in Ulan, while the other large army is heading for North Maki Dayton, Greece launched a simultaneous attack.

At the same time, the Black Iron Cross, which had won Turkmenistan, was assembling a large army to attack Afghanistan. The US military, living with the Afghan government, was attacked, and since there was an attack, there would naturally be a counterattack.

The US military wanted the Transformers base to join the counterattack, but was rejected by the Transformers base. However, the Transformers base was willing to provide 6 Transformers, including Jaguars, American Divisions, and Jaguars, for artillery support.

In addition, the Transformers base will also provide a big killer to NATO and the US military. Of course, compared with the nuclear bomb, the power of the big killer is not enough, but it can perfectly resist the radiation cloud of the nuclear bomb explosion and absorb radiation residue.

But the big killer is still in the process of being perfected, and only the experimental version with less charge is provided.

Chapter 0245 Preview the Battle of Karazhan

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