I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 9 Chapter 243: The Last Guardian of Tirisfal

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As Medivh's power grew, he began to search for answers, even colluding with the legions of the lower planes.

Seeing the humans of Azeroth as a hindrance to their ultimate power, he began to search for a way to destroy them.

Medivh found the answer in Delano.

Medivh made an agreement with the warlock Gul'dan in the secret room of the Tower of Karazhan. Medivh promised to tell Gul'dan the location of Sargeras' tomb. In return, Gul'dan needed to lead the Horde to Azeroth to destroy humans.

Then, with the help of Gul'dan's Shadow Council on the other side, Medivh successfully opened the Dark Portal connecting Azeroth and Draenor.

Aegwynn then appeared before Medivh, trying to make his son understand that he was on the wrong path, but Medivh showed no repentance.

After a fierce battle, the victorious Medivh banished his mother.

However, letting this fight drain his power greatly, so he intends to draw energy from the earth.

Aegwynn survived the battle with Medivh, and she teleported herself to Kalimdor, where she lived in seclusion.

Years later, Aegwynn used his remaining mana to resurrect Medivh, who had been killed by Lothar and Khadgar, and the reborn guardian set up a magical barrier around his mother's residence so that she could spend her old age in peace.

Aegwynn isn't the only one who has gone head-to-head with the Lost Guardian.

The blue dragon Arcanagos, the magical guardian who visited Karazhan and tried to get Medivh back astray.

But in the end, the blue dragon had to resort to force against the latter, but because of the loss of strength, Medivh ordered it to be burnt out of its own body.

This also left Medivh exhausted again and began to look around for a way to regain his strength.

Once, Medivh controlled by Sargeras met a few traveling merchants who wanted to sell him counterfeit artifacts. Sargeras, who was teased, was furious and cursed the traveling merchants, making them the people they are today. Known as the Black Knight of Deadwind Pass, collect artifacts for Sargeras.

Soon after this incident, Dalaran sent an apprentice to Medivh.

The young man was Khadgar, whose name means "trust" in Dwarven.

"Young Trust" has been studying under Medivh, who lives in Karazhan with several others: Medivh the tutor, Moros the servant, and Cook, the chef in charge of the cooking.

We all know the story after that. During this period, the war between orcs and humans gradually began as the former continued to pour out of the black swamp.

Li Medivh was not surprised by this, and even claimed that everything was as he expected.

Not long after, Garona the Orc, a Horde emissary sent by Gul'dan, arrived in Karazhan.

However, what the world does not know is that Medivh and Garona actually had a dewy relationship, and their mixed-race son Medan was born later.

Khadgar was the first to discover that Medivh was responsible for the introduction of the orcs into Azeroth.

He and Garona tell King Ryan and Anduin Lothar the truth, and Lothar is convinced of Medivh's fall.

One of Medivh's best friends, Lothar leads a human force, including Khadgar and Garona, against the mad guardian.

During the battle with Medivh, Khadgar, who was robbed of his youth by Medivh's spell, stabbed Lothar's sword into the guardian's chest and into his heart.

At this moment, the demon in Medivh awakened, and then Lothar slashed the guardian's head with a fatal blow, and also knocked Sargeras back into the void.

Medivh's own pure and kind soul wandered the astral world for many years, and his body was buried in Morgan's tomb in Deadwind Pass.

At the height of his power, Medivh fought stubbornly against Sargeras in the towers of Karazhan.

The Guardian was so powerful that his death cast a curse on the mighty Karazhan, and the surrounding area became what is now Deadwind Pass.

Later Karazhan is a cursed and dangerous area, and anyone who dares to enter it will die.

Beyond Karazhan, Khadgar saw the future Medivh through time fragments.

Medivh's unleashed soul wandered the astral plane for years, and as years passed, his mother Aegwynn resurrected his son with the magic she last used to keep him young.

Twenty years later, a mysterious prophet in the form of a blood raven appeared in Lordaeron.

Years after the Second War, a mysterious prophet who took the form of a blood raven appeared before important figures in Azeroth.

He gave people a warning of the impending doomsday.

The Horde's young warchief - Thrall, son of Durotan - dreamed of countless hellfires falling from the sky as the orcs fought the humans.

A strange prophet told him that this was a prophecy of the future, and that if he wanted to save his people, he had to go to the ancient continent of Kalimdor, far west of the ocean.

Thrall woke up from his dream, but he realized that Medivh's words were true, so he decided to lead the orcs out to sea to the faraway Kalimdor.

The Horde has set off for Kalimdor, but convincing the humans is much more difficult.

Both King Terenas of Lordaeron and Archmage Antonidas of Dalaran saw the Prophet as a lunatic full of nonsense.

A sudden and terrible plague quickly swept the northern towns of Lordaeron.

Prince of Lordaeron --- Arthas even slaughtered the city to stop the spread of the plague: Stratholme was covered in bones and a mess. The mysterious prophet reappears.

However, at this time, Prince Arthas did not listen to his persuasion at all, and the young and vigorous prince was blinded by the flames of revenge.

Only Daelin Proudmoore's young daughter, Jaina the Antonidas, thought the Prophet might be right.

After Stratholme was destroyed, Medivh appeared before her again~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This time she heeded the prophet's warning and set out for the Western Continent.

When the undead Scourge began to invade, Jaina had already led a group of men to leave.

Thrall arrives in Kalimdor in search of the fate of the orcs, and his new friend, Cairne Bloodhoof, chieftain of the Bloodhoof clan, advises him to visit the Oracle.

Thrall fought his way through the human expedition to find the Oracle, but he ended up only seeing Jaina and some humans.

Just as the two sides were about to go to war, the Prophet appeared.

He told them that if they wanted to defeat the Burning Legion and avoid their fall, they had to put aside their prejudices and fight together.

The two reluctantly agreed to the request.

Eventually, the Prophet revealed his identity as the crowd assembled.

He appeared in the dreams of Thrall, the night elf Malfurion Stormrage, and Jaina, telling them to form a coalition against the Burning Legion.

He said he was Medivh, the last guardian of Tirisfal, who introduced the orcs and the Burning Legion to Azeroth.

Chapter 0244 Announcement of the First World Crisis

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