The temple was shaking, and cracks appeared in one of the temples, and a terrible aura filled the air.

Ji Chen was in a daze, feeling that his memory was messed up, as if he was dreaming, and he couldn't tell whether it was reality or a dream.

"Is it memory confusion caused by the turbulence of time?"

Ji Chen had a feeling that if Tantai Xuan continued to fight like this, something might change, or even the entire ancient history.

Is the current time and space obscured by someone? Master wants to break this taboo.

Ji Chen speculated in his mind.

The entire time is collapsing, and it seems that the ancient history that once existed is about to be changed. A layer of dark clouds has enveloped all the worlds, and countless souls are palpitating. Their memories seem to be in chaos. Many things seem to be forgotten in a trance, but many more memories are gained.

Tantai Xuan's attack on Ji Di involved time, and the ripples caused were too strong.

Her whole body was glowing, and the light of the avenue turned into a light fairy sword, attacking the nine temples deep in the Silent Land with one sword after another.

The land of silence is cracking, and a storm of great avenues breaks out inside, sweeping towards the entire land of silence.

The sound of clattering iron chains sounded, and the ancient temples made a heavy rumble. Each temple was connected with iron chains, leading to unknown depths.

"The temple collapsed, and all the heavens and worlds were buried with it!" A majestic voice sounded, spreading throughout the heavens from the unknown depths.

However, what responded to that voice was Tantai Xuan attacking again and again, hitting the temple deep in the Silent Land, sometimes with fists, sometimes with palms, sometimes with swords. His divine power is unparalleled, domineering and transcendent, carrying boundless might and power, unparalleled in the world.


One of the temples collapsed and the divine chain was broken.

"How dare you do this!" A very angry voice came from the unknown depths, carrying boundless anger.

A forbidden power surges from the unknown depths and wants to manifest in the real world.

Tantai Xuan's true body stepped into the depths of Silence, and a ray of light penetrated into an unknown space, obliterating that force.

She slashed out with her sword, blocking the river of time and sealing that territory.

This is absolutely shocking, cutting through the void and cutting off time with one sword.

Tantai Xuan kept attacking Jidi, and the bright fairy light illuminated the entire Jidi, shining in every corner.

However, Ji Chen felt that Tantai Xuan's figure was getting darker and darker, as if he was leaving the real world.


Li Chen shouted, but there was no response at all. There were all the worlds between them.

Ji Chen felt that the world in his palm was also dim, and seemed to be disappearing with Tantai Xuan.

The entire Jidi is dimming, as if there is a supreme power that is dragging Jidi to an unknown place beyond time and space.

Ji Chen was worried about Tantai Xuan, but there was nothing he could do.

In the vast world, at the edge of the universe, endless stars are suspended like dust. When they come together, they become like a vast ocean.

The stars are turning and the universe is collapsing. In just a blink of time, magnificent scrolls are being opened, and the obscured and mottled ancient history is slowly unfolding.

All these changes were caused by Tantai Xuan's attack on Ji Di. Every move he made affected the birth and death of the universe, and the rise and fall of all heavens and realms.

And Ji Di is a taboo that covers ancient history and all the worlds. Tantai Xuan wants to break this taboo, and the existence of unknown time and space wants to stop it, so he pulls the entire Ji Di to go to that unknown time and space.

This majestic scene, majestic ancient history, can be seen by several people. It is difficult to describe in words, but it really happened. Only Ji Chen appreciates it.

This world, and even all the worlds, have been obscured by the controller, and even ancient history has been changed. He is harvesting the fruits of the world, and at the same time, he is also looking for a legendary reincarnation.

Ji Chen had doubts for a long time. The world of Shen Zang has not existed for many years. There are so many people who have come in, and there are so many people with unparalleled qualifications. Why is there no news after entering?

In ancient times, many Ji Emperors and Holy Emperors have entered the Divine Treasure, but all of them have never returned. Those who have returned are those who are below the level of the Holy Emperor, or simply people who are looked down upon by those who control them, and do not bother to harvest their Dao Fruit.

Those nine sacred mountains and nine temples were once the nine Lu Jinji emperors who stepped into the world of Shenzang, found the way to become gods in the world of Shenzang, and became gods in the world of Shenzang, and were eventually harvested by those who controlled them. Got the Tao fruit.

No matter how gorgeous you are and how talented you are, you will ultimately be unable to escape the hands of the one who controls you.

His existence is to find the reincarnated person in the legend. In order not to miss it, anyone who ignites the divine fire will become his harvest target.

The moment Ji Chen lit the divine fire, he was already on his radar.

This is also the reason why no one has been able to become a god for countless years. No matter how talented or gorgeous you are, you will eventually become the target of the controller and make him a wedding dress.

When the controller was collecting Ji Chen, he was noticed by Tantai Xuan, and then exploded, killing the controller, and then took the entire Ji Di to the sky, that is, that mysterious time and space, and the Ji Di also The only link to God.

The existence above the heaven has obscured ancient history, and the calamity was launched by the people above the sky to harvest the creatures in the heavens and the world. Every time an era is harvested, ancient history will be covered up, allowing the new era to continue to develop. When the new era reaches its peak, the calamity will be launched again to harvest creatures.

To prevent this from happening, a forbidden being above God chose to be reincarnated. The existence of the controller is to kill the taboo existence of this reincarnation.

This is the message left by Tantai Xuan using the avenue fragments.

Ji Chen was shocked, and even felt horrified, covering up ancient history, and blocking time and space, just to launch a calamity and harvest the creatures of all heavens and worlds.

According to the information left by Tantai Xuan, the existence above God seems to have reached the end of the road, and then there were differences.

"This is too scary!" Ji Chen was shocked in his heart. The countless creatures in the world are just fish and meat for others.

The way of heaven is unkind and regards all things as stupid dogs.

The last piece of fairy light is about to disappear, and with it the world in Ji Chen's palm. Tantai Xuan's breath is disappearing from this world.


Ji Chen yelled, opened his eyes wide, and desperately wanted to remember her. He had a feeling that he would be separated forever, separated by life and death, and would never see each other again.

Ji Chen panicked and screamed at the top of his lungs.

It wasn't until he saw the moment when Tantai Xuan looked back, and the gorgeous woman glanced at him for the last time, that Ji Chen stopped yelling.

Tantai Xuan completely disappeared. For a long time, Ji Chen did not come back to his senses. Everything belonging to Tantai Xuan was disappearing from all the worlds, as if it had never existed.

"I believe that you will come back alive and will definitely come back to see me. Even if you don't come back, I will go to heaven to find you." Ji Chen murmured with tears in his eyes. (End of chapter)

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