However, as he reached the ultimate level and stepped on the Tao for a short period of time, he could not sustain it for long. If the stalemate continued, it would not be good for him, so the controller wanted to follow the river of time and kill Tantai Xuan when he was weak.

However, Tantai Xuan crossed the long river of time with just one sword, cutting off the river of time and forming a forbidden force that prevented the controller's actions from succeeding.

The river of time was cut off, and a sword mark appeared between the controller's eyebrows, and blood flowed.

Tantai Xuan's sword not only cut off the long river of time, but also injured the controller, making him hairy, bleeding from the center of his eyebrows, and groaning.

The long river of time field was blocked, and the controller could not kill Tantai Xuan in his weak period. He used countless runes. Each rune was a great killing technique and a great way.

The runes bloomed, eroding Tantai Xuan silently, killing and obliterating him.

This is an extremely domineering and heaven-defying attack, and every killing technique is a great way.

For countless eons, he has harvested countless Tao fruits, and he has performed each Tao fruit to the extreme. Every road has become a Tao, and every avenue can travel across the heavens and all realms.

The person in control has been practicing the Tao in the hope of taking that step and successfully joining the Tao.

But now every kind of Tao can be picked up by the controller, used at will, and can be combined together. Each combination has infinite power.

One of the divine spells turned into fairy light, penetrated thousands of worlds, and rushed towards Ji Chenben.

"It turns out that it is. You planted the cause and effect on this person so that you can escape the calamity and wake up after the calamity."

Although the controller did not intercept and kill Tantai Xuan when she was in a weak stage, he also deduced the real reason why she escaped from the disaster and woke up. It's all about this young man.

This young man may have been before the tribulation.


Tantai Xuan pointed out, and turned into countless sword energy, penetrated into the void, and cut off countless avenue runes.

Every ray of sword energy can cut off a rune of the great avenue. In an instant, it feels like the sea of ​​stars is being destroyed and the universe is collapsing.

The avenue rune that hit Ji Chen was also exploded by the sword energy.

Tantai Xuan didn't make any extra moves, he just punched forward. He didn't have the complicated and gorgeous avenue runes like the controller, and he didn't have the magical power of combining the avenue runes.

She raised her hand and punched forward. However, the controller's expression changed. At their level, the simpler the action, the more terrifying it was.

Tantai Xuan's seemingly simple punch made his heart palpitate.

Unlike him, Tantai Xuan took the road of simplification, always sticking to one road, focusing on his true self, no matter how many calamities change, and the eras pass by, his true self remains the same and will never be destroyed.

This kind of talent is the most terrifying. The avenue is simplified, but it contains infinite truth, and the supreme power comes from within oneself.

The controller controls billions of avenues, constantly harvesting the fruits of the avenue, evolving the avenue, and looking for the best avenue, hoping to take the final step.

These are two completely opposite ways.

However, for Tantai Xuan, no matter what unparalleled magical powers or countless ways, I just punch him.

"Boom, boom!"

The fist came, blasting through time and penetrating all realms. It was so powerful and unparalleled that time was in chaos, and the entire space and time was shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

The controller was beaten and flew out, beyond countless time and space, and his figure was confused.

He suffered extremely terrible injuries, his soul was shaken, and his face turned pale.


The controller roared fiercely, merging with the underworld regardless of the cost, blessing his body, and facing Tantai Xuan.

Tantai Xuanzhi was consistent, punching forward, facing the river of time, punching through the past, present and future, crossing countless time and space, and hitting the controller.


The light of time splashes, the river of time is turbulent, and the sky is crumbling.

Tantai Xuan fought more and more fiercely, his fist seal illuminated the past, present and future, unparalleled in the world, and broke through all obstacles.

The sound of the Tao roared, the world trembled, and all the gods surrendered.

The figure of the controller exploded. He was directly hit by a punch and turned into a blood mist. The skinless fist seal was extremely domineering and wiped out the blood mist instantly.

However, in the next moment, the body of the controller was reorganized and revealed.

He is immortal and will last forever. It is difficult to have the power to kill him. He is indelible. Even if he is killed, he can still return on the road of destruction.

Even Ji Chen was horrified. He was still alive after this. How powerful he was. His body was not even wiped out, but he could still come back from the dead.


The controller roared angrily, shocking the mind and being extremely ferocious.


Tantai Xuan punched again, his fist seal hitting everything in his way.


The figure of the controller exploded again. Although it appeared quickly, it was obviously much darker.

He is not a true Hedao person, but has only reached the ultimate level and has the combat power of Hedao, and it comes at a great price.

Tantai Xuan kept punching, blowing up the controller again and again, trying to kill him completely and make him return to nothingness.


After countless punches, the controller finally transformed into a Tao, returned to nothingness, disappeared completely, and remained silent forever.

Tantai Xuan stood there, light flying out of his eyes, flying into the long river of time, looking for and intercepting all traces of cause and effect and Tao about the controller, to completely wipe him out in the years, and let him completely return to nothingness. .

Beyond the heavens and the world, in a world of underworld, Tantai Xuan stepped here. It was like an eternal place of silence, with time in chaos.

The endless rain of light flies around Tantai Xuan, turning into petals all over the sky. Each petal reflects a world and is a complete avenue.

Tantai Xuan has also evolved into a billion-dollar avenue, but in the end he still insisted on being the only one.

She waved her fist seal and punched into the depths of this silent land. Billions of runes bloomed, almost destroying the past and present, and turning everything into chaos.

The unparalleled fist power seemed to create the world, and the time and space around Tantai Xuan exploded, and the power swept across, cutting off the years.

The entire silent land was cracking, and an astonishingly strange aura spread.


Immediately afterwards, Tantai Xuan punched again, and the punch mark penetrated the long river of the world, shattering all cause and effect. A big explosion occurred in the entire Jidi, chaos collapsed, thousands of rules were broken, the avenue was destroyed, and everything turned into a beam.

Deep in the silence, nine palaces appeared vaguely, floating in the boundless darkness.

Tantai Xuan walked towards the depths of the Silent Land, as if crossing the river of time, tracing back history, and heading towards that special place that did not belong to reality.

It was a forbidden place. Tantai Xuan stared at the temples in the depths, punched them in, and blasted towards the temples, intending to destroy them.


Thousands of great avenues exploded, like the universe exploding day and night, like the waves of time crashing on the shore, rolling up the chaos of rules and causing the world to resonate. (End of chapter)

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