
Ji Chen roared loudly and slashed out with the Immortal Killing Sword again, directly splitting the heaven and earth and breaking the divine law.

The Immortal Killing Sword fell, unstoppable and invincible, as if it could destroy the past and present, and kill the future.


Unable to stop it, another demon ancestor was beheaded, blood burst out, and his body was torn into pieces by the destructive force.

It was too fast. It all happened in a flash of lightning. No one could stop Ji Chen's attack. In an instant, only one of the four demon ancestors was left.

Ji Chen didn't waste any time and struck directly with his sword. The destructive sword energy struck the sky and fell towards the last Demon Ancestor.


The demon ancestor roared, feeling shocked and angry that several of their ancestors who had lived for endless years would die in the hands of a young man.

His divine light bloomed, and he evolved into realms and worlds one after another. He tried his best to resist and block, but it still didn't help.

The Zhuxian Sword can kill the God of Zhuxian. It slashed down, broke through all obstacles, and directly entered his domain world, chopping all his domain worlds into pieces. The destructive sword energy slashed through his body and instantly destroyed his body. The body was destroyed, strangled into blood mist, and both body and soul were destroyed.

After destroying the four demon ancestors, Ji Chen quickly devoured their divine origins and quickly refined them. His body turned into an oven and burned blazingly. The divine origins nourished his body, and the chaotic body evolved. growing up.

Ji Chen glanced at the killing point, 42.8 billion.

From fighting all the way to Immortal Lake to now, I have accumulated almost one million killing points.

Then, Ji Chen stood up, turned into a stream of light, and rushed towards the sacred mountain. All the creatures that blocked him on the road were killed by his sword.

The Immortal Killing Sword comes out, killing gods and demons, and is invincible. No creature can withstand the sword.

Soon, he was on his way to the sacred mountain, bathed in blood along the way.

There is a huge palace on top, as is the case with every sacred mountain.

The huge palace was very majestic, solemn and sacred. When Ji Chen stepped into it, he instantly felt the divine sound of the great avenue, as if he had arrived in the fairy world, and his whole soul was resonating with it.

The main hall is filled with the light of various laws, and the divine light fills the air.

Every divine law is complete, and every light of divine law is a great creation and inheritance. There are already people who are beginning to understand these divine laws.

"Is this the inheritance of the True Dragon God?"

Ji Chen felt that it was not that simple, it was too easy.

Suddenly, the dragon spirit on his arm was glowing, and each dragon spirit was facing the light of a great avenue.

Including the one he snatched just now, he has a total of nine dragon energy divine rules, which is just in time to deal with the light of the nine avenues at this moment.

At this moment, Ji Chen seemed to understand.

This place is not a real inheritance, it is just a test, but those who can reach this place are all rare geniuses of Henggu. This test is also a reward. Only those who truly pass the test can enter the final place of inheritance. The rest It depends on how much they can comprehend here, it all depends on their own destiny.

Ji Chen's ability to come up surprised many people. He was able to kill him despite being surrounded by five powerful ancestors. This kind of strength made them fearful.

The Great Demon Saint walked along the way, killing all his opponents, and no one could stop him.

This is simply a monster, even more terrifying than those ancestor-level monsters.

Fortunately, there is no competition for strength here. Who is qualified to enter the final inheritance place and obtain the ultimate destiny can only rely on luck and qualifications.

Ji Chen also sat down cross-legged and began to comprehend carefully and observe the light of these great avenues.

These lights of the avenue are changing every moment, and each change contains infinite mysteries, which touched Ji Chen greatly.

It seemed that he saw the rise of a force, advancing all the way, reaching its peak, becoming the supreme existence that all races obeyed, and then declining from prosperity to destruction.

Ji Chen's guess was correct. The so-called True Dragon God's Treasure, the so-called Guixu World, was actually the site of a supreme power from ancient times.

Someone from this supreme power broke through the imperial realm and became a god, and these lights of the avenue were left behind by that god.

What happened in ancient times? Ji Chen was surprised and curious that even this supreme power had fallen.

There is also the Tianxuan Holy Land where Master is located. Even such a terrifying holy land has fallen. What disaster caused all this.

"Well, that's inspiring!"

Ji Chen felt that these lights of the avenues inspired him a lot. He was not just simply comprehending these lights of the avenues, but also comprehending and confirming them.

Ji Chen has always been very firm about his own way. All other ways are confirming his own way and using his way to prove my way.

The more he understood the light of these great avenues, the greater Ji Chen's gains were. Some places that were previously unfamiliar and difficult to understand suddenly felt enlightened.

For a time, everyone was immersed in their own insights and ignored everything else.

In the huge palace, the light of the avenue shines brightly. For these people, it is a priceless treasure and a supreme creation. Any avenue is the supreme way to the emperor's realm.

This is also a rare experience for Ji Chen.

Everyone gained a lot, looked happy, and began to seriously realize the light of these avenues. Some people discovered their own shortcomings and shortcomings, and simply rebuilt their own realm.

This is what the Sun God Son did. He once had a discussion with Ji Chen and was inspired. At this moment, through verification, he discovered many of his own shortcomings, so he directly rebuilt it on the spot.

This is also because he dares to do this because he is protected by several strong men at the level of Holy Lords. Although those Holy Lords are also enlightening, they still have some thoughts.

There was a rare calm in the main hall, and everyone lived in harmony for a short time.

Everyone is racing against time to realize the light of the avenue. At this time, no one takes action against others and does things that harm others but not self-interest.

Ji Chen realized the nine avenues at once, carefully pondered them, and confirmed his own path. Half a day later, he felt a sudden enlightenment. His eyes became brighter and brighter, and his gains were huge.

The reason why he dared to realize the nine avenues at once was because his realm had already been rebuilt, and each realm had reached perfection. Moreover, he has his own Tao. All he needs to do is to confirm his own Tao, absorb what is useful to him, and integrate it into his own Tao, rather than completely learning and imitating other people's Tao.

In just two days, Ji Chen had fully understood the light of the nine avenues and integrated them into his own avenue. The path in his heart became wider.

Even though he has understood the Nine Paths, he has not entered the ultimate inheritance.

Ji Chen didn't believe that if he couldn't enter even with his own qualifications, who else would be qualified to enter. (End of chapter)

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