In the eyes of several major demon clans, Ji Chen is a genius that is rare in millions of years. In just three years, he has grown to such an extent. As long as nothing happens, promotion to the emperor is almost a certainty for him.

They only regret that this genius was not born in their demon clan, but in Daxia, and became their biggest enemy.

The sword light was bright and shrouded towards Ji Chen.

"Do you really think I'm a soft persimmon?"

Ji Chen's eyes were full of murderous intent, and all the heavens were reflected in his eyes, and the power of the years filled the air.

In an instant, the world in his eyes slowed down, everyone's movements became very slow in his eyes, and the trajectories of the movements were clearly reflected in his eyes.

The power of time can not only deprive others of their time, but also slow down the world in your own eyes.

This is the horror of the years. Ji Chen rarely uses his full strength. At this moment, he had to use his full strength.


Tianxuan slashed out with his sword, and with the blood rushing up, a head fell down, and the Holy Lord who sneaked up on Ji Chen was killed in the void.

The blazing sword light has shrouded it, like a sword field.

Ji Chen's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already in the sky above another Demon Ancestor.


Suddenly, a dragon spear penetrated the void, like a bolt of lightning, and struck towards Ji Chen. The stunning shot penetrated directly into Ji Chen's forehead.

Another Demon Ancestor took action, with a stunning blow that was incredibly fast, as if it had broken through the shackles of the void and penetrated directly.


With a soft sound, Ji Chen actually held the tip of the dragon spear with his bare hands. The tip of the spear collided with his palm, sparks splashed out, and the sound was like thunder.

At the same time, Ji Chen slashed with his sword, and a devastating sword light erupted.

At this moment, the other three demon ancestors also came over and cooperated closely to surround and kill Ji Chen.

This place is suppressed by the light of the avenue, and Ji Chen's One Qi Transformation into Three Pure Ones cannot be used. At this moment, facing four demon ancestors, it is a bit difficult for him.

Everyone else unconsciously bypassed this area. The competitor of the Great Demon Saint is too powerful. They hope that this competitor will be lost in this place. It is best to lose both sides with the four ancestors of the demon clan. In this way This will reduce several competitors.

Many people have already rushed to the top of the mountain. Changsheng Taoist was the first to reach the top of the mountain. The Golden Lion Goddess of War, Son of the Sun God, Suanni, Yaoguang and others also climbed to the top of the mountain one after another.

But Ji Chen was still fighting with the four ancestors of the demon clan at the foot of the mountain.

The four ancestors cooperated closely and completely suppressed Ji Chen.

"Ji Chen, today is the day you die. Even if your master from the Holy Emperor comes, he won't be able to save you."

"You really think I'm a soft persimmon!" Ji Chen's eyes were cold, shining, and filled with murderous intent.

At this moment, he no longer hides it, there is no one else here, and he can have no reservations.


Ji Chen completely exploded. His battle clothes shone with colorful divine light, as did the boots on his feet. The power of the years filled his body.

He took the initiative and attacked the ancestor holding the dragon spear.

"Divine Gold Battle Clothes!"

Several demon ancestors were shocked. Ji Chen's battle clothes were actually made of divine gold, and there were more than one kind of divine gold. Even the boots on his feet were made of divine gold. He wore a seven-color god-level golden dome on his head. .

"How can this be!"

Several demon ancestors were completely numb. How luxurious it was to use so much divine gold to make battle clothes. They had lived for endless years, but they had not found even a tiny bit of divine gold to refine their natal artifacts.

Jealousy, envy, sour!

Ji Chen's body exuded colorful divine light, as if a divine king had descended into the world.

"Thank you for the divine gold you sent me!"

The demon ancestor holding the dragon spear let out a long roar, his divine light surged into the sky, and he unleashed his strongest divine power and attacked Ji Chen.

As long as Ji Chen is killed, the divine gold will be theirs. The divine gold suit on Ji Chen is enough for each of them to refine a divine weapon.

In an instant, he stabbed thousands of spears, and the sky was full of gun shadows, like stars shaking in the sky, forming a realm world.

"You can't break through my world without the help of your clone."

The ancestor holding a spear said coldly, his whole body was glowing, the light of the spear penetrated the sky and the earth, turned into countless divine principles, evolved into a real world, and headed towards Ji Chenzhen to kill.

He has reached the ultimate level of the Holy Lord, and his understanding of the laws has reached an unparalleled level. Even if he is suppressed at this moment, he is still terrifying.

The domain world he built may not even be broken by the ancestors at the same level as him.


The trembling sound of the sword was like the divine voice of heaven, piercing the sky and resounding in the hearts of several demon clans. The destructive sword light filled the air and illuminated the minds of every demon ancestor.

Several demon ancestors were shocked, shocked by Ji Chen's sword technique. This sword technique could actually cut into their hearts through sound.

However, at this moment, the ancestor holding the spear raised his head and fell backwards, his face full of fear and unwillingness.

His body was intact, but his eyes gradually became blurry.

His soul was directly killed by Ji Chen's sword intent, and only his intact body fell down.

"how so?"

The remaining three demon ancestors were horrified and moved out at the same time. They blocked Ji Chen in an instant and attacked Ji Chen at the same time.

The vast divine power flooded the world, the world was collapsing, and the aura of chaos filled the air.

They couldn't believe the scene before them. Ji Chen actually broke through Ancestor Mingyang's domain world and killed him.

At this moment, Ji Chen took the initiative to attack again. Like a dreamy shadow, it turned into a ray of light, broke through the attack and imprisonment of the three people, and rushed out.

With the help of his colorful divine gold battle suit and powerful soft body strength, he broke through and became invincible.

Ji Chen's hands evolved the supreme attack technique, and combined with the Tianxuan Sword in his hand, he evolved the Zhuxian Sword, the Supreme Immortal Sword of the Tongtian Cult Master in his previous life, and the Zhuxian Sword, one of the Three Tongtian Swords.

Although he has never seen the Zhuxian Sword, this does not prevent Ji Chen from using his imagination to evolve the Zhuxian Sword.


Under the influence of Ji Chen's power of years, the speed of the three opponents became much slower in his eyes, and all attack trajectories were clearly visible. This was one of the reasons why he was able to break through the three of them to attack together.


The sword of Zhuxian slashed down, cutting open the Tianling Cap of one of the Demon Ancestors, splitting him in half from the Tianling Cap to between his legs. The destructive power directly annihilated his original god, and blood spilled into the void. , along with the body that was split in half fell down.

The remaining two demon ancestors were stunned. The strength Ji Chen showed at this moment shocked them, and there was a hint of panic and fright in their hearts. (End of chapter)

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