I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 630 A massacre at the entrance to the divine treasure trove

Thunder light filled the air. This Demon Ancestor practiced the thunder method. The endless thunder and lightning bombarded Ji Chen, as if he was punished by heaven, as if someone was going through a tribulation under this sky.

A Thunder Tribulation Divine Sword also appeared in the ancestor's hand, breaking through the sky and slashing towards Ji Chen.

Just when his Thunder Tribulation Divine Sword was about to approach Ji Chen, an ancient bronze lamp suddenly penetrated his head.


The wick of the ancient lamp was still burning, and the drop of flame as big as a bean ignited the soul of the ancestor of the demon clan, and soon burned his soul to ashes.

Ji Chen's third avatar appeared very suddenly, appearing out of thin air, holding a green lantern, and directly pierced the head of the demon clan ancestor.

One Qi Transformed into Three Pure Ones has always been three clones, and Ji Chen hid one just for this moment.

Just when everyone thought he had used up all his cards, the third clone suddenly appeared, holding a bronze magic lamp, and instantly killed an ancestor of the demon ancestor.

This scene shocked everyone and left them dumbfounded.

Everyone couldn't believe that Ji Chen actually had a clone.

Even the demon clan ancestors were stunned for a moment, but the next moment, those demon clan ancestors were furious, and the remaining three demon clan ancestors directly joined the battle. One of them faced Ji Chen's The third clone went to kill him, trying to intercept him, while the other two attacked Ji Chen's real body.

As long as Ji Chen's real body is killed, the three clones will naturally be defeated without attacking.

At this moment, Ji Chen launched a violent attack, and his body disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace and no rules to figure out.

"Be careful! It's Commander Qin's step to reach the sky."

The Snow Wolf Ancestor spoke. He knew this pace very well. Qin Shuai of Great Xia once relied on this pace to enter the demon clan's forbidden land alone and retreated unscathed. The Snow Wolf Ancestor once chased Qin Shuai, but did not pursue him. , so he knew this kind of pace very well, so he spoke to remind him at this time.

However, it was still too late. Ji Chen appeared in the sky above one of the demon clan ancestors.

The ancestor of the demon tribe was fighting with Ji Chen's clone who was holding the divine golden cauldron.

Ji Chen held the temple with one hand and smashed it directly towards the ancestor of the demon tribe. With the other hand, he used Wushang's attack technique to evolve an immortal cauldron and smashed it down immediately after.


The Demon Ancestor was entangled by Ji Chen's clone and could not get rid of it. His body was shattered into pieces.


Ji Chen's cold voice sounded, and the strange power of time filled the air. The divine power in the blood mist was stripped out and swallowed by Ji Chen.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Chen let out a long roar and killed the demon ancestor next to him.

Several demon ancestors roared and killed them at the same time.

Just now, Ji Chen used a strange movement technique to unexpectedly kill one of their ancestors, which made them all furious and wanted to sink the enemy, skin it and cramp him.

At this moment, Ji Chen's three clones disappeared at the same time.

The expressions of all the demon clan ancestors changed, and they secretly said "bad news" and were on guard at the same time.


The bells ring, the heavens chime in harmony, and everything moves.

The void collapsed, the world seemed to be turned upside down, and the long sound of the bell spread throughout the island.

A divine bell pierced the sky and headed towards the Snow Wolf Ancestor.

The Donghuang Bell was evolved by Ji Chen. The golden divine bell filled the sky, imprinted with mountains, rivers, sun and moon, billions of miles of mountains and rivers, various divine birds and beasts, and innate gods.

At this moment, everyone was shocked. What kind of divine bell is this? Ji Chen evolved into an immortal cauldron before, and now he evolved into a divine bell.


The divine bell suppresses everything and is invincible, destroying everything that stands in its way.

At the same time, the three clones also attacked from three directions.


The Snow Wolf Demon Ancestor roared. He tried his best to resist, but it was useless. His body was shattered into pieces in an instant, and both body and soul were destroyed.

The power of time spread out, and all the divine origins in the blood mist were stripped away.

A golden dragon energy burst out and was caught in Ji Chen's hand.

This is the strength of Ji Chen after he completely exploded. He attacked in the east and in the west. He seemed to be killing the Demon Ancestor next to him. He mobilized everyone to support the ancestor. In fact, he was going towards the Snow Wolf Ancestor. Three clones and the main body shot at the same time. In an instant Ancestor Ji Xuelang was killed without any preparation.

At this moment, Ji Chen was killing everyone and was invincible. Everyone was trembling in shock. Even the other ancestors were terrified. This invincible attitude shocked everyone.

The remaining four ancestors of the demon clan all came to kill Ji Chen, each of them showing their murderous intentions.

This battle was simply a shame. The seven demon ancestors surrounded Ji Chen and killed three of them. This made them look hot and angry.

All of this happened between lightning and flint. Ji Chen relied on his weird body skills and powerful strength to defeat the two demon clan ancestors.


Ji Chen roared angrily, his eyes as cold as lightning, four against four, the advantage was reversed.


At this moment, the fairy lake suddenly erupted, and immeasurable fairy light rose into the sky, accompanied by blood crystals spurting out.

"God Crystal!"

Someone exclaimed and quickly took action, rushing towards the fairy lake to snatch the divine crystal.

The Immortal Lake erupted, continuously spewing out divine crystals, each of which was emitting rays of light.

At this moment, everyone was jealous and frantically snatched the divine crystal. This was probably the divine crystal condensed from the blood of the real dragon.

The place was boiling, and all those old monsters turned into streaks of light, and their whole bodies erupted with divine light.

Ji Chen directly abandoned several demon ancestors and rushed into the fairy lake to snatch the divine crystal.

He felt that those divine crystals contained rich divine substances, which could allow his chaotic body to evolve.

Ji Chen and several clones took action at the same time and quickly snatched more than a dozen divine crystals.

This made the people around him extremely jealous, but there was nothing they could do.

The most eye-catching thing in this place belongs to him. With one body and three clones, no one can beat him.

The second was the Taoist Taoist Changsheng, whose explosive strength frightened even Ji Chen.

This Taoist was inconspicuous, but extremely terrifying. He snatched several divine crystals by himself.

Suddenly, several demon clan ancestors came together to surround and kill him.

Rather than snatching the divine crystal, they wanted to kill Ji Chen. This person was the calamity of the demon clan. If he did not die, it would be a disaster for the entire demon clan.

"court death!"

Ji Chen shouted angrily, picked up the temple and smashed it over.


The sky shattered, and a destructive aura filled the entire Immortal Lake.

Everyone's pupils shrank sharply and they hurried away.

It's already this time, and they're still fighting. They're just a few lunatics.


Suddenly, the entire fairy lake boiled, endless fairy light rushed into the sky, and a light gate appeared, sparkling and brilliant, with mist lingering in it, leading to an unknown mysterious inheritance place. (End of chapter)

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