Countless people were shocked that this was the power of the law. The ancestor of the demon race had reached an extremely terrifying level of understanding of the law. Just the light of the law that flew out could hurt ordinary holy masters.

Although the eyes of the ancestor of the demon clan were turbid, they shone with a captivating light. His fists glowed, and his blood was billowing. When he waved, he seemed to be waving the sun, like a god king coming to the world.

Ji Chen's body shimmered with metallic luster, blooming with seven-colored rays of light, and his fists were filled with a destructive aura.

In just a moment, the two of them exchanged dozens of moves. The divine sound of metal shook the sky, and brilliant fairy light filled the air.

This scene is not like two people fighting at all, but more like two magic weapons colliding.

The other ancestors of the demon race have completely changed their expressions. No one knows better than them how long Ji Chen has been practicing, and it will only last three years.

Three years!

In just three years, it has grown to such an extent that it is astonishing to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with old monsters like them. It can be said to be unprecedented.

Although their cultivation was suppressed by Dao, Ji Chen was able to fight against them in this situation. What a physique and qualification.

If Ji Chen didn't die, it would be a disaster for their entire demon clan.

"This Great Demon Saint is even more terrifying."

Someone opened his mouth and whispered, compared with the day when he killed the old monster in the temple, the Great Demon Saint at this moment seemed more calm and at ease.

And this demon ancestor is obviously more terrifying than the old monster in the temple.

The other demon clan ancestors had murderous intentions looming in their eyes, and they would shoot out with regular light, and they would kill them at any time.

For them, Ji Chen's existence is a huge hidden danger, and it is best to kill it now, otherwise it will be a disaster for the demon clan.

Ji Chen was also frightened to fight against the ancestor of the demon clan. The opponent's physical body was really terrifying. He was an ancient demonic cow, an extremely powerful racial constitution, and his physical body was invincible. However, Ji Chen was able to fight with his physical body. No wonder he was able to kill him. Kill the ancestors outside the territory.

And although the other party's understanding of the law is not as good as his, the other party has clearly understood a powerful and strange law, which is full of destructive aura, destroying the dead and opening up.

However, he remained calm and composed. He believed that with the difference in realm, he could kill Ji Chen.

Hundreds of thousands of years of practice and enlightenment have made his understanding of laws and Taoism unparalleled, enough to disdain all the ancestors in the world, let alone a young man.


The two exchanged blows again. The Demonic Ox Ancestor found that it was difficult to suppress Ji Chen physically, so he decided to use the power of the law.


The Demonic Ox Ancestor exerted the power of the law, and the gorgeous Dao patterns spread out, instantly engulfing Ji Chen. The vast water-like power of the law slashed towards Ji Chen, capable of destroying all enemies.

Ji Chen's entire body was glowing, and a world was formed within one meter of his body, becoming a pure land. The power of time flowed on his body.

At this moment, he was invulnerable to all attacks, and began to evolve his offensive skills. His whole body turned into a heavenly sword, and with the power of the laws of the sky, he killed the Demonic Ox Ancestor.


The power of the law split open his pure world. When it came close to him, it melted like spring snow and could not enter his body.


The Demonic Cow Ancestor was very surprised. He was actually immune to the power of the law. How could this be possible?

That layer of light on the body's surface, what kind of magic is that?

He quickly discovered the problem. The layer of light on Ji Chen's body was very strange. When his power of law encountered that layer of light, it actually melted. This result was beyond his expectation.

Ji Chen has already come to kill him, like a heavenly sword, cutting through the sky and breaking the power of his laws.


Wushang's offensive technique showed his supreme power at this time, and he was invincible.

This blow was so shocking that Ji Chen's body turned into a sword, like a supreme weapon that could kill all enemies.

The Demonic Ox Ancestor was staggered and couldn't help but retreat. Even he couldn't withstand the blow.


Murderous intent was evident in the eyes of the Demonic Ox Ancestor, and Ji Chen's performance gave him a strong murderous intention.

This man must die, he is too brilliant and will be a disaster for the entire demon clan.

He used his trump card, and the power of the Terror Law condensed into a sword and slashed towards Ji Chen.

This is another form of use of the law. It is extremely condensed, has unpredictable power, and can open up the world.

He firmly believed that even in the same realm, he was invincible, not to mention that Ji Chen was still a big realm behind him.

"You are very powerful, and your talent is rare in ancient times. You are the only one I have seen in hundreds of thousands of years. No one can surpass you. Even your master of the Confucian and Taoist Saint Emperor is not as good as you. Brilliant. But no matter how powerful you are, how many people can you fight?"

Everyone around the Immortal Lake was shocked that the Great Demon Saint actually had a Master of the Holy Emperor.

This news is really shocking. The wilderness world, what kind of world is it? Not only are there so many ancestor-level monsters, there are monsters like the Great Demon Saint, and there are even emperors.

Several divine sons, including the Son of the Sun and the Son of the Yaoguang God, were also extremely shocked. They remembered what Ji Chen once said, that if he wanted to establish a supreme fairy kingdom, maybe he could really succeed.

However, he had to at least get through the immediate crisis. They couldn't help him in this disaster.


Two more demon clan ancestors took action one after another. One of them was extremely powerful and had enough attributes to compete with the demon cow ancestor. He held an ancient sword and struck down, intending to split Ji Chen in half.

The other body erupted with black and white light, one yin and one yang. In an instant, the world was reversed and turned towards Ji Chen, trying to deprive him of the power of years.

Ji Chen's eyes turned cold, and he directly used Yiqi to transform the three pure beings. Two identical Ji Chens appeared, one holding the Divine Golden Cauldron and the other holding the Tianxuan Sword. He attacked the two demon clan ancestors.

"It's this move again!"

Everyone was shocked. A few days ago, the Great Demon Saint relied on this move to kill the old monster in the temple and several killers at the peak level of the Holy Lord.

The clone holding the divine golden tripod swung the divine golden tripod and killed one of the demon ancestors.

The divine golden cauldron spurted out immeasurable divine light, turning into a divine sword of heaven and slashing forward. Each divine sword was condensed with laws, accompanied by a brilliant fairy light.

Another clone of Ji Chen also started fighting with another ancestor of the demon clan.

Three demon clan ancestors were fighting Ji Chen at the same time, and there were three other ancestors standing aside, watching the battle indifferently, ready to take action at any time.


The battle above the sky became more intense, and the terrifying power of law filled the entire sky, extremely bright.


Finally, the other three ancestors of the demon clan couldn't bear it any longer. The True Dragon Divine Treasure was about to be opened, and they wanted to fight quickly.

One of the ancestors rushed towards Ji Chen's true body, wanting to blow it up first. (End of chapter)

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