I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 627 I want to create a supreme fairy kingdom

This is also an issue that everyone is more concerned about. Cultivation and laws can all be understood by oneself through qualifications and talents. Only the physical body needs to be slowly tempered over time.

But Ji Chen seemed to have broken this convention. He was still in the realm of a saint, and his physical body was comparable to that of a half-step emperor.

"I am a saint in the flesh!" Ji Chen said.

Several divine sons suddenly took a breath of cold air.

It is more difficult to become a saint through this kind of cultivation method than to become a saint in the physical body.

At this moment, everyone was deeply impressed by Ji Chen.

The story of a few sons of gods discussing Taoism on the cliff soon spread to the world sea, surprising countless people. The sons of gods from all major regions sat together and discussed Taoism. This was unimaginable and rarely seen in ancient times.

It is conceivable that the impact of different cultivation cultures brought by the Sons of God from various major domains, the different perceptions and opinions among the Sons of God, the collisions between them, and the brilliant fireworks that burst out will be refreshing for everyone.

This kind of argument is no less than a creation.

"I'm going to hear them preach!"

Some people quickly landed on the island and rushed to the place where Ji Chen discussed Taoism with several great sons of gods. Once this opportunity is missed, it will never happen again.

Around the cliff, more and more people came. Ji Chen and others discussed Taoism for three days and three nights. Everyone gained a lot, even those who came to listen to the Taoism.

Ji Chen has also gained a lot, and his cultivation has further improved. The divine origin that was stripped from the old monster in the temple has been completely refined by him, and his chaotic body has made some progress.

At his current state, every increase in strength is valuable to him. After all, he has reached the limit of the island's avenue of suppression.

Every time he breaks through now, he is impacting the island's avenue.

Finally, Ji Chen said, "I want to create a supreme fairyland. In the fairyland, everyone is equal and has freedom of speech. Practitioners will not oppress others because of their strength, and ordinary people will not be in awe of cultivators because they are superior."

"In the fairy kingdom, the blood of the strong will be shed for the weak, and it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak."

"In the fairyland, everything is as it is, the grass is green, the water is clear, children should be filial, wives should be married to good daughters, those who died fighting for the country should be buried with splendor, and people should read poems and books Those who can put the books they read to use, those who pay wages to others will not freeze to death in the wind and snow, and those who are brave enough to pioneer will not be trapped in thorns. In the fairyland, the candle of justice should last forever, and the darkness will never fade. Hiding everywhere.”

"I would like to invite you to create this supreme immortal kingdom together. I don't know what you think."

Ji Chen opened his invitation. He had seen killings along the way, and the rules he saw were all based on the law of the jungle. In his opinion, the world should not be like this. So he wants to change the world.

He has not forgotten his words to make the world the way it should be.

The reason why Ji Chen invited them was because they came to him to discuss matters, which meant that they were not pedantic and easily accepted new ideas.

After all, the Immortal Kingdom cannot be sustained by itself. It needs talents, and they happen to be the proud sons of heaven in each major domain. It is not an exaggeration to even say they are the sons of luck. They are exactly the talents Ji Chen needs.

Several of the Sons of God looked at each other, shocked by Ji Chen's grand wish.

The same was true for the people around him who thought Ji Chen was crazy.

This kind of fairyland will never exist at all and is not allowed by the rules. This is against the heavens and challenges the existing status and rights of all the forces in the heavens and the world, as well as challenging the existing laws and avenues, and even challenging the way of heaven. , will become the common enemy of all worlds.

"Emitābha, the Great Demon Sage's fairyland is exactly the paradise in my heart. All living beings are equal. If the Great Demon Sage can create the Paradise of Paradise, I am willing to follow him."

Jin Chanzi was very straightforward, and Ji Chen's ideas coincided with his.

Ji Chen said: "This is not called following. In the fairyland world, everyone is equal and has freedom of speech."

"Good, good!" Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together with a solemn appearance.

At this time, Suan Nizi spoke, "According to the information I received, countless powerful people have already made arrangements on the boundary sea. Just waiting for Brother Dao to step into the boundary sea, for Brother Dao, it will be a big disaster. !”

He raised doubts. Given the current situation, it was doubtful whether Ji Chen could get out of the island alive, how to create the Supreme Immortal Kingdom, and how to plan for the future.

This is also the doubt of others. They believe that Ji Chen should also understand this, but they don't know where he got the confidence to get out of this island alive and still dream of establishing a supreme fairyland.

"It's just a chicken and a dog!" Ji Chen said, nonchalantly.

Everyone took a breath, curious, and didn't know where he had the confidence to survive this disaster.

You must know that it is not only the people on this island who are thinking about him now, there are many more creatures in the sea who have not yet come to the island, waiting for him to step out of the island.

"If you can survive this calamity, I think I would be very willing to follow you and see what the supreme fairyland you talk about is like."

Son of the Sun God said.

Several other Sons of God also expressed their opinions one after another. If Ji Chen really survived this disaster, there would be no harm in following him.

Several people talked about it openly and did not hide anything. The news quickly spread, causing an uproar.

Countless religious leaders and holy masters sneered after hearing this. They didn't pay attention and just regarded it as a joke.

A saint who can only be called a venerable under the pressure of the great road. He is so powerful that he thinks he is invincible. When he leaves this island, he will know what it is that the Holy Lord cannot be deceived.


Deep in the island, red clouds tower into the sky, divine light surges, contains astonishing fluctuations of divine energy, and exudes terrifying blood energy.

The vast blood energy gathered into a real dragon and rushed into the sky. The sky was rendered red, as if someone was going through a tribulation.

The True Dragon Divine Treasure was opened, and everyone on the island looked up at that area.

Rays of light rose into the sky and headed towards that area.

Countless people's eyes were shining and their faces were full of excitement.

Looking from a distance, it is a fairyland, with a lake inside, steaming and auspicious, filled with fairy light accompanied by red clouds.

Many people have visited that fairyland-like place and even found holy medicine in it, but no one thought that the fairyland-like lake was actually related to the True Dragon God Cang.


In a flash of light, a Taoist appeared by the fairy lake, holding a handle of Buddha dust, with gray hair and a fairy-like Taoist spirit.

"Taoist Changsheng!"

Someone recognized the Taoist and immediately exclaimed.

The people around him suddenly moved away from the Taoist.

Taoist Changsheng, a very terrifying old monster, has lived for endless years. There are rumors that he is even more terrifying than the old monsters in the temple.

Soon, a ray of light flashed, and a woman appeared, wearing a purple dress, with flying golden hair, clear eyes, and holding a golden sword.

The Golden Lion Goddess of War also arrived. (End of chapter)

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