Although this island is mentioned, any Holy Lord can kill the Great Demon Saint, but now they are still on this island, and their cultivation is suppressed. Now the Great Demon Saint on this island is invincible, and even the old monsters in the temple have been killed. He was suppressed and killed, and his spirit and soul were wiped out. At this time, worrying about the things on his body was not seeking death.

The old monster in the temple died and was killed by the Great Demon Saint. His soul was scattered and disappeared into ashes. The news soon spread to Jiehai, causing a sensation in an instant. It was like a thunder exploded in the boundary sea, causing everyone to be shocked.

This news is really astonishing. This Great Demon Saint has suddenly emerged, so fast and furious, and he is making great progress all the way.

If he can compete with those sons of gods, defeat those sons of gods of the same age, and even become the king among the gods, they can still understand that after all, there are always some outstanding ones among the same age who cannot be judged by common sense.

But now he has defeated the old monster in the temple, which is unusual. In other words, on this island, he is an invincible opponent, absolutely eternal and invincible. Looking down at everyone on the entire island, he is invincible. The presence.

So as soon as this news came out, it caused a big sensation and made people jaw-dropping.

"Where on earth did such a cruel person come from?"

"I don't know which realm he comes from. It's so outrageous."

On the boundary sea outside the island, countless monks were discussing, and they were all very excited. A young man of the age of a god actually killed an old monster who was half a step emperor.

"The tripod is made of divine gold, and there is more than one kind of divine gold. His identity is definitely extraordinary."

"The tripod is made of divine gold. It is an immortal material that can be promoted to become a supreme artifact."

Many people sighed and showed envy.

Deep in the island, in a pure land, Ji Chen sat cross-legged on a cliff. After every battle, he had to gain some insights, sum up his experience, and make up for his shortcomings.

He gained a lot from this battle. Although he finally killed the old monster in the temple after using all his cards, it also made him aware of his shortcomings.

In this battle, 7.2 billion killing points were harvested.

An old monster in the temple is 900 million, and there are seven killers from the Seven Kills Dynasty, all of whom are strong men in the ninth realm of the Holy Lord.

His kill points have also accumulated to 20.98 billion. This is the biggest gain from this battle.

In addition, he also found another way to evolve the chaotic body. The divine origin of those half-step emperors is the source of the evolution of the chaotic body.

"This might be a way to break the rules."

Ji Chen wanted to break the rules of this island, break through the limits of the saint realm under the suppression of the great road, and forcefully enter the realm of the holy master.

Once successful, he will be directly invincible in the Holy Lord realm.

Now, his identity has been exposed, he possesses a treasure like the Divine Golden Cauldron, and has a forbidden magic like the Age of Reincarnation. Many people are thinking about him. Once he steps out of this island, or the avenue suppression on this island disappears, He will become a target. Becoming the second most popular target on this island, second only to the True Dragon Shenzo.

Therefore, he has now reached the point where he has to break through.

In the next few days, he didn't go anywhere, and kept sitting on the cliff to comprehend and practice.

Many people knew he was here, but no one dared to disturb him.

On this day, several sons of gods arrived at the same time to visit Ji Chen.

Son of the Sun God, Son of Suan Ni, Son of Yaoguang, Taiyi, Shura Messenger, and Jin Chanzi all arrived at the same time to visit and ask.

There is a succession of people who have learned the Tao, and those who have mastered it are the first teachers.

Ji Chen's cultivation at the saint level killed the old monsters in the temple, which was enough for them to put down their posture and visit them.

Although they were both in the realm of saints, Ji Chen surpassed them by a lot.

Although Ji Chen killed the old monster in the temple under the suppression of the island's avenue, it was still terrifying enough.

Ji Chen received several people.

Everyone sat cross-legged on the cliff, throwing out their own doubts, and at the same time putting forward their own opinions on other people's doubts.

This is an eternal picture. The top figures from all major fields gather together to discuss Taoism. It is an extremely incredible scene.

After knowing about it, many people came to this area and wanted to listen to their discussion. After all, these sons of gods were the supreme among the youth, and their casual words could benefit them a lot.

Even the Holy Lord came to listen to the sermon.

Ji Chen and these sons of gods did not stop them and allowed those people to listen.

"We are both in the ninth realm of saints, why is Brother Ji so much stronger than us?"

Yaoguang Godzi raised his doubts.

He is the successor of the Yaoguang Sect, which comes from outside the region and is a supreme sect.

The Yaoguang Sect spans countless large domains, and each domain has branches. Even the Yaoguang Holy Land in Ji Chen's domain is a branch of this supreme religion.

"Every time I break through a major realm, I will rebuild the previous realm. Every time I rebuild, I will make new discoveries and realize many shortcomings. The previous inexperience and shortcomings, as well as the sequelae left by forced breakthroughs, will be perfectly resolved."

Ji Chen didn't hide anything and told the truth, even though he only rebuilt it once. But the most perfect way is to rebuild the previous realm every time you break through a major realm. In this way, both your cultivation and your physical body will become more and more perfect.

Everyone suddenly realized that they were all talented and intelligent people. The reason was instantly understood. I couldn't help but admire Ji Chen's perseverance and determination.

Every time you break through a major realm, you have to rebuild all the previous realms. This requires not only resources, but also perseverance, but I have to say that this cultivation method is the most perfect.

Some things can only be understood when the realm is higher. However, even if some people understand it, they will not think of going back and rebuilding it. They are all thinking of ways to hit a higher realm.

But Ji Chen thought of rebuilding and going back to make up for his regrets.

"Thank you, Brother Ji, for clearing up the confusion!"

The Son of Yaoguang raised his hand to Ji Chen and thanked him sincerely. Ji Chen's cultivation method made him enlightened, and he also decided that after the end of the world of Shen Zang, he would immediately rebuild his realm and make his realm more perfect.

"Thank you, Brother Ji!"

"Blessed are you, brother Ji Chen, for your great kindness!"

Everyone bowed their hands to Ji Chen, and Ji Chen's method benefited them all.

The grace of teaching, the same grace will create new things.

Ji Chen said: "Be willing to give up. Only when you give up can you get something. When you get it, give it up. If you are poor, you can only benefit yourself. If you are rich, you can help the world."

Everyone was shocked. If you are poor, you can benefit yourself, and if you are rich, you can help the world. This is the first time they have heard this argument.

In particular, Jin Chanzi was deeply touched. Ji Chen's words are deeply consistent with Buddhism. Buddhism emphasizes the compassion of the Buddha and the universal salvation of the world. The two arguments are the same.

"Emitābha, I have learned the lesson."

At this time, the Son of the Sun God said: "Brother Taoist, how did you temper your body, and why can you compare with the body of a half-step emperor?" (End of this chapter)

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