
The sound of the horn sounded again, spreading in the air very quickly.

Ji Chen drove a chariot, holding a halberd, and charged directly into the Hai Clan army.

A vast war broke out, with tens of thousands of powerful sea tribes on one side and a human race on the other.

The strength of the two sides is extremely different and they are basically equal. One side wants to break in by force, and the other side wants to stop it with all its strength.

The sea boiled, the sky burst, terrifying runes intertwined, and divine light soared into the sky.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the void was shattered.

Zuo Hao and his group completely became the audience, watching this shocking scene in great horror.

What an astonishing scene this was. One man was fighting against tens of thousands of strong men from the sea clan. Their indomitable and invincible momentum made them all stunned.

Especially when Ji Chen charged in with such unparalleled courage, there was no hesitation at all.

At this moment, they finally believed that Ji Chen had the ability to break out from the siege of the death army.

He created an unparalleled feat, crushing an entire army of death by one person. This crazy feat cannot be said to be unprecedented, but it is definitely rare in ancient times.

It can be predicted that an extremely bright evildoer will rise up, and he will shake the entire realm and look down upon all the sons of God.

This scene had a great impact on all of them, especially Zuo Hao. He had long thought of the extraordinary nature of this person. Among the group of people, he was the only one who believed that the other person could break out of the siege of the army of death.

But he didn't expect this person to be so extraordinary. He destroyed the entire army of death by himself, subdued the headless god general's war horse, drove the chariot, and rushed out.

And now, he was driving the chariot alone, attacking an army composed of tens of thousands of strong men from the sea tribe. This unparalleled feat deeply shocked all of them.

Ji Chen was invincible, his halberd flew across the sky, and he charged all the way, without a single general.

He ignored defense at all, drove his chariot, and went on a rampage. Countless powerful men from the world sea were beaten to pieces by him. Behind him was a blood-stained avenue, with endless corpses floating on the sea, and the world sea was dyed red.

Zuo Hao and others were stunned.

"What are you waiting for? Break out!" A young man said.

Only then did everyone realize that now was a good opportunity to break out.

A group of people followed the path of blood-stained corpses and rushed forward to kill.

Ji Chen rampaged all the way, with invincible bravery, and finally broke through the boundary sea army, and then drove away in a chariot.

Zuo Hao and his group also succeeded in breaking through because Ji Chen disrupted the layout of the strong men of the sea tribe, and followed Ji Chen's footsteps.

However, Ji Chen was too fast and they couldn't keep up. It wasn't that they couldn't keep up, but that they didn't dare to rush into the boundary sea like Ji Chen did.

They don't have that kind of strength, and they can't afford to offend the strong men in the world.

The further you go in, the quieter the boundary sea becomes. It can be said to be lifeless, and the silence is so heart-stopping.

The water was misty, the mist was steaming, the sky was dark, and the whole sky was dark and extremely depressing.

Ji Chen also put away his chariot. In this situation, he did not dare to act recklessly.

Suddenly, a black light in the distance was slowly approaching. It was a huge, decaying warship. It was originally a wooden ship, but it had become rotten and dilapidated. However, it did not sink. Instead, it became a ghost ship, floating on the boundary sea. float.

"An ancient warship lost in the world sea?"

Ji Chen was surprised. The ship gave him a sense of danger, which made his hair stand on end. There seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at him from inside.

"Is something strange happening to this ship, or is there a living being on board?"

Ji Chen did not approach rashly, but bypassed the ghost ship.

However, not long after traveling forward, Ji Chen encountered that kind of ghost ship again, and he still chose to avoid it.

There are many such ghost ships floating in this sea area. Ji Chen is a little lucky that he did not drive a chariot into a collision. If he encounters these ghost ships, unimaginable horror may occur.

The further you go, the less likely you are to encounter danger. Perhaps because of these ghost ships, no other creature dares to survive in this sea area.

A few days later, Ji Chen finally saw the other shore. A war was breaking out in this sea area. Creatures of various races were fighting here. The sky was shattering and the earth was shattering. The waves covered the sky, the boundary sea was stained with blood, and corpses were scattered in pieces.

The sky was shattered.

Even strong men at the Holy Lord level are participating in the battle, and any blow can cause the sky to collapse and the world sea to shake.

Some strange treasure must have appeared, and several forces are participating in the war.

Ji Chen didn't want to get involved, so he bypassed the battlefield and landed on the island.

However, as soon as he landed on the island, he discovered a problem. There was an extremely terrifying taboo energy shrouding the island.

Ji Chen's face changed slightly, and he quickly checked his whole body and found that he couldn't take out the several Holy Lord-level weapons.

He frowned slightly. Is there a power beyond a saint that is forbidden on this island?

He looked back at the battle that was breaking out on the sea in the distance. The Holy Lords were not affected, and their strength was displayed normally. Even the Holy Lord weapons were used as usual.

"The coast is the dividing line, so it's no wonder they go to sea to fight."

In other words, even if the Holy Lord goes to the island, he will be suppressed in the realm of the Saint.

Ji Chen was full of fear of this island. Even the Holy Lord could forcefully suppress it. How powerful is the owner of this power? His methods are as powerful as the sky.

Ji Chen raised his feet and walked inside. It's not so much an island as it is a continent, with no end in sight.

Purple air comes from the east, and there is peace. The old trees are sparse, but they are all very vigorous. Each tree is several feet thick, towering into the clouds. The old skin is cracked, like dragon scales. The branches and leaves are not very lush, but they have not formed. The kind of scene that blocks out the sky and the sun.

Walking in it, you can feel the sunlight shining down.

After floating on the gloomy sea for such a long time, Ji Chen was in a good mood when he saw the sunshine.

The mist is floating, and the sun shines through the branches and leaves, making it colorful, like walking in a fairyland.

The aura is so rich that it can hardly be dissolved.

Ji Chen finally understood why the real dragon chose to nest here. This was simply a fairyland-like paradise.

Soon, Ji Chen was not in a good mood. This island was actually divided into territories.

This kind of fairyland is rich in aura and no one has been there for countless years. It is filled with fairy grass and countless magical medicines.

The powerful forces in each major region divided their territories and harvested immortal herbs and magical elixirs.

"Oh, damn, Zidian Palace is really nothing. They don't let us pick fairy grass, but they force us to go to dangerous areas to help them pick medicine."

"Even if he is suppressed, he is still a Holy Lord. His cultivation level has dropped, but his realm is still there. The physical strength is different, and he can still crush us. A strong man at the peak of the Holy Lord, even if he is slightly suppressed to the peak of a saint, even if Even if he is the Son of God, he may not be able to win!"

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