It's not that Ji Chen wants to be pretentious. This chariot was given to him by Emperor Xia. It is a powerful defensive holy weapon. Combined with the Azure Dragon Halberd, it is powerful and integrates offense and defense, which can prevent sneak attacks.

After all, there are many unknown and powerful creatures in this forbidden sea. Even if there are creatures that can sneak up on him without his perception, the chariot can also play a certain defensive role, giving him time to prepare and react.

When facing the unknown, you must remain cautious.

Of course, the main reason is that Ji Chen wants to harvest a wave of killing points. This is a good opportunity to harvest killing points.

After all, killing points are one of the important resources for his cultivation.

After becoming a saint, he needed too many killing points, and this boundary sea was the holy land for accumulating killing points.

These war horses do not have the immortal fighting spirit and obsession of those headless god generals. They only know how to obey and obey the strong, even if they die, their obsession makes them obey.

Ji Chen hitched a dozen war horses directly to his chariot and set off.

The sound of horse hooves shook the sky, and more than a dozen war horses stepped on the sea, their hooves sounded like thunder, and they galloped towards the depths of the boundary sea.

The aura of death exuded by the war horses frightened many dead creatures in the sea.


Zuo Hao and his group broke into another dead sea according to the map, and densely packed marine life appeared.

This is not the kind of dead creature, but a real marine creature. The marine creatures living in the boundary sea are extremely powerful and densely packed, with tens of thousands of them. The sea is forbidden. As soon as they approach, there are creatures scolding them.

"The sea area is closed, no one is allowed to enter, and anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

It was a sea general, riding a giant shark and holding a trident, lying across the sea.

The faces of Zuo Hao and the others changed. The sea general's powerful strength made them palpitate.

Although this group of marine creatures is not as powerful as the death army a few days ago, they are living creatures and have a stronger sense of fighting. Once a battle formation is formed, they cannot break through at all.

"How could this happen? How could this sea area be banned?"

"It's probably because of the matter about the True Dragon's Lair. These local sea tribes also participated in the fight for the True Dragon's Lair. There were probably too many people intruding in front, which alarmed them."

"What should I do? Break in forcefully?"

"Can you break through? If you force yourself to break in, you will die."

Everyone's face turned pale, they had reached this point, the sea area was actually blocked, they were now in a dilemma.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves in the distance shook the heaven and earth, and its sound was like thunder

The faces of Zuo Hao and the others changed drastically. They were familiar with this voice. Could it be that the group of death cavalry were chasing Gu?

Everyone looked back and saw a turmoil in the sea in the distance. A dozen black horses wearing armor were running wildly on the sea. The sound of hoofs was deafening, as if they were treading on land instead of sea water.

More than a dozen black horses galloped across his face, like thousands of troops charging, with a sound that shook the sky and a murderous intent that moved the earth.

Behind it is a chariot called God Chaser, pulled by more than a dozen war horses. On top of the chariot, a terrifying young man wearing a black battle suit holds a halberd and points to the sky from a distance, pointing towards this Bian rushed over.

"It's him!"

At this moment, everyone was shocked. It was Chen Jiu who came out to fight.

Unparalleled shock, everyone was stunned. Faced with such a desperate battle, he was able to fight out.

"How is that possible! He can fight his way out of such a desperate situation. Such fighting power is too terrifying!"

"It wasn't him who killed him, he was the one who wiped out all the death army." An old saint said cautiously.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Everyone's expressions changed wildly. This was simply impossible. No one knew better than them how terrifying that army of death was. It was extremely difficult to escape. No one could do it if they were all destroyed.

It would be terrible if anyone could do it.

"Seeing that those war horses are missing, they are the war horses of the God of Death. Those death armies don't know fear at all and will not flinch. If they don't kill them all, they won't be able to restrain those war horses, and they won't have the chance to restrain those war horses. "

The old saint sighed, although this seems like a fantasy, it is the fact.

"How can this be?"

Everyone took a breath. If so, it would be terrible. He had created an unparalleled feat.

"Trespassers will die, stop him!"

When the sea general saw that the chariot had no intention of stopping, he shouted loudly.

Chariots rolled in, and a dozen big black horses stampeded across the sea, stirring up huge storms.

"Intruder, die!"

The sea will roar.

Dozens of strong men from the Sea Clan rushed out from behind him and formed a battle formation. Divine light shot into the sky, and strange runes flowed from their bodies.


The chariot rushed forward with no intention of stopping. The green dragon halberd slashed down across the air, splitting the void.

The battle formation was directly split open, part of the sea creature screamed, and its body exploded directly, while the other part was crushed by the chariot, and all of them were crushed into the void.

Zuo Hao and his group saw this scene in their eyes, and were extremely shocked. A terrifying battle formation capable of killing saints was crushed to pieces by him. Dozens of sea creatures all exploded into the void, their blood... The fog is thick.


The horn sounded, the ripples spread, and the whole ocean boiled. This was the horn of invasion by the enemy. It was a notification that a powerful person was invading this sea area.

"Looking for death! Stop him!"

The sea general was furious and rode a huge silver shark into the sky. He stretched out his hand and a large flag gun appeared in his hand. The flag on the gun was filled with endless evil energy, as if it contained a hell.

He waved casually, and the flag rose up in the storm, instantly blocking out the sky and sun, forming a hellish world, imprisoning Ji Chen, and wanted to take Ji Chen and the chariot in.

Ji Chen drove the chariot without stopping at all. He slashed with the halberd in his hand, and the divine light split everything. It was like the creation of heaven and earth. The hell world that restricted the heaven and earth was directly split open, and the battle flag was also split into two halves.

The halberd struck directly, splitting the sea general and the silver shark under his crotch into two halves.

Zuo Hao and the others were stunned. They were so fierce and invincible.


The sound of horse hooves shook the world, and a dozen black horses broke through the sea, heading towards the endless army of sea creatures.


The halberd swept across, and the halberd blocked the sky. Thunder and lightning flashed, exploding in the sky, and the sea roared and swept into the sky.


Immediately, dozens of powerful sea warriors exploded, their bodies turned into blood mist, and crystal bones flew in all directions.

Blood mist filled the air, dyeing the sky red.

Killing dozens of strong men with one halberd is an invincible power, invincible and unstoppable.


Asking for a monthly ticket! (End of chapter)

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