Ji Chen walked out of the depths of the thunder fog area, preparing to leave this area and go to other areas.

He consumed part of the flesh and blood of the Black Dragon Great Sage and broke through to the peak of the first realm of a saint.

Dacheng Nirvana has also been completed, and I can finally practice his own method of transformation.

His Transformation of Freedom is an extremely terrifying method, and Ji Chen's perception has become even more acute.

"It's him!" Someone recognized Ji Chen.

Ji Yanhua was one of the people besides Thunder God Son who walked to the innermost part of the thunder fog area. He was surprised and curious when Ji Chen overtook him, so he clearly remembered Ji Chen's appearance.

The catastrophe broke out and he was injured. When he escaped from the depths of the thunder fog, he took a look inside.

At that glance, he saw an extremely shocking scene. He vaguely saw two people fighting in the midst of the Thunder Sea Tribulation. That terrifying scene brought him unparalleled shock and impact.

There were only two people who entered the depths of the thunder mist. Apart from Thor, it was the stranger who surpassed him.

Now that this person comes out, it means that Thunder God Son was killed by him and he won that battle.

Ji Yanhua was extremely shocked. Is the Son of Thunder dead?

He was killed by this unknown boy deep in the thunder fog area.

This unknown young man created an unparalleled feat. He survived the tribulation deep in the thunder fog, fought with the Son of Thunder in the sea of ​​tribulation, and killed the Son of Thunder.

This had a great impact on him, even though he already knew that this young man was extremely extraordinary and could step into the depths of thunder fog. But I didn't expect him to be so terrifying. Not only did he survive the tribulation deep in the thunder mist, but he also killed the Son of Thunder God during the thunder tribulation.

He knew very well that the rise of an incredible Son of God would shake up the entire world of Shenzang and look down on all the great regions, and he was the only one who knew about him now.

Ji Chen walked out along the foggy area. He knew very well that the two tribulations here would definitely attract many strong people. This place was already a dangerous place, at least for him.

After intercepting the dojo of the Fire God Son and killing the Thunder God Son, we can no longer stay here.

Ji Chen has sensed that many powerful people have come to this area, including many at the Holy Lord level.

The fog area is already dark, and the perception is very low here. It is also vast and vast. If an ordinary practitioner breaks in, it will be difficult to get out.

Ji Chen avoided those powerful beings and used eight steps to ascend into the air. The speed was very fast and he soon left the thunder fog area and entered another area.

At this moment, a pair of red eyes lit up in front of him. It was a huge dragon with black scales all over its body. Its cultivation had reached the realm of a saint. It was attacking Ji Chen and wanted to kill Ji Chen.

In the foggy area, there are many such strange beasts, and they are full of dangers.

Ji Chen struck out with a palm, and the Suanni Thunder Tribulation evolved, swallowing the dragon directly, and then exploded. Even the blood mist was burned cleanly by the thunder tribulation.

Now this ferocious beast from the previous realms of a saint is really too weak for Ji Chen.

After killing dozens of strange beasts, Ji Chen walked out of the fog area.

During this period, he encountered some powerful beasts, which frightened Ji Chen. They were all existences that surpassed saints.


There was a blue sky and an endless ocean in front of him. During this time in the foggy area, he was either fighting or facing ferocious beasts. Now that he suddenly saw the ocean, Ji Chen felt very good.

"This sea is so vast!" someone next to me said.

There were many people on the golden beach, all coming out of the foggy area, especially some young people, who were very excited. Having been accustomed to hearing the roars and fighting of ferocious beasts, suddenly seeing the sea was a shock to everyone, giving them a feeling of surviving a disaster.

The vast expanse of blue waves, where the sky and the sea meet, are exciting. Especially those who have experienced life and death in the foggy area are very excited at this moment.

There are also some older people, strong men of the older generation. Although they look young, there are traces of time deposited on them. They are relatively silent, don't speak much, and most of them are observing quietly.

Ji Chen noticed that these people were all strong men in the realm of saints, and some of them were very extraordinary, with restrained energy and blood, like dormant ancient ferocious beasts.

There are also several younger and terrifying strong men, who should be at the level of the Son of God, hidden in the crowd, especially one or two of them, like walking real dragons.

"I heard that this is the Boundary Sea, and there seems to be the remains of a true dragon in the depths of the Boundary Sea!" Someone whispered.

"Shh! Don't bring up these taboo topics in this place, or you may get into trouble."

Someone who knew something quickly spoke up to remind him.

"What are you afraid of? We haven't reached the depths of the boundary sea. We are only on the periphery."

Someone took out a broken map from his arms and began to study it.

"Cross the boundary sea to the other side. There is a true dragon's lair there. It is said that there is a supreme inheritance."

Ji Chen was surprised. If he could really find the true dragon's lair, he wouldn't have to worry about his later training resources.

The Black Dragon Holy Master will allow him to cultivate to two more realms at most.

He had no purpose, and now, he decided to go to the real dragon's lair to take a look.

"This Boundary Sea is very unstable. There are many terrifying creatures in it, all of which are ridiculously powerful. There are even many dead creatures and death forbidden areas. Once you step into it, it is extremely dangerous. It is impossible to cross the Boundary Sea alone. I suggest that we If everyone acts together, the success will be greater.”

"Yes! But it's best not to cross the void. There are void turbulences above the boundary sea. In some places, time and space are even chaotic. Once you fall into it, you will be doomed."

Hearing this, Ji Chen was stunned for a moment. He was originally thinking of using eight steps to fly directly across the boundary sea, but now it seems that this is not possible, so he should go with them!

Finally, a boy of the Son of God level took out a bone ship and placed it on the sea.

The huge bone ship is comparable to a hill, exuding a terrifying evil aura, and the divine radiance envelopes the entire bone ship, exuding a pale golden light.

Not everyone has good resources like Ji Chen and can directly use divine gold to refine weapons.

When most people can't find good materials, they will look for the skeletons of strong men, especially refining large weapons such as warships, which consumes more materials, so the skeletons of strong men become one of the best raw materials. one.

At the young man's invitation, everyone set foot on the bone ship.

Ji Chen also went up. He had a chariot that could also cross the boundary sea instead of a ship, but after thinking about it, Ji Chen still chose to go with them.

"Let's go, let's go to the other side!"

Those young men who were like sons of gods and those powerful men from the older generation all had a clear purpose to cross the boundary sea and go to the true dragon's lair deep on the other side.

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