Thunder God Son didn't even think about it, he just rushed in. This was his creation and no one could snatch it away.

He came here for two months just to get the God of Thunder's blessing, but he didn't expect it to be manifested in a way of overcoming tribulation.

As for thunder tribulations, he is really not afraid. He has practiced lightning techniques and has been struck by lightning since he was a child. Overcoming tribulations has become a common occurrence.


The sea of ​​thunder burst open, and a thunder calamity true dragon rushed in. It was a sword, and it manifested into a true dragon and charged towards Ji Chen.

Ji Chen had noticed it a long time ago, turned around and struck directly with his sword.

This time when he was going through the tribulation, he had already sacrificed the Tianxuan Sword and the Divine Golden Cauldron.

The Tianxuan Sword and the True Dragon Sword collided together, erupting into a dazzling brilliance.

In an instant, the world was turned upside down, a thousand miles around shook, and a large black crack appeared.

A terrifying confrontation ensued between the two.

This was Ji Chen's first encounter with the Son of God, a monster destined to become a god.

There is nothing to argue between the two of them. Only one person is destined to pick the Dao Fruit. This is a battle for the Dao.

The Son of Thunder God waved his divine sword, and a terrifying thunder tribulation fairy light struck out. The powerful divine light shone like a Milky Way falling down.

Ji Chen held the knife in one hand, stretched out a palm, and ground it in the void. His palm was like a millstone, directly wiping out the terrifying fairy light.

The Son of Thunder is awe-inspiring, this person is more terrifying than imagined, his body is comparable to a sacred weapon, and he is comparable to all the Sons of God.

"Come on, let me see how powerful your body is." Lei Shengzi said lightly.

On his body, a black metal battle suit emerged, covering the body surface, with a layer of divine fire beating on it. His body was glowing, thunder and lightning flashed, and in his eyes, two thunder and lightning runes bloomed with divine brilliance.


The Son of Thunder scolded lightly, and his voice was like thunder, causing the entire heaven and earth to shake, and the thunder and lightning in the heaven and earth became violent.

Due to the addition of Thunder God Son, the double thunder tribulation made the already terrifying thunder tribulation several times more terrifying.

Thunder comes to the world, endless electric light, blazing divine light, the sky and the earth are blazing white, dazzling, endless divine fire is burning, and the void collapses.

Ji Chen and Lei Shenzi fought while resisting the thunder tribulation.

The Son of Thunder struck with a sword, and the divine sword seemed to come to life. Like a real dragon, a huge body emerged, with shining scales, ferocious horns, and raised its head and roared.

"What a vicious sword!"

Ji Chen was surprised. This sword was definitely made from the bones of a certain Holy Lord and was very powerful.

He turned sideways to avoid the slash of the divine sword, stretched out his palm, evolved into a thunder calamity suanni, and struck the divine sword with his palm.


Ji Chen's palm was like a holy weapon, flashing with divine light. The Thunder Tribulation Suan Ni and the Thunder Tribulation True Dragon erupted, like a terrifying thunder exploding in this place, bursting out with bright light and causing the void to collapse.


The palm of the Son of Thunder collapsed and the tiger's mouth exploded. He was horrified. Ji Chen's physical body was stronger than he imagined. His physical body resisted the sacred weapon and injured him.

The other party can pick up the sacred weapon with his bare hands, so how can he fight?

The two started a life-and-death battle in the lightning. Each reached the extreme in the field of thunder and evolved into various ferocious beasts from ancient legends.

The Son of Thunder evolved into a sky-swallowing skylark, carrying thunder from the sky, and swallowed it towards Ji Chen. The thunder was like the sea, like the waves of the Milky Way, and struck across the sky.

Ji Chen evolved into the Taotie of Thunder Tribulation, swallowing up the sky and the earth.


The sea of ​​thunder flooded the whole world.

The next moment, Ji Chen launched a more violent attack, with murderous intent like the sea, turning into streaks of light, arriving in an instant.

At this moment, several ancient ferocious beasts transformed from thunder rushed toward Ji Chen. These god-like ferocious beasts were extremely terrifying, as if they had consciousness.

Ji Chen could only be forced to fight with these thunder tribulation beasts.

If a vicious beast is broken by him, a new one will form immediately.

Thunder God Son also encountered a terrible thing. He was surrounded by several thunderous beasts and fell into a terrible fierce battle. In addition, the thunder of thunder fell, and a thunderstorm directly knocked him away. Then he was overwhelmed by endless thunder, almost smashing his body to pieces.

The Son of Thunder God was horrified. This was not a catastrophe. He had never seen such a terrifying catastrophe.

These thunder beasts were indeed the evolution of the will of heaven and gods, but he simply couldn't bear it.


He was beaten away by a thunder beast, and then his body was almost shattered by a bolt of lightning.

This kind of thunder was so terrifying. It was mixed with the aura of chaos. It struck him with blood, his bones cracked, and his whole body was covered with injuries. He was shaky and almost unsupportable.

Ji Chen's lightning disaster was terrifying originally, but now it turned into a double thunder disaster, and he couldn't bear it at all.

Ji Chen's side was slightly better than Thunder God's Son, but it was still miserable, with his skin and flesh torn apart.

This area was originally a thunderstorm area. It was already very risky for Ji Chen to choose to survive the tribulation here. The thunder tribulation that landed was the limit of what he could bear. Now another bastard came in rashly and it became a double Thunder Tribulation, even if his body became a saint, he could not withstand this kind of thunder.

Ji Chen also held on, resisting the thunder tribulation and fighting the thunder tribulation creatures at the same time. The neural cauldron was placed on his head, scattering light and covering his body, resisting part of the thunder tribulation. He only had to fight the thunder tribulation beast. Just concentrate on fighting.

The sea of ​​thunder was like a tide, the sky and the earth collapsed, thousands of feet of thunder penetrated the sky and the earth, the cauldron on Ji Chen's head was blown away several times, endless thunder and lightning were blazing, Ji Chen no longer knew how many thunder tribulations he had experienced.

Finally, the sea of ​​thunder disappeared, the heaven and earth calmed down, and Ji Chen, who was covered in darkness, lay on the ground, not knowing whether to live or die.

After an unknown amount of time, the charred body moved, and a pair of eyes opened, shining brightly.

Ji Chen survived the thunder catastrophe, and the charred old skin on his body fell off, and his new skin was made of divine gold. Thunder and lightning flashed in his eyes, and clouds of thunder gathered and dispersed in his breath.

Although this time was dangerous, it also allowed him to find his own way. The golden divine fire in his body was filled with lightning, and a trace of chaos flowed.

He took a very crucial step. This step was very important to him and was the key to his physical advancement to the supreme realm.

The Dacheng Nirvana Technique was finally completed, and Ji Chen's physical cultivation both stepped into the realm of a saint.

The Son of Thunder God had already been wiped out in the thunder catastrophe, and both his soul and spirit were destroyed.

Outside the thunderstorm fog area, figures were looking inside. The terrifying calamity just now shocked them. At this moment, the calamity stopped. It was not known whether the people inside had survived the calamity. No one dared to go in to check.

There are people who dare to survive the tribulation in the thunderstorm fog area. This is simply a feat.

Some time ago, someone was going through a tribulation at the Vulcan Son's dojo, and they also robbed the Vulcan Son's dojo. Now there are people going through a tribulation in the thunderstorm fog area.

In the past two days, many masters have come to the foggy area, and the Golden Crow tribe has also sent masters. They should be aiming at the people who robbed the Fire God Son's dojo.

There are also many people who come for those who want to overcome the tribulation.

Both times, some people chose to survive the tribulation in the foggy area, which undoubtedly sent a lucky signal to the outside world. There may be great opportunities in the foggy area, and two people have already obtained it.

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