Ji Chen felt that the power in his body was being extracted rapidly. The appearance of the underworld in Tianshu Holy Land was not without cost. It required his own strength as support. Summoning the fighting spirit in the Styx River also required his own strength as support.

The Holy Lord of the Wolf Demon felt like he was facing a powerful enemy, and he could feel the power and terror of this fighting spirit.

The purple-eyed war spirit raised his hand and slashed down with a chaotic sword energy. The wolf demon saint's head fell to the ground without any resistance.


A blood-colored chain flew out of the Ming River, pierced through the body of the Wolf Demon Saint Lord, directly captured his soul, and dragged him into the Ming Ming River.

"Oh no!"

The Holy Wolf Demon Lord screamed in a voice that was earth-shattering and extremely frightening. The next moment, he was dragged into the River Styx, and countless demonic figures pounced on the soul of the Wolf Demon Lord.


The Great Sage Wolf Demon encountered great trouble, and his frightened roar came out through the void.

Everyone in the square was chilling and sweating profusely. A powerful Holy Lord was like a piece of meat on a chopping block. His head was cut off by a sword. His soul was devoured by countless war spirit shadows. His miserable screams penetrated into their souls, making everyone Hairy.

How powerful is this fighting spirit? The emperor is still the emperor, how can he still be so powerful after death? The first generation of Holy Lord was killed by him like killing an ant.

Soon, the Wolf Demon Holy Lord disappeared, and his soul was eaten by the war spirits in the Styx.

Killing point: 100 million.

Looking at the killing point flashing in his eyes, Ji Chen was surprised. The killing point of the demon clan saint lord who was killed by the purple-eyed war spirit was actually counted on him.

That's right, after all, the fighting spirit was summoned by oneself, and all the cause and effect and killing points are also attributed to oneself.

One Venerable has 100 million killing points, which is enough to break through a realm.

Just when Ji was expecting the body of the Wolf Demon Holy Lord to fall, the purple-eyed war spirit took action again, and another chain shot out from the Styx River, rolling up the Wolf Demon Holy Lord's body and dragging it into the underworld. In the river.

Ji Chen: "???"

"How many lives has this river swallowed?" Everyone was shocked and frightened.

"I finally know why the water in the river is red. It is dyed red by blood."

"This can't be Huangquan River!"

"It's impossible. If he could really summon the Yellow Spring River, it would be terrifying."

Ji Chen looked up at the sky, "Where are those arrogant Holy Lords just now? Did they run away? Don't be cowardly! They weren't so majestic just now, why are they running away now?"

In the sky, a huge Golden Roc bird and a black dragon stared at the fighting spirit below with fearful expressions. They failed to escape and were pulled by the power of the fighting spirit.

The other fighting spirits under the Holy Lord ran away as soon as they appeared. They were sensed by the fighting spirits just because they took one more look.

The two Holy Masters were horrified. The death of the Wolf Demon Holy Master deeply shocked them, making them fearful and eager to escape from this place immediately.

At this moment, the purple-eyed war spirit took action, still swinging his hand and slashing. A chaotic sword light swept across the void, the sky was cut in half, and the sword light slashed into the starry sky.

Blood was spilled, and the bodies of Holy Lord Jinpeng and Holy Lord Jiaolong were separated and killed with a single sword.

In the River Styx, the chains clattered, picking up the bodies and souls of the two holy masters and dragging them directly into the river.

The fighting spirit roared, the river boiled, and soon became calm.

The souls of the two holy masters were eaten by the fighting spirits in the river, and their bodies were swallowed by the river water.

Everyone's eyes widened, their hearts beating with fear, what a terrifying chaotic sword light.

Two powerful Holy Lords fell like this, killed by a single sword.

Ji Chen's face turned pale, and the divine power in his body was almost exhausted, making it difficult for him to support the underworld.

The figure of the purple-eyed fighting spirit is blurring, and so is Tianxuan Mingtu.

Just when the purple-eyed fighting spirit was about to disappear completely, he glanced at Ji Chen. There was no demonic power in his eyes that wanted to devour all things, but there was a sense of relief and encouragement.

Ji Chen waved goodbye and An sent him away. This is his guide into Tianxuan Holy Land.

In the end, Netherland disappeared and everything in the world returned to normal.

Ji Chen stood on the ancient battlefield, with a slender body, pale face and sharp eyes.

The whole square was silent, extremely quiet, no one spoke. Three mighty Holy Lords, who spanned several realms and looked down upon the world, ended up with such an end. They were killed by the summoned war spirits. Their souls were destroyed and their bodies were left empty. live.

A human being in the realm of Venerables actually killed three Holy Lords. If word spread, it would definitely shock the world.

Although he was not killed directly by Ji Chen, he was killed by the war spirit he summoned. The process is not important, what is important is the result.

The result was that the three venerables were killed by the war spirits he summoned.

What is the origin of this Taoist priest? Could it be that he really comes from some extremely terrifying ancient family?

No one could think of a strong man with purple eyes who had appeared in the past years.

As Ji Chen stepped out of the ancient battlefield, the square instantly boiled with excitement. The entire square seemed to be on fire, and countless voices sounded.

The ancient battlefield also rose into the sky and disappeared into the void.

"Wow, you are so powerful. You have made people worry for so long. Are you really from a scary family?" Hu Ling'er walked over gracefully, staring at Ji Chen with her big eyes full of curiosity.

"Brother Ji Chen, it turns out it's really you. I didn't expect you to change your identity and come to Black Dragon City." Holy Son Tianshu spoke at this time, revealing Ji Chen's identity.

He showed a smile, very gentle, but there was a hint of murderous intent hidden in the smile.

At this time, Ji Chen's identity is exposed, and his intentions can be imagined.

At this moment, everyone in the square was stunned, looking at Ji Chen and Holy Son Tianshu in disbelief.

Demon Lord Ji?

He said that the Wutian Taoist in front of him was Ji Chen Ji Demon Lord?

I can't believe it, everyone can't believe it.

Some smart people seemed to have thought of something, and their expressions changed slightly. Ji Mozun came to the demon clan, but there was no news, but this Taoist Wutian seemed to appear out of thin air.

"The Holy Son has good taste." Ji Chen smiled slightly and did not argue, but directly restored his appearance.

But as he regained his identity, the confrontation between the two became clear.

At this moment, the whole place was in an uproar. It was incredible. The whole square was extremely quiet, and there was no sound. Everyone looked at Ji Chen in the field in shock.

"Let me tell you, how could there be so many geniuses who defy the heavens? When I was in the Northern Wilderness, I met Demon Lord Ji. His tribulation led to the great catastrophe of the Heavenly Dragon. In Black Dragon City, I met Lord Wutian. Zun, caused an even more terrifying Five Elements Heavenly Dragon Tribulation, and they all resisted physically, it turns out that these two people are actually the same person."

As Cheerbu spoke, the calm scene was instantly broken.

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