Once Holy Son Tianshu revealed Ji Chen's identity, the emperor's uncle in the main hall would come forward to stop the battle. After all, Ji Chen's identity was extraordinary. He was a disciple of the Holy Emperor, and the emperor's uncle would not allow him to have any accidents.

"Open the ancient battlefield and let them fight!" Hundianda's voice sounded.

The next moment, the space in the square split open, and an ancient battlefield descended. This turn of events shocked countless people.

An ancient battlefield appeared out of thin air. What method was used?

Could it be that this ancient battle is a magic weapon?

The ancient battlefield is a dry and dead land. The brown earth exudes a biting evil spirit. It seems that the most powerful person has fallen on this land.

Someone whispered that this ancient battlefield was a corner cut off from a real ancient battlefield. It was once stained with the blood of the emperor. So some powerful people cut off this ancient battlefield stained with the blood of the emperor and refined it. Became a magic weapon.

Everyone in the square was shocked. They cut off the ancient battlefield stained with the emperor's blood and refined it into a magic weapon. What kind of method was this?

Your Majesty, a drop of blood can collapse the void and destroy a hundred thousand mountains. A magical weapon made from an ancient battlefield stained with the emperor's blood, you can imagine how terrifying its power is.

The eyes of the Holy Lord of the Wolf Clan were cold. Over the years, no one had dared to be so unreasonable. His murderous intent enveloped the entire ancient battlefield.

Many people looked pale and could not bear the pressure.

Ji Chen stepped directly into the ancient battlefield without any fear.

"Is there any other Holy Master who wants to fight me? Come out together. I will fight all of you by myself."

Ji Chen clamored, wanting to attract more Holy Lords and cut them all at once.

Above the sky, streams of breath emitted, causing the entire sky to tremble and the world to change color.

The vast coercion dispersed, causing the young prodigy in the square to almost faint.

Fortunately, the divine city formation exuded hazy light, which offset the pressure, so that everyone was not affected.

Ji Chen looked at the sky and sighed in his heart. Sure enough, he guessed correctly. Uncle Daxia and Holy Lord Tianshu came here to negotiate. These demon clan saints are hiding in the void in preparation for the failure of negotiations.

Once it fails, there will probably be a war.

"Boy, I won't let you die so easily. I will dig out your soul and slowly refine it."

The Holy Lord of the Wolf Clan looked down at Ji Chen and said coldly.

For a creature of Ji Chen's level, once caught, life would be more uncomfortable than death, especially if he falls into the hands of the Holy Lord, there are ten million ways to torture him and make his life worse than death.

"Then let's fight! Let's see who lives and who dies!"

Ji Chen raised his head and began to sing, "Kowtow to my great ancestors, the fighting spirits wandering in the ancient battlefield, listen to the call of the younger generation, cross the long river of time, embark on the journey, and fight in the world again!"

At this moment, the whole square was silent, and everyone was confused. What was this guy doing?

Summon an ancient heroic spirit, or a heroic spirit from his family?

Could it be that this guy really has an extremely terrifying family that has been passed down from ancient times to the present?

The summoning technique is said to be used by some ancient families. It can summon war spirits or heroic spirits who died in ancient times through their bloodline, and come across time and space to conquer the world again.

"No way! Could this guy really be able to summon an ancient heroic spirit?"

Everyone in the square was suppressed. If that were the case, it would be terrifying.

Even the Holy Lord of the Wolf Clan in the sky was frightened. The heroic spirits that can be summoned are existences with immortal obsessions and existences that surpass the emperor.

He always felt that something was not right. How could a little venerable person dare to challenge him?

The reason why Ji Chen used the summoning technique was just to deceive others. He just didn't want his master Tantai Xuan to be exposed prematurely, and he didn't want to cause too much of a sensation. Just wipe out those holy masters silently, and then blame everything on the fighting spirits.

In the void, the Holy Lord of the Wolf Clan felt more and more something was wrong, and there was a depressing atmosphere in the sky. He was ready to take action, and first killed the ant in front of him. Even if he could really summon something, as long as he killed the summon in front of him. Or, the problem can be solved from the source.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the entire sky changed. The world was dark, the wind was roaring, and a terrifying atmosphere filled the air. It was like the door to the underworld was opened, and an atmosphere that did not belong to this world was released.

Ji Chen was very familiar with this scene. It was the underworld atmosphere of Tianxuan Holy Land.

"No! It was really summoned!"

Even Ji Chen was a little surprised.

A Styx River emerged in the void, as if it had crossed time and space and came from ancient times. The blood-colored river water was looming, and countless floating corpses were looming in the river water, making it difficult to see clearly. There were floating corpses of humans and giant beasts, and the faint sound of iron chains could be heard coming from the River Styx.

"What's going on? What is that?"

At this moment, everyone was furious!

"Oh my god! It's raining blood. It's raining blood on the ancient battlefield." Everyone was shocked.

Blood is raining down, the whirlwind is violent, and the vast sea is undulating. The scene on the ancient battlefield is quite evil, and bursts of roars are heard.

Ji Chen was completely shocked by the scene in front of him. Tianxuan Mingtu and Huangquan Minghe were actually summoned by him across the realm.

At this moment, Tantai Xuan's voice sounded in Ji Chen's mind, "Your summons was heard by them. As the only living descendant of Tianxuan Holy Land, they will not allow you to be bullied."

They don't allow you to be bullied. This sentence shows the unparalleled domineering power of Tianxuan Holy Land and their protective character. Even if we die, our heroic spirit and obsession are still there. As long as you call, we can hear you. If you are bullied, just say hello and we will come out to cut him for you.

Ji Chen was a little confused. I just said a few words casually to fool them. Are you serious?

However, he was still a little touched in his heart. The characters of the senior heroic spirits and calf protectors in Tianxuan Holy Land made him feel like home.

Mr. Fang also protects his son, but he is more of a strict teacher, extremely harsh and strict. He has always had a free-range policy towards himself. Regardless of whether he is bullied or not, after he is bullied, he will only knock on the door afterwards and bully him even more.

Mr. Fang’s philosophy is that you must walk your own path.

Suddenly, a figure rose up from the blood-colored Styx, crossed the space directly, and appeared on the battlefield. Its purple eyes were like the abyss of blood prison, with a demonic nature that could swallow all things.

Ji Chen's breath couldn't help but rush. It was the purple eye that once led him into Tianxuan Holy Land, his guide.

The vast aura was overwhelming and extremely cold. This coldness was like a netherworld, penetrating into the soul, making the hairs on the hair of everyone present stand on end, and creating infinite fear in their hearts.

Especially those purple eyes, which seemed to be able to swallow up people's souls and make everyone's heart palpitate.

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