I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 525: Fox demon on the left hand, snake demon on the right hand

Ji Chen smiled and said, "Forget it about being a guard. I have a bad temper, and I prefer to eat monster meat. They want to eat me, and I also like to eat them. Raw monster slices, monster meat sashimi, braised in soy sauce, etc." Stir-fried, steamed, souped, I know how to eat them all, it just depends on who has a bad mouth."

He had just experienced a big battle not long ago and spent a whole day and night drinking in the Huntian Demon Monkey Mansion. He was in a very relaxed state of mind at the moment and said this in a teasing and joking tone.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hu Ling'er laughed forward and back, not caring about her image at all. A large area of ​​snow-white skin was exposed under her collar, which was as beautiful as jade. Her pair of lotus-rooted arms shone with crystal luster, her pretty face was radiant, and her eyes were lively.

"Are you going to eat me too?"

"You, forget it, I'm afraid it tastes like me!" Ji Chen said teasingly, with a hint of a smile.

"You...hum!" Hu Ling'er pouted, looking like I was angry.

Then, he blew a breath into Ji Chen, which was as fragrant as orchid, "Does it smell like that?"

"Oh, it smells so strong. I can smell it from a long distance away." A clear voice suddenly sounded behind Chen Zi.

A graceful figure stood at the door, dressed in white as snow, without a trace of human fireworks, like a fairy from Guanghan, so beautiful that it took people's breath away.

Ji Chen noticed it the first time she appeared.

The woman walked in directly and sat down next to Ji Chen, not treating herself as an outsider at all.

Seeing this woman coming, Hu Ling'er was obviously a little unhappy and said mockingly: "You are so shameless when you come here uninvited!"

But the woman said calmly: "I came to see how you, a coquettish fox, seduce men. You even seduce monks, but you are so promiscuous. It's really no longer possible. I have a mace here for you to take." Go poke it!"

Ji Chen was stunned. The words spoken by this breathtakingly beautiful woman were so rough that they simply didn't match her appearance.

"Hee hee! I didn't expect that my sister even has props like maces. She has been using them for a long time. Have they been cleaned frequently? Isn't there a big smell? You'd better keep it for yourself!"

Hu Ling'er smiled brightly and her eyes were shining.

She is quirky and quirky, and she has never lost in a quarrel.

Then, she said to Ji Chen: "This is a snake demon from the White Snake Clan. He is cold-blooded, ruthless, and vicious. You have to be careful. If you get entangled with him, be careful to squeeze you dry."

The woman in white didn't pick up on Hu Ling'er's fault, nor was she angry. Instead, she smiled brightly, which immediately made people feel like a spring breeze. There was not a single flaw in her elegant and refined face.

With jet black hair and bright eyes, she looked at Ji Chen with watery eyes and introduced herself.

"My name is Bai Xian'er. I came to see you to remind you not to be bewitched by her. The Sky Fox clan is good at planning and calculating. If you really listen to her, you will not be left with any bones left by her. You will be eaten by her. After selling it, I have to help her count the spiritual stones."

"It's not me who is bewitching the Taoist Brother now, it's you who is bewitching the Taoist Brother!"

Hu Ling'er was lying on the table, her already large breasts were flattened, and the white skin under her collar shone with a crystal luster, and the ravine was very deep.

"Brother Taoist, why don't we join forces to take her down now, and then you can execute her on the spot. This is my gift to Brother Taoist, and let me tell you a secret. The snake demon is very soft, Rourou. Yes, it’s very tactile.”

"Ahem!" Ji Chen coughed, and instead of picking on Hu Ling'er, he looked at the noisy window and the dark sky.

"It's so dark today, the moon is so round, and there are so many stars!"

He directly changed the topic. These two women were irresistible at first glance, and Ji Chen didn't want to get involved in the fight between them.

He just talks about it, it's okay to brag, but if he really wants to be practical, he doesn't have the courage yet.

"Haha! This topic has changed so badly." Hu Ling'er did not intend to let this topic go, and continued: "I just suggested that you take the test. Now is a rare opportunity to take her down and take her back to be your wife. Come on. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a litter of little Taoist priests born every year, build a Taoist temple by yourself, and establish a great sect?”

Bai Xian'er was very calm, neither angry nor furious. She just said to Ji Chen calmly: "You should know the insidiousness of the fox demon by now. There is no good person in this clan. They are all proficient in calculation and extremely insidious. Betraying your allies and benefiting yourself at the expense of others will give you a bad reputation among the entire demon clan."

"But this Hu Ling'er is quite beautiful. If you like her, we can get her together and give her to you as your wife. She is Your Highness the Fox Clan. She is the only child of the Fox Clan in this generation. Maybe she has done too many bad things and suffered. When it comes to divine punishment, Heaven wants their fox clan to be cut off. If you marry her and give birth to a litter of fox cubs, then you will be the leader of the fox clan, and the entire fox clan will be a dowry."

Ji Chen looked at the two breathtakingly beautiful witches who were slandering each other's schemes and exposing each other's background. He suddenly asked curiously: "If I take down both of you now, the fox fairy on the left and the snake fairy on the right, what will happen?" Will he not be hunted down by you two clans?"

"You will be hunted by the entire demon clan!" Bai Xianer's expression was calm and holy.

What she said was the truth. If she really wanted to kill both of them, not only would they be hunted by the two clans, but they would even become the public enemy of the entire demon clan and be hunted by the entire demon clan's young prodigy, the supreme hero.

"You have to have a good kidney, preferably an iron kidney, to be able to withstand being hugged from one side to the other, can you?" Hu Ling'er looked at Ji Chen provocatively, with an expression of eagerness to give it a try.

"I've always had good kidneys!" Ji Chen whispered.

Moreover, he seems to be the public enemy of the entire demon clan. Once his identity is restored, the entire demon clan will hunt him down. There seems to be no worse outcome than this.

"Okay! How about I help you take down Bai Xian'er first and rectify her on the spot? If you want to conquer me, at least let me see your strength. If you can't even defeat Bai Xian'er , even if I post it upside down, you can just watch." Hu Ling'er said with a smile.

Ji Chen was silent, but he was thinking in his heart. These two people looked beautiful, but they were tit for tat at every turn. They seemed to be wooing him, but there was an extreme danger in them. Once he leaned towards either side, he would probably be attacked. Another round of revenge.

Although Ji Chen is not afraid, it is better to do less than to do more. He has his own plan.

The purpose of his coming to the Monster Clan was, firstly, for Shen Zang, and secondly, he wanted to do something big and catch all those who coveted him and those who were chasing him.

Bai Xian'er did not pay attention to Hu Ling'er, but looked at Ji Chen and asked seriously: "I heard that you studied under Master Tongtian?" (End of Chapter)

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