After three rounds of drinking, the topic turned to spiritual practice again, and everyone began to talk about Taoism.

At a gathering of young geniuses, one topic that cannot be avoided is discussing Taoism.

"What is the purpose of practice? If it is for immortality, I think everyone sitting here has achieved it." Huntian Demon Monkey opened his mouth and asked curiously what the purpose of practice is.

"I just want to become stronger, and keep getting stronger." Chierbu said. His way is very simple, he just wants to become stronger.

Yan Zichang also said: "I want to go to the fairy world to see how the legendary fairy world is different from our world. I also want to know where the powerful men who ascended to the throne of God went in the end, and I also want to know how they return. Where is the market?"

Ji Chen said: "The purpose of my initial practice was very simple. I just wanted to have a place where I could lie down freely."

"I want to follow the footsteps of the Demon Emperor, ascend to the throne, let my Demon Clan dominate the world, and restore the past glory." The Golden Lion said, very domineering.

The drinking lasted for a long time, and it was not until dawn and dusk that everyone left the Huntian Demon Monkey's mansion.

On the birthday of the Great Sage Huntian two days later, the Huntian Demon Monkey invited everyone to attend the birthday banquet, saying that there would be surprises for everyone.

Everyone left and dispersed.

Ji Chen was walking on the street, and as soon as he appeared there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him. He became famous in one battle, killing the Sun God, crucifying the Green Wolf, and even had a conflict with the Golden Lion, causing various conflicts. It attracted the attention of all parties and became the focus of discussion among all forces.

No one dared to target him. Even if this was the territory of the demon clan, even if he killed Lord Qinglang here, no strong demon clan dared to stand up and target him.

Not to mention that his own cultivation is very impressive, and few people dare to challenge him. Now he has been recognized by the Demon Monkey Huntian, and he has been indirectly protected by the Great Sage Huntian. Based on this alone, he is very powerful. Few people dare to target him.

After all, this is the Black Dragon City, the place of the Great Sage Huntian, and even the monsters from the main war faction have to weigh it.

Just then, a little girl with two fox ears on her head walked over from the opposite side and stopped Ji Chen.

"Tao Zun, please stay. My Highness would like to ask Dao Zun to come over and talk."

The girl has a silvery laugh and looks like a teenager. She is lively and smart, and her big eyes are moving very fast, and she is very spiritual.

"Your Highness?" Ji Chen was surprised and confused.

"That's right, it's my Highness!" the little girl said with a smile. Although she is a fox demon, she is much more agile than the fox demons in the Huntian Demon Monkey Mansion. She lacks the power of charm, but adds another charm. A pure attraction.

"Isn't that the maid of the Sky Fox Demon Fairy!"

Some people around recognized the little fox demon girl and were suddenly surprised.

Ji Chen's hearing is so sharp that he can hear clearly clearly.

The Heavenly Fox Demon Fairy, Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Fox Demon Clan, has also come to Black Dragon City, probably also to celebrate the birthday of the Great Sage Huntian.

Fortunately, since I have nowhere to go now, I might as well go see her.

"The Demon Fairy Tianhu actually took the initiative to invite Taoist Wutian to a gathering. This is incredible."

Many were surprised, even jealous.

The Sky Fox Demon Fairy, the princess of the Sky Fox Clan, the most beautiful woman in the Demon Clan, the dream demon in the hearts of countless people, she actually took the initiative to invite Taoist Wutian, which made many people feel sour.

As the two people left, the news that Master Tianhu Yao invited Wutian Taoist Master spread quickly, causing a small commotion.

Many forces were secretly sighing. The fox demon fairy was really fast this day. The Wutian Taoist was cut off by her just after he came out of the Huntian Demon Monkey Mansion.

Guantian Tower is the largest restaurant in Black Dragon City and also the most famous restaurant. The people who live in it are some outstanding people.

The entire top floor was occupied by the Sky Fox Demon Fairy.

At this moment, the Sky Fox Demon Immortal was drinking by himself in the main hall.

She has a slender figure, snow-white hair, a full and crystal-clear forehead, and a pair of big, smart eyes that make him look beautiful and ethereal.

The room is very luxuriously decorated, the tables and chairs are all made of jade carvings, and the calligraphy and paintings on the walls are clearly written by everyone.

Ji Chen came in and saw the woman sitting on the chair at a glance. Even though he was used to seeing beautiful women, he was shocked.

The woman is dressed in white, her hair is as white as snow, and she is as holy as snow, like a fairy about to ride on the wind. The orchid in the empty valley has a tranquil and unearthly beauty.

Her hair danced lightly, her snow-white eyelashes trembled, her eyes seemed to be covered with mist, and her red lips and jade teeth shone with crystal luster.

The slender neck, icy muscles and jade bones, exquisite facial features, peerless appearance, and curvy jade body make people feel flawless.


The maid next to her chuckled. She had seen this kind of scene many times. Anyone would be shocked when they see His Highness for the first time.

Ji Chen was just stunned. In comparison, his master Tantai Xuan was even more beautiful and unreal, so beautiful that no one dared to blaspheme.

"Wutian Dao Zun, sit down wherever you want!" The Sky Fox Demon Fairy said, his voice was ethereal and very pleasant.

Ji Chen sat down opposite him, "Should I call you His Highness, or Fairy?"

"My name is Hu Ling'er, you can call me Ling'er. I called you here today just to see what the person who defeated the Sun God looks like?"

Hu Ling'er said, with a somewhat free and easy personality, and a cunning light shining in her smart eyes.

This is a witch!

With just one glance, Ji Chen concluded.

She looks like an immortal on the outside, but looks like a witch on the inside. Just one action reveals her character.

"You didn't just ask me to come because you wanted to see me!" Ji Chen was straightforward. He knew very well that the other party couldn't come to him for no reason, just to take a look at him.

"What do you think?"

Hu Ling'er's eyes flashed, her pretty face was as bright as mutton-fat white jade, and her smile was alluring, with a state that turned all living beings upside down.

"I can't guess!" Ji Chen was also very straightforward. If he couldn't guess, he just didn't guess, so as not to be led by the other party.

"Boring!" Hu Ling'er started to say, but soon said with a smile: "Seeing that you are just one of them, the most important thing is to protect you!"

"Protect me, protect me for what?" Ji Chen said in surprise.

"Protect you from being eaten by others. Do you know that you are now very popular? They all want to eat you." Hu Ling'er is a bit quirky and familiar. Although it is the first time to meet Ji Chen , but it was like an old friend whom I had known for a long time, and I didn’t notice him at all.

"You all want to eat me?" Ji Chen laughed, and Hu Ling'er's familiarity made him feel a little relaxed.

He picked up a pastry on the table and put it in his mouth. The pastries are delicious, and they are no better than the pastries from humans.

"A little choked!" Ji Chen picked up the jug again, poured himself a glass of wine, and drank the pastries with the wine.

"Yes, then you have to be careful!" The corners of Hu Ling'er's mouth were slightly raised, her big eyes were crooked, her smile was very sweet, and she was also very cunning. "Why don't you be my bodyguard? With me protecting you, no one will dare to bully you!" (End of Chapter)

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