
probably not!

Maybe he just took a look out of curiosity, but he ignored it.

Then, they found a popular restaurant and went up.

The appearance of their group naturally attracted the attention of many people. After all, each of them had an extraordinary temperament and a majestic air. It was obvious at a glance that they were the type not to be trifled with.

The business of the restaurant is very lively and prosperous, with many people coming and going, a mix of men and women, all with strong auras and handsome figures.

Ji Chen and the others found a private room and ordered some fairy fruits and delicacies.

Restaurants and visits are the two best places to learn information, and they are also the two fastest ways to source information.

Yan Zichang said: "The Black Dragon City of the Demon Clan is one of the ten ancient divine cities. Every year, an aurora appears in the sky. It is a unique sight. It seems that it will appear during this period. If you are lucky, you can see it. .”

"Aurora, what kind of light is that?" Yan Zhengcai asked curiously.

"I heard that it is a kind of light that comes from outside the territory. It is very beautiful. If you are lucky, you may encounter a chance."

Yan Zichang seemed to know some secrets about the demon clan and explained.

At this time, a voice came into the ears of several people, "I heard that Holy Son Tianshu also fled to the Monster Clan. I don't know if it is true."

Ji Chen looked around and saw that it was a few prodigies from aristocratic families who had boarded the restaurant and sat down not far from them. Looking over from them, he could see clearly what was going on there.

"I think I've heard that the Seven Killers Dynasty is really powerful. It intercepted Holy Son Tianshu three times in a row. Their intelligence and tracking capabilities are really terrifying."

The voices of the few people were not very loud, but the people in the restaurant were all talented people with strong cultivation, so they could hear them clearly.

"If you put it this way, wouldn't it be that the Holy Son of Heaven was even more powerful that day? He was chased by the Seven Killing Gods three times and escaped."

"It's not just the Seven Killers Dynasty who are chasing Holy Son Tianshu, there are also some strong men in the dark who are taking action, otherwise Holy Son Tianshu wouldn't have fled in such a helter-skelter manner."

"I don't know who wants to kill the Holy Son Tianshu, but actually invites the Seven Killers Dynasty."

"Who knows. But I got another news. It is said that Demon Lord Ji has escaped from the depths of the Northern Territory and has entered the realm of the demon clan."

"Really or not, isn't he being surrounded by the Shenhuo Cult? Even if he escapes from the siege, he can't escape to the Demon Clan so quickly! The Shenhuo Cult is trillions of miles away from here."

"The news leaked from the Tianji Tower, so it shouldn't be false."

"This demon king really dares to come to the demon clan, and he is not afraid of being eaten alive by the demon clan."

"He has grown up completely. It is said that when he passed through the Great Tribulation of the Lord, he also ushered in the Great Tribulation of the Heavenly Dragon. He has already taken his place as the supreme young man in the world."

"I heard that a Taoist named Wutian came from Huangcheng. He has a very powerful talent. He has mastered the Dugu Nine Swords, which can break all kinds of magic with one sword. This is the first sword way that can break all kinds of magic with one sword."

"Why did I hear that he is just a sword master? I haven't realized it yet. I can only say that he has a big heart and a lot of courage. It is very difficult to fully understand this kind of heaven-defying swordsmanship."

"Yan Zun from the Southern Territory is also here. Someone saw him in the deserted city, as well as the Fire Zun from the Fire Clan. The young supremes of these ancient clans appeared one after another. I feel that the real trend has begun. The geniuses are vying for hegemony, and the heroes are vying for the throne. In this life It’s very possible that someone will ascend to the throne.”

"My throne, how many talented people will fall on the road and become withered bones."

"Let's not talk about this topic. It's too heavy. The birthday of the Great Sage Huntian of the demon clan is coming soon. This is a grand gathering of the demon clan. I heard that the great sage Huntian invited some supreme geniuses to the banquet. Ji Mozun came to the demon clan. I don't know. Will you be invited?"

"He, let's forget it. Even if the Great Sage Huntian invites him, will he dare to participate? Now the entire demon clan is eager to crush him to ashes."

"What an honor it is to be invited by the Great Sage Huntian. This is a kind of recognition. During this period, many geniuses are challenging some famous young supremes everywhere, hoping to become famous in a battle and be recognized by the Great Sage Huntian. .”

"Great Sage Huntian has a very high prestige in the Monster Clan, and his status is even comparable to that of the Twelve Ancestral Demons of the Monster Clan. It is a great honor to be recognized by him. He is also the only one who has not participated in the battle between the Northern Territory Monster Clan and the Great Xia. The Holy Lord who fights between times.”

"Only the true Young Supreme can be recognized by him. As for you and me, let's just go to sleep."

"There is news from Shenzang. It may be opened again in these two days. I don't know how many people will be buried inside."

"The beginning of the great age is the advent of a dark age. How many talented people will become stepping stones for others, buried on the road to the emperor, and become a ladder for others to ascend to the throne."

"Some people stare at the boundless starry sky, others look at the vast sea of ​​​​stars, but I just want a romantic and snowy night with daily necessities and daily necessities."

Ji Chen looked back and said with emotion: "I just want a free world."

Yan Zichang glanced at Ji Chen in surprise. The word freedom is not simple. "Then you have to rise in the Northern Territory, ascend to the throne, rule the five regions, and become the only emperor in the five regions."

Several people stayed in the restaurant for a long time and separated after leaving the restaurant. Those people all said they had something to do and needed to leave.

They are all new to Shencheng, so they can do something trivial. Ji Chen could tell that those people wanted to avoid him and not want to be with him.

Also, from Huangcheng to Black Dragon God City, they were tricked by Ji Chen. The journey that was supposed to take more than ten days was teleported by Ji Chen for more than twenty days. If they were not teleported to some ancient forbidden land or outside the starry sky, their fate was already high.

The next step was to explore Shenzang. They no longer wanted to go with this unreliable Taoist priest. After all, it was full of dangers. If they were sent to a desperate place again, there would be no place to cry.

"Chaos is coming!" Ji Chen said to himself.

The Divine Treasure is about to be opened again, the birthday of the Great Sage Huntian is approaching, the Holy Son Tianshu has fled to the Demon Clan, the Seven Killing God Dynasty, all the prodigies gathered in the Demon Clan, Ji Chen feels that a violent storm is coming.

At this moment, Ji Chen once again discovered that someone was staring at him. He turned around and found that the person staring at him naturally looked away.

This time he was sure that they were coming for him.

Ji Chen was confused. He just came to Black Dragon City, so he shouldn't have any enemies!

Is it possible that he was recognized?

He was convinced that even the Holy Lord would not be able to recognize him.

Ignoring it, Ji Chen planned to wait and see what happened. He walked towards the city wall, intending to climb up the wall of this sacred city to take a look. He heard that a rare and unique aurora would appear during this period. If he was lucky, he might see it. See.

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