Seeing that Ji Chen was so confident, several people felt relieved. It was certainly a good thing to save some time.

Because the Holy Son of Tianshu was being hunted by the Seven Killers, Ye Wanru did not go with him.

The geniuses who gathered at Tianshu Fairy Island at the beginning also separated due to various reasons. Only Ji Chen, Yan Zichang, Chi Erbu, Holy Son Tianji, Holy Son Yuheng, and one named Yan Zhengcai were left. of genius.

They decided to go to the Yaozu together.

"Is this reliable, Taoist priest? It is said that cross-domain transmission is very complicated. If there is a slight deviation, it will go to the wrong direction. In the smallest case, the deviation will be several million miles. In more serious cases, if it is transmitted to some forbidden land or star field, it will be troublesome. .”

Yan Zhengcai was a little worried. He knew something about the cross-domain teleportation array, and he had also heard some rumors about being transported into the forbidden area and dying inside, so he always felt that it was a bit unreliable.

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems." Ji Chen vowed.

Soon, he finished the formation, several people stood in the formation, and then Ji Chen activated the formation.


In a flash of light, they disappeared from where they were and entered eternal darkness.

It seemed like a brief moment, but it also seemed like it lasted for hundreds of years.

The light reappeared and they emerged from the void. What they saw was desolation, with dark brown land everywhere, and there was no end as far as the eye could see.

"Where is this place? Why do I feel something is wrong?" Holy Son Tianji was a little suspicious. This place was different from the place he imagined.

"Why is it wrong again? It shouldn't be. I've tried it many times. It shouldn't be wrong." Ji Chen muttered in a low voice, not quite understanding.

The faces of Tianji Shengzi and others instantly darkened, and they had the urge to hit someone.

As you just said, I guarantee there won't be any problems.

"Small problem, small problem. Let me make some changes and send it again. I will be able to send it here this time." Ji Chen quickly explained that it was not him who was beaten by others, but the main reason was him.

After that, Ji Chen continued to carve out the formation and was busy for a while. After the carving was completed, everyone stepped onto the teleportation formation again.


With a flash of light, everyone disappeared again. When they reappeared, it was still dark brown land and endless desolation.

Everyone looked at Ji Chen with unkind eyes.

Ji Chen said quickly: "Try again, try again, you will definitely not make a mistake this time."

Twenty days later.

"The last time, this time there will be no mistakes. I have found a way."

At this moment, even Yan Zichang, who had a good temper, was a little annoyed and had the urge to kill.

But the matter has come to this, and they have no other choice. Now they don't even know where they are, and they are already a grasshopper on the same rope as Ji Chen, so they can only place their hope on him.

"If I had known earlier, I would have walked. I would have arrived earlier." Yan Zhengcai muttered.

Everyone was helpless, who knew this Taoist priest was so unreliable.

"Taoist Master, you definitely did it on purpose. How could the deviations become more and more outrageous? Although I don't understand the Taoist pattern of cross-domain transmission, even if this thing is carved with eyes closed, it won't deviate so much!"

Holy Son Tianji spoke. He had a good temper before, but now he was a little sulky. This Taoist Priest was too unreliable.

"How could it be intentional? Am I joking with my own life and losing myself in teleportation?" Ji Chen quickly explained, but this explanation was more or less guilty.

As he explained, he continued to draw the teleportation array.

Several days later, after repeated corrections and transmissions, we finally arrived at the realm of the demon clan, near an ancient demon city.

"Look, I told you there would be no problem, but you still don't believe me!"

Everyone was speechless and didn't want to talk to him at all.

"The Northern Territory Monster Clan, as a huge tribe of monsters in the world, has many secrets." Yan Zichang said with emotion.

"Monster clan in the Northern Territory?" Ji Chen wondered, could there be other demon clans?

Holy Son Tianji glanced at Ji Chen and explained: "The Taoist priest has been practicing in the mountains and seldom walks around. The demon clan, like the human clan, is divided into various races and inheritances, similar to the supreme religion and the human race. In the Holy Land, the Northern Territory Demon Clan is just a branch and tribe of the Demon Clan, but this tribe is just bigger."

Holy Son Yuheng also said: "It is said that the Demon Emperor was born in this tribe, so the demon clan in the northern region is still very scary, with many legends and mysteries. This is also the battle between the Great Xia Holy Kingdom and the demon clan. Even if the Great Xia Holy Kingdom has The reason why the two emperors have an absolute advantage and dare not completely destroy the demon clan."

"Many of the demon tribes and races in other places came from the Northern Territory. For example, the Wind Clan, the Green Dragon Clan, the Fire Phoenix Clan, and the Crimson Dragon Clan."

"Once the Demon Emperor ruled the world, the Demon Clan was at its peak and lasted forever. Even the human race looked at the Demon Clan's face. Later, the Demon Emperor disappeared, and the Demon Clan fell apart and was divided into tens of thousands of powerful racial tribes. However, most of the Demon Clan They all went to the Central Territory and left their inheritance there. Various powerful races and ancient demon families were formed."

"Some of the ancient demon tribes who chose to transform into human beings have gone to the extreme. People in the tribe are born in human form, but they have the blood of demon tribe, which is extremely powerful. Some creatures with powerful bloodline are even born as innate creatures."

Ji Chen was shocked. Since his debut, he has been active in the Eastern and Northern Regions and still doesn't know about these things.

This world is really too big. According to Ji Chen's current estimate, just the area of ​​the Northern Territory needs to be calculated in light years. Therefore, even the Holy Lord may not be able to cross it directly, and must rely on cross-region teleportation formations. .

Those supreme religions and holy places have stable teleportation arrays. Ji Chen felt that he would have to find a way to find a formation platform in the future and carry it with him. It would be at least stable and there would be no need for so many deviations in each transmission.

"The inheritance of the demon clan is enough to include thousands of clans, but this is always the place where the demon clan rose. The place where the demon emperor was born has all kinds of mysteries. This is why the divine treasure appears here and attracts so many powerful people. Maybe the god Hiding is related to the Demon Emperor."

Ji Chen and the others entered an ancient city called Black Dragon City, which was one of the ten ancient cities of the demon clan in the Northern Territory. It was even older than Huangcheng, and it was also larger and more majestic.

This ancient city is also relatively close to the Demon Clan's Divine Treasure. They were delayed for more than twenty days on the way to the teleportation. They were eager to learn some information.

For some reason, Ji Chen always felt like someone was staring at him. He followed the feeling and found that it was a demon youth. The moment he looked over, the demon youth's eyes naturally shifted. Everything was natural, but Ji Chen clearly felt that the demon youth was looking at him just now.

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