In addition, Ji Chen also thought of another way to deal with the Seven Kills Divine Dynasty, which was to use the Demon Suppression Department to issue tasks to hunt down the killers of the Seven Kills Divine Religion.

After all, Ji Chen is also the commander of the Demon Suppression Department, and openly pursuing and killing the commander of the Demon Suppression Department is a provocation to the authority of the Demon Suppression Department and cannot be tolerated.

Daxia Demon Suppression Division is an extremely large organization, no worse than those ancient forces, and its huge intelligence system is no worse than the Seven Kills God Dynasty.

The essence of the Demon Suppression Division is actually similar to that of the Seven Kills God Dynasty, but the main target of the Demon Suppression Division is the demon clan. Unlike the Seven Kills God Dynasty, there is no main goal, just give money and do it.

Ji Chen not only made life difficult for those who paid for his murder, but also made life difficult for the killers.

He took out the Demon Suppression Division Commander's Token that he had not used for a long time. He had not used this token since he was promoted to Commander.

After hurriedly refining it, he probably knew some of the magical functions of this token. It seemed that it was different from the general flag token. He could directly issue tasks through this token. At first, because all his thoughts were on the Northern Wasteland battlefield, he hurriedly refined it. After being transformed, he threw it into the storage magic weapon.

When I took it out and took a look, it clearly showed my merit points and spiritual stone rewards, as well as pills and various material rewards.

The first thing that catches the eye is the merit points, 198 million.

Even Ji Chen was shocked by this number. Unknowingly, his merit points had accumulated to such a terrifying level.

The Intelligence System of the Demon Suppression Division is extremely large. Everything you do outside will be recorded by the Demon Suppression Division Intelligence System, and then automatically scored and rewards issued.

If you have not claimed the reward, it will continue to accumulate.

And since Ji Chen came to the Northern Territory, everything he did was earth-shattering. He killed almost all the young generation of the demon clan. He also beheaded the young demon king who had been hidden away and brought the entire demon clan to the dinner table with his own hands. .

Any one of these things alone would be a sensation in the world.

Not to mention that Ji Chen unified the chaotic land, established Hejian Prefecture, and opened a new state. This was a great achievement of opening up territory and expanding territory.

After coming to Dandong, he integrated the entire Dandong, disrupted the demon clan's plan, and cleared all the civil strife in Dandong. He assisted Ren Pei and several great generals to win the battle in the Mist Forbidden Land. On the battlefield He was even more brave and invincible, severely dampening the spirit of the demon clan.

Although today's Dandong has not been explicitly merged into the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia, the entire Dandong is already under the control of the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia and almost belongs to the territory of Great Xia.

And this is another achievement of opening up territory and expanding territory.

If you don't know it, if you take a closer look, even Ji Chen himself will be stunned. He has done so many things without knowing it.

On this command token, you can view the reward details of each merit and merit value.

There is a strange space inside. You can see if you penetrate it with your mental power. Each meritorious deed is a jade slip, the shape is the same as a bamboo slip, shining with light. If you want to see which meritorious deeds you have, click on the jade slip and it will automatically expand.

In addition, it also has the function of publishing tasks, and what Ji Chen is looking for is this function of publishing tasks.

This token reminded Ji Chen of something.


That's right, it's the system.

The function of this token is exactly the same as the system. Except that it cannot directly issue physical rewards, it has all the other functions.

Ji Chen had to admire the person who created and refined this token, his thinking was simply shocking. No wonder the Demon Suppression Division could develop to such a terrifying level.

He even suspected that if he told the person who created the token all the functions and concepts of the mobile phone in his previous life, he might be able to create a communication tool that was more advanced and magical than the mobile phone.

Ji Chen checked all his rewards. The merit reward was 198 million.

The spiritual stone reward is 5 million catties.

Jin Yuan Dan, 1 million pieces.

Silver Yuan Dan, 10 million pieces.

There are 1,000 opportunities to enter the arsenal to select exercises.

There are 1,000 opportunities to enter the armory and choose weapons.

Refining materials? ? ?

There are too many refining materials, and you need to look carefully to find out.

Looking at these rewards, Ji Chen was stunned. Unknowingly, he had accumulated so much merit and could establish a sect by himself.

Of course, if he really wanted to use these materials to set up his own business, the Demon Suppression Department would probably be the first one not to agree.

Ji Chen finally understood why he was promoted directly from the general banner to the commander, and also served as the vanguard general of Zhenbei.

Even without Ren Pei's invitation, it is estimated that the appointment will be made soon.

Now that he has so many resources, Ji Chen has a way to deal with the Seven Killing Dynasty.

After thinking about it, he posted the first task here.

Kill the seven killers of the Divine Dynasty.

Killing the innate-level killer will reward you with merit points ranging from 100 to 900 and spiritual stones ranging from 1 to 10 pounds according to the level.

Killing a Nirvana-level killer will reward you with a merit value of one thousand to nine thousand and ten kilograms to ninety kilograms of spiritual stone according to the level.

Killing a feather-level killer will reward you with a merit value of 10,000 to 90,000 and a spirit stone of 100 to 900 jins according to the level.

Killing a venerable-level killer will reward you with merit points ranging from 100,000 to 900,000 and spiritual stones ranging from 1,000 to 9,000 jins depending on the level.

Ji Chen selected the task and released it to the public.

The tasks of the Demon Suppression Department can be released to the outside world. Once selected, in addition to the Demon Suppression Department, the Patrol Department can also take them.

Even outside casual cultivators and demon slayers can receive it, and people outside the Demon Suppression Department can exchange merit points for spiritual stones or equivalent pills, as well as any weapon refining materials, including arsenal of exercises.

The arsenal of Daxia Demon Suppression Division is no weaker than that of any great sect. It contains countless techniques, ancient scriptures, magical techniques, and secret techniques. These things are what really attract those casual cultivators and demon slayers, and it is exactly these that they lack.

Never underestimate the courage and methods of casual cultivators and demon slayers. They will do whatever it takes to obtain skills and resources.

Ji Chen's purpose is to make the Seven Killers Dynasty uncomfortable. If you take over the business and come to kill me, then I will issue a mission to kill you in turn.

The task has not been successfully released yet and needs to be reviewed by the Demon Suppression Department. Once the review is successful, the mission will be displayed on Ji Chen's token.

This function can only be possessed by tokens with levels above the level of the Suppressing Envoy. Those from the general level down can only go to the stations of various Suppressing Demon Divisions to receive tasks.

After all, this is a private mission for Ji Chen, and the Demon Suppression Division will also calculate the benefits and analyze the gains and losses. After all, if everyone is like Ji Chen and releases private tasks in the Demon Suppression Division system, then the Demon Suppression Division will really become a private power. .

At this moment, the elders came back one after another, sweating profusely and gushing energy all over their bodies.

They were extremely shocked, and some of them already felt on the verge of a breakthrough.


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