I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 493 Don’t let everyone have an easy time

In the eyes of these young monks, the Supreme Venerable is a mighty giant, a god-like existence, reaching the heavens and the earth, moving mountains and filling the seas, reversing the yin and yang, possessing endless power, and is revered in the world.

Zun means supreme, supreme respect.

After building the foundation nine times, he was separated from the mortal world and became an innate being. From then on, he embarked on the path of cultivation, got rid of the life span limit, and was different from immortals and mortals.

Nirvana begins after reaching the innate limit. Each nirvana is equivalent to a transformation. At this time, he already has immortal-like methods and is known as a demigod.

After successfully achieving nirvana for the ninth time, he begins to transform into a feather, and he transforms into the nine heavens. Each heaven is a level of pass. He ascends to the nine heavens, like a king, dominates the world, and is known as the king.

The Ninth Level Heavenly Queen breaks the shackles of heaven and earth, connects heaven and earth, reverses the chaos of yin and yang, possesses endless power, is a supreme existence, and is respected in the world as the supreme venerable.

King Kong was the first to recover from the shock and said to Ji Chen, "Let's go back to the City Lord's Mansion first."

Ji Chen took one step forward and the person disappeared, followed closely by King Kong and the Great Elder.


In the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Ji Chen, King Kong, the Great Elder and others were also there.

Ji Chen also returned to his original appearance.

There is a barbecue grill in the middle of the hall, with a golden crow's leg grilled on it.

Except for King Kong, everyone else was in awe of Ji Chen and a little restrained.

Demon King Ji, he gained his reputation through killing, and now he is honored as the Youth Supreme of Great Xia, promoted to the Supreme Venerable, and respected in the world.

This realm is already the ultimate in the human world.

"Brother, your cultivation speed is really disappointing!" King Kong smiled helplessly. He tried to catch up, but the more he chased, the more desperate he became, and he found that he couldn't catch up at all.

"Seven percent luck, three percent luck!" Ji Chen said with a smile. His path cannot be copied, nor can he share it with King Kong, nor can he impart his experience.

"The barbecue is done. Let's eat quickly. Don't be polite!" Ji Chen cut off a piece with a knife and put it in his mouth.

I have to say that the Holy Lord-level barbecue tastes so delicious that your taste buds will explode.

The most important thing is that the stamina is really great.

The majestic energy is vented in the body and flows to the limbs and bones.

Ji Chen quickly ran the Immortal Sutra to refine these essences.

He actually forgot about this. This is Holy Lord-level meat. King Kong can only reach the realm of feathers, and these elders can only reach the realm of Nirvana and cannot withstand such majestic energy.

Just as he was about to speak, he noticed that the faces of these elders changed drastically, and their bodies began to be filled with Xiaguang energy. Each one of them quickly began to meditate and refine their energy.

"Sorry!" One of the elders' face turned red. He said sorry and rushed out of the hall. He turned into a stream of light and flew out of the city, and then ran wildly on the ground outside the city, running at full speed while exercising his skills and refining his energy. , crazily consuming excess energy.

These essences are too powerful for him, and they cannot be refined simply because of the lack of movement skills. If they cannot be consumed in time, there is a risk of exploding the body.

In the main hall, a second person quickly got up and rushed out.

Then the third, the fourth, the fifth.

As a result, a spectacle occurred in Chengdu. The elders of the Dandong Sect turned into streams of light and flew out of the city lord's palace, flew outside the city, and then ran wildly.

Everyone was confused. What kind of operation was this?

Have you taken Dabu pills?

There is so much energy that there is nowhere to vent it.

The main reason is that their cultivation level is too low. Just relying on luck and refining is not enough to consume the majestic energy.

Only Ji Chen and King Kong were left in the entire hall.

King Kong is also meditating to refine his essence. His shiny bald head is shimmering with sunlight, and strands of essence are overflowing from his pores.

After a long time, King Kong finally finished refining this essence. He opened his eyes and found Ji Chen looking at him.

"What kind of meat is this?" King Kong asked. He was a little shocked. He just ate a piece and almost couldn't bear it.

"The meat of the Golden Crow Great Sage." Ji Chen said truthfully.

King Kong was even more shocked, his eyes filled with disbelief.

In the last battle outside the foggy forbidden area, he and Ren Pei retreated far away and did not see or know what happened.

During the final chase, just after they had penetrated the foggy area, Ren Pei asked King Kong to lead the Dan Dongmen back the same way.

Dandong still needs people to guard it, and it cannot be empty inside. So King Kong didn't know what happened during this period.

Ji Chen had no choice but to roughly describe to King Kong what happened next.

When talking about the Seven Kills God Dynasty, King Kong also looked solemn.

"How did you provoke the Seven Killers Dynasty?"

"I didn't provoke it. Someone should have found the Seven Kills Divine Dynasty and asked them to kill me. Junior Brother, you have followed Qin Shuai for so long. How much do you know about this Divine Dynasty? Do you know how to contact them?"

King Kong shook his head: "Master once told me about the Seven Killers Dynasty, but he only briefly told me some things about them. It is said that this organization has never failed."

"As for finding them, it's even more difficult. Master didn't tell me why you contacted them, senior brother. Do you want to negotiate peace?"

Ji Chen chuckled and said: "Of course it's not a peace negotiation. I think I have already guessed who is paying to kill me. More than 60% are the demon clan, more than 30% are the Shenhuo Cult, and 10% may be other people."

"So I want to make a deal with them and let them kill the important figures of the demon clan and the Shenhuo Cult. If they can pay to kill me, I can also pay to kill them. I can buy all the suspects. Don't you? Make it easy for me, even if I make it difficult for you, no one will have a better time anyway."

King Kong was stunned that there was such an operation.

"Senior brother, your move is too cruel. Without great virtue, it will lead to chaos in the world. But I like this move."

"Only the Seven Killers Divine Dynasty accepts business. They don't accept all businesses. Except for those supreme powers, the Ancient Holy Land and the Ancient Dynasty are qualified to invite them. Ordinary people will not pay attention to them at all, and they charge a fee It’s also high, and we only charge spirit stones, treasures and some magic medicine.”

"So, this trick won't work." Ji Chen said.

"It's not impossible. Senior brother, you are a disciple of the Holy Emperor and the Youth Supreme of Great Xia. Your status is enough to invite them."

"They do not object to the people they are chasing coming to do business with them. In addition to their identities, if they want to recruit them, they also need a huge amount of spiritual stones, which is not cost-effective."

"But if you insist on doing this, senior brother, I can help you find a way to contact them, but you may need to prepare a large amount of spiritual stones or exotic treasures."

Ji Chen nodded, "You help me find their contact information first. As for the spiritual stones or rare treasures, I'll figure it out."

Ji Chen was very angry when he was being hunted for no reason.

It's like playing a game. Everyone is playing fairly and happily, but suddenly one of them cheats, which makes people very angry.

In this case, everyone should not have a hard time. If you cheat, I will cheat too.

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