I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 477 Northern Expedition! Northern Expedition!

This phenomenon shocked the geniuses of the Holy Land. It was also the first time for them to enter this foggy area and the first time to see such a strange sight.

"This black soil is actually made of flesh and blood!"

Looking at this huge land in the foggy area, everyone felt frightened. If this huge land in the foggy area were made of flesh and blood, it would be really terrifying.

I can't imagine how many people died here to form so much black soil.

One Tianjiao punched the ground, and with a loud bang, a huge pit was created on the ground. It was several feet deep, but it still had no bottom.

Everyone took a breath of cold air.

"How many people had to die to cause the current situation."

At this time, a genius asked, "Brother Ji Chen, you were the first to come in. Have you noticed what is going on?"

Ji Chen shook his head, "This land has a powerful corrosive ability. It can quickly swallow even the remains of saints, but it seems to only be effective against corpses."

"Netherworld!" Saintess Tianquan spoke, staring at the land beneath her feet solemnly.

Everyone looked at her curiously.

Saintess Tianquan explained: "I have seen it in the holy land Guza. This seems to be the legendary underworld."

"Underworld? Why does it appear here? And such a large area?"

The surrounding geniuses were all surprised. This was something legendary and taboo.

High in the sky, a red dragon came across the sky silently, looking down with cold eyes.

He was originally a sea dragon, known as the Red Dragon Venerable. He originally cooperated with the demon clan's genius and wanted to intercept Ji Chen and obtain his inheritance.

Unexpectedly, the demon clan was defeated and fled thousands of miles away. He had no choice but to start running for his life. Unexpectedly, he met Ji Chen here.

His eyes were cold, and he was considering whether to kill Ji Chen and seize the inheritance.

Now that the demon clan is gone, according to Ji Chen's growth rate, he may not be his opponent next time they meet, and there will never be a chance to kill Ji Chen unless he can become a saint.

It's just that becoming a saint is so far away. He has just entered the realm of the venerable, and he still reached the realm of the venerable through shortcuts. If nothing unexpected happened, he might not be destined for the holy throne, so he was eager to get Ji Chen's inheritance.

However, after weighing the pros and cons, he finally chose to be patient. Taking action now might attract the attention of the venerables on the human side, and even attract saints.

As soon as he stretched out his figure, he flew towards the northwest.

"Still trying to run!"

Ji Chen's cold voice sounded. His mental power was so powerful. He discovered it when the dragon showed its murderous intent.

I thought that the dragon would attack, but I didn't expect that he gave up and chose to run away.

How could Ji Chen let him escape.

He drove the chariot and rushed forward, passing across the sky like a big sun, releasing brilliant golden light.


The war halberd fell across the sky, and the stunning fairy light shone. The two sides gathered a hundred feet apart. For Ji Chen, this distance was just one halberd. The killing energy surged, and the light illuminated the sky.

"Invite death!" Venerable Red Dragon was furious, "I didn't touch you, yet you dare to intercept and kill me."

A trident appeared in his hand, and when he waved the trident, he struck a blow with Ji Chen.


The heaven and earth trembled, and the sound of weapons clashing was like thunder, shaking people's souls to pieces.

Lord Red Dragon was surprised. Ji Chen's power shocked him. He didn't want to fight in the first place, and his intention to retreat was even stronger.

At this moment, a bright sword light struck.

Venerable Red Dragon sensed the danger and suddenly turned around, only to see the Holy Maiden of Heaven rushing forward, her sword shining brightly like a flying fairy from the sky.

The Red Dragon Master's pupils shrank sharply, and he swung the dragon's tail downwards.

The Holy Maiden of Heavenly Power did not pose a great threat to him, but it would affect his battle with Ji Chen.

Ji Chen's strength was beyond his expectation, and he had to deal with it with all his strength. Any external force would distract him.


The void trembled, the scene was terrifying, and the red tail was like a red lightning, hitting the Holy Girl of Heavenly Power.

The Holy Maiden of Tianquan was not afraid at all. An arm guard appeared on her arm, shining with light.

She stretched out her arm to block Chiryuu's tail flick.

The light of the sword instantly illuminated the sky, and it struck suddenly.


Blood splattered, and with the Red Dragon Venerable roaring in pain, a section of his tail was cut off and fell downwards.

The red dragon roared angrily. He underestimated the Holy Maiden of Heaven and thought that a human who had not yet broken through to the Supreme Being could not hurt him at all, so he did not go all out and spent all his energy on fighting against Ji Chen.

But he didn't know that being able to become a saint in a holy land would mean that she didn't have some means to fight against the Venerable.

The Red Dragon Master panicked, no longer wanted to fight, turned around and ran away.

It's just that Ji Chen couldn't give him this opportunity.

The halberd streaked through the void, bringing with it a hazy killing aura, bursting out with bright light, and slashed down in the direction of the red dragon, giving the red dragon no chance to escape.


The halberd struck in an instant, shining brightly. The Red Dragon Lord had no choice but to block it with his trident.


The heaven and earth trembled slightly, the sound of the Tao shook the universe, and a sad and beautiful light bloomed.

The extremely terrifying halberd smashed down like an ancient majestic mountain, the sky seemed to overturn, and the terrifying sound was like the mountains and seas collapsing, deafening.

Venerable Red Dragon's arms were sore and numb, and he couldn't hold the halberd in his hand. He was knocked away and collapsed.


After the blow, without any pause, the halberd in Ji Chen's hand changed direction and fell again with a bright killing light.

The Red Dragon Venerable had already escaped hundreds of feet away. Ji Chen didn't even pursue him, he just killed him with a halberd on the spot.

For Ji Chen now, the distance of a hundred feet is only an inch.

Immortal light bloomed, the big halberd fell, and struck the neck of the Red Dragon Venerable.


The red blood light spilled, the blood mist was misty, shocking, and a huge dragon head fell from the sky.

The Red Dragon Master was beheaded.

The last time Ji Chen came to Beihuang was to look for him, but he didn't find him. Instead, he met Prince Snow Wolf.

I didn't expect to meet him on the battlefield this time.

Ji Chen put away the body of Lord Red Dragon. After all, he was a dragon and could have a full meal.

Afterwards, Ji Chen and others continued their pursuit, heading northwest.

"Northern Expedition! Northern Expedition!"

One of the Holy Land's geniuses shouted excitedly, "The Northern Expedition to the Demon Clan, this kind of scene is rare, it may only happen once in a lifetime."

During this period, they captured a Tianpeng tribe's genius, and under intimidation, they extracted many secrets from Tianpeng's mouth.

In this foggy area, there are many routes planned by a certain demon saint. The demon geniuses below the venerable are escaping through these routes.

After all, they are not as powerful as the Holy Lord and the Saint. They cannot resist the powerful restrictions in the fog zone and travel directly through the fog area.

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