Those powerful men from the Holy Land who were hiding in the dark and originally wanted to help the demon clan all showed up and started their great escape. They regretted that they came to interfere with this battle.

They really shouldn't mess with the affairs between Daxia and the Monster Clan. Now that they are facing so many peerless powerful men, their hearts have become cold.

"I'm not from the demon camp. I'm here to help Daxia. I'm lurking in the dark just to ambush them at the critical moment."

A Holy Lord opened his mouth, raised his hand and severely injured the Holy Lord next to him, and then blew him up.

General Luo stepped forward and nodded: "Well, that's right! It's already too late to make amends!"


He took action brazenly, and a general point platform was thrown over by him.

Click to quickly enlarge the platform, like a mountain, crushing the space.


The Holy Lord was directly crushed and killed in the void.

This scene shocked everyone so much that they even ran away.

Ren Pei also received the order, and the army began to advance forward. The peerless warriors opened the way in front, and the army formed a battle formation to plow the fields behind. No demon clan would be spared.

The shouts of killing broke through the sky, and the holy masters and god generals rushed to the front, followed by the saints, venerables, and the geniuses of the major holy places.

Finally, the army plowed the fields.

With so many people chasing and killing together, the whole world was shaking, as if millions of heavenly soldiers and generals were charging, starting a battle between the gods.

"What monsters dare to come to conquer Daxia? Kill them all today and leave no one behind."

Among the army, someone roared, and the sound shook the world and made many people stunned.

Among the demon clan, those feather-level kings who were on the run were still thankful that the strong men did not pay attention to them and escaped with their lives.

But the next moment, those holy land geniuses came to kill, and what was even more terrifying was that the army battle formation behind was pushing forward in a mighty manner, like plowing the ground, not even an ant was spared.

At this moment, all the demon race's geniuses turned pale. Those who originally wanted to have a chance with those holy land geniuses no longer dared to stay. They were all terrified and ran away like crazy.

There was a huge rout, and all the geniuses of the demon clan, including the saints, were running for their lives. The great saints and holy masters of the demon clan were basically wiped out. Those who were escaping were all the holy masters of the holy land, the leaders of the supreme religion, as well as the discarded demon clan geniuses and the army.

Now everyone is running for their lives, and they can't care about these geniuses and the army. They can only take care of themselves and settle down with their destiny.

The Daxia camp has a comprehensive cover-up, and the division of labor is clear. The Holy Lords and Divine Generals are only responsible for hunting down those Holy Lords and Cult Leaders.

After all, they are the fastest and run at the front.

As for those demon clan venerables, leave them to the venerables and saints from Daxia. The remaining demon army will be chased and annihilated by the Daxia army.

Ji Chen hid his figure and followed the first echelon. After the Holy Lord and the Divine General chased him, Xu Yaosheng's body would fall down. Ji Chen would pick it up after him.

But most of the saints were beaten to pieces and their bodies were broken into pieces.

The Holy Lord strikes with cruelty and ruthlessness, and any blow is powerful enough to destroy the world. No bones remain, blood spills to the earth, and is swallowed directly by the earth. Even the broken corpses that fall to the ground will soon rot and be swallowed up by the earth. Devour.

This discovery immediately made Ji Chen's hair stand on end. There was definitely something wrong with this piece of land, it was very weird. You must know that those broken corpses are all saintly beings, and their bodies are immortal. Even if they have been blown up, they will not be decomposed so quickly.

There is definitely something wrong with this land. Ji Chen even suspected that the body of the demon clan saint he had not found before was probably swallowed up by this land.

At this moment, he only felt chilly, this place was so weird.

After chasing for a long time, Ji Chen did not find a complete corpse. Those holy masters were too cruel and no bones were left.

Ji Chen simply showed his body first, took out the chariot, drove the chariot, held the halberd, and prepared to hunt down the genius of the demon clan.

Since you can't miss anything, hunt as many monsters as possible to get some killing points.

Like the God of War, he drove his chariot and rolled through the air, abandoning the ordinary monsters and specifically intercepting and killing those geniuses.

What was different from the others was that Ji Chen was fighting back. He was chasing in front, only one step behind the Holy Lords and Divine Generals, and naturally he was also in front of the demon geniuses.

At this moment, they were fighting back, just in time to form a pincer attack with those Holy Land geniuses.

The hearts of those demon geniuses who were escaping felt cold at this moment. At this moment, a ray of light flew from the front.

It was a divine golden cauldron that shone with dazzling light. Thunder and lightning flashed, and the light was dazzling. The demon race genius who was running at the front did not even react, and was directly blasted by the divine golden cauldron.

The body exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist, filling the air.

This blow was so overbearing that it shocked everyone. All the escaping demon clan geniuses were stunned at first, and then they saw a chariot flashing in front of them, crushing through the air.

The chariot was extremely fast, and it came close in almost a moment. On top of the chariot, a man wearing armor stood on it, holding a halberd, like a god of war.

"Ji Mowang!"

All the geniuses of the demon clan were startled. They never expected that Demon King Ji would appear in front of them and intercept them from the front.

"How is it possible? When did he run to the front?"

Ji Chen had already come to kill him, and the big halberd flew across the sky and fell down. He cut a demon clan prodigy in half on the spot.

The chariot rolled over in the air, and many people who could not avoid it were directly crushed.

If Ji Chen adds a chariot, he is invincible.

In an instant, several geniuses were crushed.

Even the Holy Land geniuses who were catching up from a distance were stunned.

"A fierce man! A peerless fierce man!"

They were also greatly encouraged and shouted louder to kill, and they all came to kill them.

A brutal war of annihilation began.

The geniuses of the demon clan also knew that they could not escape, so they put aside their last worries and began to fight with all their strength.

"Come and die!"

There is a demon clan genius king rushing towards Ji Chen, wanting to break Ji Chen's chariot, even if it means death, he will kill Daxia, the supreme leader of the young generation.

Ji Chen didn't even use the halberd. The chariot ran over directly, crushing the demon genius in an instant.

His body exploded in the air with a bang and turned into blood mist.

Being surrounded by the geniuses from all major holy places, coupled with Ji Chen's rampage, this local encounter unfolded in a crushing style and ended quickly.

Blood dyed the ground red, and corpses were scattered everywhere.

At this moment, a horrific scene happened. The blood that fell on the ground was quickly swallowed up by the earth. The broken corpses decomposed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The divine power and energy inside were drained out, and then turned into Black dirt.

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