"That wolf, we haven't fought each other for many years. Let me kill you today to prove your truth!"

The Nine Palace Sword Master of Tianji Holy Land spoke, his whole body blooming with radiance, as bright as the sun.

"You have to fight to know who kills whom. Old guy, I haven't made a move for so many years, and I'm not afraid of dying here today."

The Holy Lord Snow Wolf's divine light flickered, making people unable to open their eyes. People in the Daxia camp were trembling a little, as if they were facing a god.

"Boom!" The blazing light flashed, and the two holy masters directly started the war.

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth exploded, the sky exploded, the space collapsed directly, the fairy light shone, and the aura of chaos filled the air.

"Everyone, fight to the bitter end, and you will either die or fight your way out."

The Black Dragon Holy Lord spoke and gathered his momentum. At this time, the only way out was to fight to the death.

The Golden Crow Great Sage stood up and looked at the Daxia camp.

"Who dares to fight with me?"

Fierce golden light erupted all over his body, like an eternal sun, extremely bright, and a terrifying aura stirred up, permeating the entire battlefield.

"I'll meet you!"

Holy Lord Tianquan stood up, dressed in palace attire, with fluttering belts and long skirts, which outlined the undulating curves of her proud body.

The body is graceful and graceful, charming all living beings, the red lips are moist, and the sex is touching.

A faint divine radiance shrouded her, just like the Mysterious Lady of the Nine Heavens. She was both ethereal and sexy like a witch, and two completely different temperaments appeared in her body at the same time.

The two Holy Lords rose into the sky and started a fierce battle in the void.

On the Daxia camp side, Saint Kaiyang presided over the dragon spear, pointing directly at the holy master in red armor from the demon camp.

"You should also be taking the path of physical sanctification. I happen to be short of a mount, so I will reluctantly accept you as my mount!"


The armored Holy Lord roared, extremely angry, took a step forward, and punched Holy Lord Kaiyang.

Vast blood energy fluctuations, golden light, and the space was directly exploded.

Holy Lord Kaiyang went up to him and punched him directly without using a weapon.


The whole world was shaking. His punch contained supreme power. This was a punch in which the physical strength reached its extreme. The space he struck collapsed directly, and chaotic light surged.

The peerless war breaks out!

Holy Lord Kaiyang is extremely terrifying. Every move and every move is as powerful as destroying the heaven and the earth. There is no law and charm, and no terrible divine light is released. Just the strength of his physical body caused the heaven and earth to collapse, just like a god.

The armor-clad holy master of the demon clan was equally terrifying, and his physical body was also extremely tyrannical. When the two of them faced off, it was like a match for each other.


After a collision, the world collapsed.

The armor-clad Holy Lord roared, and even though he was human, he let out a lion's roar that shook thousands of miles. The sound was like thunder falling from the sky, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Clearly visible golden ripples rushed out from his mouth and spread around, shattering the space inch by inch.

Such a scene is really terrifying.

Ji Chen and others, who were watching the battle from a distance, felt their energy and blood irritated, their bodies seemed to be about to split, and their souls were about to explode.

The sound waves of the Armored Lord attack indiscriminately.

His body turned out to be a lion, and the sound wave of the lion's roar was extremely arrogant and domineering. His eyes were like stars, shooting out stinging rays of light and killing Lord Kaiyang.

Holy Lord Kaiyang's whole body glowed with light, golden light and red blood enveloped the surroundings. His physical body had evolved to the extreme, he was immortal, and he opened his mouth to drink loudly.


In an instant, the heaven and earth resonated, and the sound of heaven and earth sounded, just like the primordial sound of the universe stirring.

Heaven and earth were destroyed, everything was silent, and the sound of heaven directly blasted through the lion's sound waves, not only blocking all his attacks, but also crushing him.

"Martial arts mantra!" someone exclaimed.

Holy Master Kaiyang used the Martial Arts Mantra, which moved everyone. The Martial Arts Mantra is an ultimate martial arts magical power, extremely powerful.

The majestic sound directly shattered the world.

For a moment, the arrogance and attacks of the Armored Saint Lord were blocked, and the Heavenly Dao Lun Yin from the martial arts mantra of the Kaiyang Saint Lord was crushed towards him.

He had no choice but to use his unparalleled fist seal again and blast forward.


The monstrous golden light surged into the sky, and the golden fist seal exploded into the void, covering the void surrounding Holy Lord Kaiyang.

This is the invincible fist power of the Armored Lord. He is always brave and invincible, and it is difficult to find an opponent in the world.

Holy Lord Kaiyang's body glowed, like it was made of divine gold, and his energy and blood were extremely strong. The sound of heaven and earth sounded in his body, and his body seemed to contain a universe. He just raised his hand and punched an ordinary punch. fist.


The world exploded. This ordinary punch turned out to be a kind of fist with the most powerful force. The armor saint's fist was directly crushed, and the golden light covering that area was exploded.

The breath of endless chaos surged, and that area seemed to return to the beginning, with the light of the beginning flying through it.

In the distance, Ji Chen and others were shocked and stared blankly, as if they were watching a battle between gods.

In this kind of battle, the sky will collapse and the earth will shatter, the sky will be destroyed, chaos will surge, and the light of the beginning will fly away. Even a little bit of energy released can destroy them a thousand times.

At this time, an even more terrifying wave erupted from the Armor Holy Lord, a terrifying aura filled the air, and the entire world was turbulent.

Just the breath makes the world tremble.

He found that there was nothing he could do about Holy Lord Kaiyang physically. With a roar, a halberd appeared in his hand.

The black halberd shines with a cold light, which is breathtaking

He used the weapon, and the halberd rotated, emitting an extremely terrifying light in an instant, illuminating the sky. The cold light of the halberd flashed like lightning, extremely dazzling.

The Armored Saint Lord waved his halberd and killed the Kaiyang Saint Lord.


The fairy light flew by, and the lightning shone across the sky. The flickering cold light was like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the entire sky. The space was directly split open, and the heaven and earth were cut in half.

A dragon spear appeared in the hand of Holy Master Kaiyang, and he shot directly through the hole above and nailed the halberd.

An ordinary shot, but it penetrated the void.

His moves are all mediocre, whether it's boxing or spear skills, they're straight forward. But return to nature,

Once he reaches this level, the simplest moves can often achieve the best results.


Sparks sputtered, like a mountain fire erupting, and terrifying ripples spread around, like water ripples.

A terrible scene happened. As the water ripples rippled, the space directly shattered. The water ripples passed by, and the void was annihilated.

This scene is really amazing.


The Armored Saint swung the great halberd and slashed it down again. A bright killing light bloomed, accompanied by unparalleled murderous intent.

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