Her appearance made the whole world lose its color. Her jade face was more delicate than flowers even though she didn't have any makeup on it. She made everyone understand what it means to be charming and charming, and what it means to be charming with a smile.

Stunning appearance, extremely beguiling.

Everyone in the entire battlefield was attracted to him.

"The Holy Lord of Tianquan Holy Land!" The demon camp couldn't calm down at all. Even the Holy Lord of Tianquan Holy Land came.

Holy Lady Tianquan quickly saluted Holy Lord Tianquan, "Master!"

Holy Lord Tianquan nodded, took a step forward, and appeared on the side of Daxia camp. Standing with several holy masters.


At this moment, infinite divine light emitted from the sky, and a man wearing red armor appeared. His blood was as vast as the ocean, and his whole body was emitting red light. He was holding a dragon gun as red as blood, with a red dragon gun on it. A dragon is coiled around it, swallowing a bright red spear tip, which is breathtaking.

"Holy Lord Kaiyang!"

The demon camp was all horrified and took a step back. Kaiyang Holy Lord, the physical body is sanctified, an extremely powerful and terrifying existence.


Infinite divine light bloomed in the sky again, the sword light spread across the sky, dazzling, and the endless sword energy tore apart the heaven and earth.

In the sword energy, a god general wearing armor appeared. He walked out of the sword light, like a sword that could open up the world, with unparalleled sharpness and peerless edge.

On the side of the demon clan, their faces were ashen and their hearts were cold.

The Great Sage of the Golden Crow had a big head. He did not expect that the Four Holy Lands would stand so resolutely with the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia, and even withdrew a divine general from the central battlefield, and he was also a sword god with extremely powerful attack power. .

For a time, powerful people gathered in the Daxia camp, and the atmosphere was surging and overwhelming.

Demons have the intention to hurt people, and people also have the intention to kill demons.

The scene was silent. Who would have thought that the situation on the battlefield would change suddenly. In just a moment, there would be two reversals. There would be so many great saints in the Great Xia camp, even one more than the demon clan.

Everyone was suppressed, even the Daxia camp was no exception.

Before, many people were worried and feeling cold, but unexpectedly, the situation was reversed in an instant.

Even Ji Chen, who knew there would be a reversal, was shocked.

He always believed in Xu Shuai and Qin Shuai, but he was still stunned. Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, and Kaiyang, these four holy places stood so firmly on the side of Daxia, and he did not expect that a strong man at the level of a holy master and an old monster would come forward in person.

This reminded Ji Chen of the scene in Fenglin Town a few months ago. Mr. Fang penetrated Tianshu Holy Land and became the Confucian and Taoist Holy Emperor. The Holy Lords of several major Holy Lands personally went to Fenglin Town to meet Mr. Fang.

Maybe it will have been discussed by then.


There was a large area of ​​darkness on the side of the Monster Clan camp. In terms of numbers, they had an absolute advantage. Whether they were saints or venerables, there were more people than the Daxia camp.

But at this moment, they were all afraid and frightened. Having more people is not necessarily useful.

In a battle of this level, the last thing to look at is peak combat power.

One moment they were partying, and the next they were being poured cold water from head to toe. My hair stood on end, and I felt extremely fearful. I felt like I would probably fall here today. Most people probably won't be able to leave this battlefield.

"What should I do? Run away?"

There was a strong voice from the demon race in a low voice. He was completely scared. He could already imagine the outcome of this battle. If he continued to fight, he would only die. He didn't want to die here.

"If you run away, you will be immediately broken up and chased all the way. More people will die. There is an extra Holy Lord on their side, especially the divine general who uses the divine bow. If he interferes with the cooperation of other Holy Lords, no one on our side can Can escape."

"What a pity! We are only one step away from defeating Dandong and breaking the formation."

Some demons sighed, their hearts filled with fear and despair.

Anyone who looks at this formation knows that the situation is over.

How to turn this situation around?

There is simply no way around it.

"I don't know if any Holy Lord will appear on our side. If two or three more appear, our side will be able to make a comeback."

"Haha! Looking at the posture on the other side, this is the tendency to catch us all in one fell swoop. The appearance of the divine general carrying the divine sword on this battlefield is enough to prove that Xu Shuai of Daxia has discovered our side from the central battlefield. The matter of transferring the Holy Lord. If my guess is correct, the central battlefield will definitely undergo huge changes, and it will be a very detrimental change to our side."

Everyone on the Monster Clan side knows very well that once Xu Shuai of Great Xia discovers that the Monster Clan side is missing three Holy Lords, he will definitely seize this flaw and opportunity.

According to their original plan to conquer Dandong, even if Xu Shuai discovered the flaw in the central battlefield, it was too late. They could break Xu Shuai's battle formation from the side.

It's a pity that everything is useless now.

On the side of the Monster Clan, several Holy Masters had uncertain expressions on their faces, and they had the urge to scold their mothers.

The situation that was originally good turned around in an instant. It was like being slapped in the face, and I was stunned.

The Black Dragon Holy Lord has endless anger in his heart. Everything was originally planned by him, but unexpectedly, the Four Holy Lands chose to stand unswervingly on the side of the Daxia camp.

He was vomiting blood in his heart and holding back endless anger.

Not willing to give in!

Really unwilling!

Their failure here is not just a failure on a small battlefield, nor is it just a few of them who will die here, it will directly affect the entire central battlefield and the entire demon clan's big plan.

After all, the extra Holy Lords on their side were drawn from the central battlefield.

His hatred for the Four Holy Lands now exceeds that of Daxia. If it weren't for their appearance, things would not be like this.

After a brief silence, General Luo spoke, and he seemed to understand what Black Dragon Cave was thinking.

"You guys can't figure out how Commander Xu will use his troops. Even without the appearance of the Four Holy Lands, you guys wouldn't have had a chance to make a comeback."

The demon clan began to hesitate. Faced with this obviously unwinnable battle, is it necessary to continue planning?

The black dragon immediately saw the problem, so he scolded: "Everyone, now is not the time to hesitate. If you want to survive, the only way to survive is to fight in a bloody battle. If you want to retreat, it will be a dead end."

"That makes sense!"

The Great Sage Golden Crow spoke, his two eyes like two suns, shining brightly.

"Our peak powers are almost the same. There are more saints and venerables than them. We may not be unable to win in a bloody battle to the end. We haven't tried the blood of the Holy Lord of Humanity for many years. Today, we can finally have a taste."

"Hahahaha!" Holy Lord Snow Wolf's whole body was filled with light and he laughed loudly. "Then let's fight!"

At this moment, his whole body was filled with blazing light, and vast energy fluctuations erupted. (End of chapter)

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