I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 425 Killing enemies thousands of miles away

"You only have one chance, before I finish eating this Tianpeng King."

The Cang Wolf King trembled, "Then you promise me that you will let me go after I explain."

Ji Chen ignored it and continued to eat Tianpeng King.

With the last leg left, he ate it quickly.

The Cang Wolf King's body was trembling and he quickly began to explain.


Not long after, the aroma of meat wafted out from the forest again, and the Cang Wolf King was roasted on the fire until he was golden brown, with fat dripping from his body.

It's hard to imagine how big Ji Chen's appetite was. He ate four king-level creatures without any indigestion.

After cultivating to his level, the body contains the universe, and even if he eats ten more, he will not suffer from indigestion.

All the ingredients were refined into mysterious energy by the Scripture of Life and Death, and were completely absorbed without any wastage.

After cleaning up, Ji Chen left the forest. He already knew the approximate location and distribution of many king-level creatures.

Now is the time to hunt. He wants to go all the way and kill a large number first.

After all, once the war spreads to Dandong, these king-level creatures are time bombs, more terrifying than those demon armies.

The Eight-Winged Snake and the West Sea Dragon, these two top king creatures have been memorized by Ji Chen alone.

The demon creatures in the East China Sea also joined in.

"You're welcome, I'll eat as much as you want."

Ji Chen decided to hide in the dark, go to Mo's door one by one, and kill them quietly.

Don't let the shooters enter the village secretly.

The people on the other side also thought the same way. They thought they were preparing for war in ASEAN and wanted to go over and kill them.

After taking a look at the killing points, I found that I had accumulated 6.72 million, and I still had more than 1 million left to improve my mental and spiritual sword skills.

The hunt begins!

After mastering the approximate locations of those king-level creatures, it became much easier for Ji Chen.

Attack directly and kill with thunder.

Like a ghost, he quickly found the first king-level creature's den according to the location given by the Blue Wolf King.

In a mountain col, several king-level creatures gathered there and set up a formation. Wisps of black evil energy and residual soul fragments floated over from the battlefield and were absorbed by the formation.

In the formation, a black halberd was suspended, and all the evil spirits and residual soul fragments gathered around the halberd and were absorbed by the halberd.

They are refining an evil weapon.

Being close to the battlefield is the best place to refine evil weapons.

There are two king-level creatures on the periphery on guard.

Ji Chen hid his figure, restrained all his aura, and used the power of the world in his palm to cover his whole body so that his aura would not be leaked at all.

Suddenly, the sword light shot out, appeared suddenly, and instantly penetrated the head of one of the king-level creatures.


The head exploded, and blood spattered along with the broken bones.

The sword light appeared very suddenly, and the other king-level creature did not react at all, and was penetrated by the sword light through the head.

Then, the sword light flew into the formation, like a ghost.

The creatures in the formation have not noticed the imminent danger yet, they are refining weapons wholeheartedly.

After all, there were two king-level creatures on guard outside, which made them relax a lot.

At this time, someone felt their heart throbbing and sensed danger. They turned around and saw a sword light coming from them.

His eyes were frightened, his pupils were dilated, and before he could make a sound, his head was blown away by the sword light.

The others were immediately horrified, but had no time to react.

They sat in a circle, and the sword light went around in a circle, penetrating all of their heads.

"Pfft, pfft, pfft!"

The blood flowers exploded one by one, like fireworks blooming, bright and sad.

Ji Chen appeared out of thin air in the formation, Tianxuan Sword floating beside him.

He raised his hand and grabbed the big halberd. The big halberd vibrated and had a hint of spirituality, not wanting to be controlled by Ji Chen.

The Tianxuan Sword suddenly glowed and vibrated slightly. A trace of the immortal power belonging to the Ji Dao weapon was revealed, and the Euphorbia suddenly calmed down.

The Tianxuan Sword once almost became a Jidao Immortal Weapon. Although it was suppressed, the power of the Jidao Weapon's Immortal Weapon has not been lost. Any trace of it is enough to intimidate this great halberd.

Ji Chen held the spurge in his hand and felt the fierce power and evil aura emanating from it.

"This is a fierce weapon!"

Ji Chen sighed, and then threw it into the storage artifact. He won't be able to use it for the time being.

Killing points: 12.8 million

After killing more than a dozen kings one after another, plus the killing points accumulated before, I finally accumulated more than 12 million killing points. The fourth level of mental and spiritual swordsmanship is enough.

Then Ji Chen found a place and started to break through.

The night was as dark as ink, and a bright moon hung in the sky, shining through the treetops in the mountain forest.

The night breeze blew gently and the leaves rustled. The mountain forest was quiet, with only faint chirping, making the environment seem even quieter.

The moonlight shines through the intertwining branches, making it look particularly mysterious and inviting to explore further.

Outside a cave, a Northern Territory bear in the innate realm lay there quietly, not daring to move.

Just now, a very scary human broke into his cave, picked him up and threw him out, and asked him to guard the entrance of the cave and not allow him to leave.

Inside the cave, Ji Chen sat cross-legged, with sword intent filling his body like a river or a sea.

The sword intent spread through the cave, and all the flowers, plants and trees outside turned into the shape of a sword, like a sword thrust into the sky, exuding the sword intent.

The Northern Territory Bear lay on the ground shivering. This sword intent made his soul tremble and he was frightened.

The moonlight scattered and shone on the mountain forest, making the entire mountain forest look mottled and mysterious, as if even the moonlight had a sharp sword intent.

Earth-shaking changes were taking place in Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

A grain of brilliance was born, as big as a grain of rice, extremely bright. All the mental energy converged towards that brilliance like a tide and was absorbed by the brilliance.

The pressure in Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness was reducing, and at this moment, his mind was extremely clear.

As the vast spiritual power was absorbed by the brilliance, the Wen Palace in the sea of ​​consciousness also began to collapse, turning into spiritual energy and flowing towards the brilliance.

After a long time, all the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness was absorbed by that grain of brilliance, and Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness turned into a void world. At the center of the world, a spiritual crystal shone with brilliance, like a godhead, very dazzling.

Ji Chen opened his eyes, and two spiritual sword intents shot out from his eyes, flashing with white light.

The extremely brilliant sword intent took shape, penetrated directly through the cave, and shot out.

At this moment, all the creatures and ferocious beasts in this mountain range looked in the direction of the cave in horror, and immediately knelt down and worshiped there, as if they were worshiping gods.

With a thought, Ji Chen's mental power turned into sword intent, reaching three thousand miles away in an instant.

Killing people thousands of miles away, he has now truly reached this state.


Asking for a monthly ticket! (End of chapter)

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