On the edge of the Northern Wilderness, there are evil cultivators who are refining souls, and their evil spirits are soaring to the sky.

There are demons dormant, devouring the remaining souls

The sky in the distance was dazzling, and the heaven and earth shook.

No one dares to get close to that place. It is a deserted place where the gods are chaotic. The individual's power will turn into ashes in an instant.

"The fighting over there is so fierce that it's hard to get a chance! The good positions are also occupied by those powerful demons and evil cultivators. We might as well cross the barrier and go to Dandong to find King Ji Demon. It is said that he has some... It’s still passed down.”

There are kings discussing. Opportunities on the battlefield are not easy to come by. If you fail, you will die. Even those dormant demons and evil cultivators have to be careful.

"Go to Demon King Ji, because you think your life is too long! He is a ruthless man who killed thirty-six kings in one night!"

"You really think he is a demon king, but he only killed a few kings of the same realm, and he was too praised after a few achievements. He was praised too highly by those humans, and in my opinion, it is just mediocre."

Some race kings always believed that Ji Chen was a myth. After all, they did not see with their own eyes Ji Chen's brilliant record of killing thirty-six kings that night.

There are also people who have malicious intentions and want to trick others into testing Demon King Ji.

"I heard another news. Not long ago, the demon king of that season set a new record in the Wood God Sect, killing forty-five kings in one battle. At that time, he was trapped in the Thirty-Six Demon-Suppressing Formation of Tiangang. , he not only broke through the formation, but also killed fourteen or five kings."

"Haha, do you believe this news? It's just a mythical human being who killed forty-five kings in one battle and gained gold through public opinion."

A huge Tianpeng and a gray wolf were walking in the wilderness. They did not gain any benefits on the battlefield, so Tianpeng prepared to go to Dandong to intercept Ji Chen and seize his inheritance.

"It's a pity that Ren Pei, the powerful man who accepted our clan, was intercepted, otherwise he would not be as rampant as Demon King Ji."

The Canglang King was very sorry that the powerful man from his Canglang clan was repelled by Ren Pei and was injured. The Canglang clan also retreated from the battlefield.

Tianpeng opened his mouth to comfort him: "What kind of status is Master Cang Cang Lang? He is just a Ji Demon King. There is no need for him to take action. We can just go and kill him, lest people say that Master Cang Lang bullies the small. "

Tianpeng wanted to take Canglang King with him to intercept Ji Chen and seize his inheritance. After all, Ji Chen's name and achievements were there. Although he said he didn't care, he was somewhat afraid in his heart.

If he could win over the Blue Wolf King, he would feel more at ease. With one more king to assist him, even if he could not successfully kill Demon King Ji, he would still be able to escape unscathed.

At least he escaped unscathed.

As a Tianpeng, his speed is unmatched.


Ji Chen walked invisibly all the way, and then he met these two guys!

The two idiots didn't realize that the Demon King they were talking about was now watching them.

Ji Chen appeared out of thin air, like a ghost, startling the two demon kings.

"I was looking for you, but I didn't expect you were also looking for me. What a coincidence!" Ji Chen said with a smile.

"You are, Demon King Ji!"

The two monster kings were furious. There was a portrait of Ji Chen on the monster tribe. The Golden Lion Holy Lord issued a reward order. Ji Chen's portrait was remembered by every monster tribe, so they recognized it at a glance.

"You...why did you appear here?" The Cang Wolf King was a little frightened, and the hair on his body stood on end.

"Aren't you looking for me? I came here myself to deliver the peerless inheritance to you, saving you a trip."

Ji Chen looked at them with a smile, which made the Canglang King and Tianpeng King tremble.

But King Tianpeng soon realized that they now have two kings, why should they be afraid of Demon King Ji.

But before they could make any move, Ji Chen took action and forced himself towards King Tianpeng.

Just now, this birdman was very arrogant, so Ji Chen had to operate on him first.

He and the demon clan have long been sworn enemies. Only one of them will survive when they meet, and there will be no possibility of reconciliation.


Ji Chen stretched out his palm and moved towards Tianpeng King. The vast power was overwhelming and the whole world was trembling.

At this moment, King Chalang and King Tianpeng were shocked at the same time.

Only at this moment did they realize how terrifying Ji Chen's power was, and the rumors from the outside were not groundless.

The two demons turned around and ran away as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

As soon as Tianpeng spread its wings and took off, it was enveloped by a huge palm, and Ji Chen grabbed him alive and grabbed his neck.

This terrifying strength directly stunned him.

But Tianpeng soon became furious, extremely embarrassed and angry. No matter how much he was a king, the genius among the demon clan, he was actually grabbed by the neck and lifted up.

He struggled hard, his whole body glowed, and his feathers exploded. He tried to break free, but Ji Chen punched him in the head, knocking him out instantly.

The Cang Wolf King had already escaped some distance and turned into a stream of light.

Suddenly, he felt something cold beside him, and just as he was about to look aside, a voice suddenly sounded, "Run slowly, don't sprain your feet."

The Cang Wolf King was horrified. He turned around and saw Ji Chen walking side by side with him. There is also a Tianpeng in his hand, held in his hand like a chicken.

"Holy shit!"

The Cang Wolf King was stunned and cursed directly. The speed was so ridiculous that he could even catch up with him.


Ji Chen punched the Cang Wolf King directly on the head.

The Cang Wolf King was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground.

Ji Chen dragged the two demon kings to a place where a clear spring was flowing, threw the Cang Wolf King on the ground, and began to clean the Tianpeng King.

Then they lit a fire to barbecue, and soon the aroma of meat wafted in the mountains and forests.

The Cang Wolf King also slowly woke up at this time. He was awakened by the smell of meat.

However, when he saw what was happening in front of him, he was so frightened that his legs went weak.

Tianpeng had been stripped naked, his internal organs removed, and grilled on the fire.

Demon King Ji was holding a piece of Tianpeng's thigh and feasting on it.

The golden meat has a rich and fragrant aroma, which directly arouses the appetite of the Cang Wolf King.

Especially the sound of Ji Chen swallowing big mouthfuls made the Cang Wolf King feel hungry.

But he soon felt something was wrong. How could he feel hungry in this situation?

That season the Demon King ate his own kind.

While Ji Chen was eating, he looked at the Cang Wolf King. It seems like they are looking at which piece of meat tastes better.

This kind of look made the Canglang King feel hairy all over his body, his body trembled, and all his hair exploded.

"What...what are you going to do?"

He was trembling all over, and no matter how slow his reaction was, he knew what was going to happen next.

"Don't eat me...!" The Cang Wolf King began to beg for mercy.

Ji Chen ignored him and didn't speak until he was about to finish eating the whole Tianpeng.

"Tell me, where are your companions, what is the layout of the Northern Wilderness border, and what race kings have come?"


Asking for a monthly ticket! (End of chapter)

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