Ji Chen arrived at the foot of the Tianlang Mountains, where the black dragon was waiting for him.

This was Heilong's request. He wanted to venture out alone and help Ji Chen keep an eye on the Sirius Cult.

Ji Chen boarded the carriage that he had built himself, and Heilong pulled the horse and left.

To Ji Chen's expectation, no one was staring at the Sirius Cult, and no one was staring at him, so the news here has not been leaked yet.

Or after all, before Ji Chen came to the Sirius Sect, the Sirius Sect's deterrent power among the Seven Dandong Sects was still very powerful.

He wiped out a sect by himself. This kind of achievement was so terrifying that it was destined to shock the entire Dandong.

After the war, Ji Chen was relaxed and in a very good mood. His cultivation had broken through a new level and his strength had greatly increased, completely equaling those of the Holy Sons of the Holy Land.

It took Ji Chen only less than a year.

In less than a year, he has achieved what others have achieved in more than ten years or even decades. This kind of cultivation speed can be regarded as unprecedented.

Of course, this is inseparable from Ji Chen's personal efforts, which he cut out with one knife.

In Rongcheng, Zixia Fairy Square, some unpleasant things are happening at this time.

The leader of Tianxing Cult arrived, bringing several elders of Tianxing Cult with him.

"Elder Chen! We are here this time because we want to discuss something with you." The leader of Tianxing Cult said with a smile on his face.

The great elder looked at the leader of the Tianxing Sect and this group of elders of the Tianxing Sect, and knew that the person who came today was evil.

"Master Tianxing has something to say, but it doesn't hurt to say it."

"Haha! Elder Chen is happy," Tianxing Cult Master laughed and said, "Since Elder Chen is so happy, I won't beat around the bush. I want to get back my eleven fairy houses. I don't know what Elder Chen wants."

After saying that, the leader of Tianxing Cult stared at the great elder, wanting to see his reaction.

Sure enough, the great elder's expression changed and his expression darkened, "Master Sun, what do you mean?"

"It literally means that these eleven fairy houses are very important to us. If we lose them, the Tianxing Sect will not be able to operate and will die out sooner or later, so we must get them back." The Tianxing Sect leader still had a smiling expression. He said slowly.

The fact that Master Zixia went to the Tianlang Sect has been known to all the major forces, and has long been spread in secret. After all, this is what some people are doing secretly. Among them is the credit of Master Tianxing, who used the provoking method to provoke him away. Anyone who knows the inside story of the Sirius Sect, especially those who know the inside story of the Sirius Sect, knows that Master Zixia will probably never come back.

The leader of the Tianxing Cult is one of the people who knows the inside story of the Tianlang Cult. The Monster Race has had contact with the Tianxing Cult and cooperated with it.

Taoist Priest Zixia was so powerful that he directly occupied the eleven fairy houses of the Tianxing Sect. If he really handed them over, the Tianxing Sect would be completely finished.

So at this time, the Tianxing Cult Leader was the first to stand up and take back these fairy houses. In his opinion, Ji Chen was dead. Although he didn't know the true foundation and strength of the Tianlang Cult, he But he knew that the Sirius Sect and the Monster Clan were cooperating. With the demon clan on his back, and his own strength is not weak, Taoist Priest Zixia will die without any chance of survival.

Master Zixia is finally a little younger!

In their opinion, although the Zixia leader is powerful, he is still a little naive. He was fooled by some of their major forces and wanted to destroy the Sirius sect after being manipulated and provoked secretly by several of their major forces.

This is also the real reason why even in the world of cultivation, young people are rarely allowed to control a force. After all, being too impulsive can lead to bad things.

Having impact is a good thing, but from an overall perspective, being too impulsive is not a good thing.

The Zixia Sect without the leader Zixia is a huge piece of fat. Without the guardian of the Zixia leader, everyone wants to take a bite.

The leader of the Tianxing Cult was the first to stand up. Not only did he want to take back all the Immortal Workshops, but he also wanted to take them back with profits. After all, he would be eaten up by other forces if it was too late.

The face of the great elder was very gloomy, and the faces of the other elders were not very good-looking either.

The Great Elder said: "Master Sun, let's wait until our leader comes back later! This matter is too big. Apart from the leader, we have no right to make the decision."

"Haha!" Tianxing Cult Leader smiled, "So the Great Elder doesn't agree with my opinion."

The Great Elder looked gloomy and said in a deep voice: "I said, we can't make a decision on this matter until our leader comes back. Our leader has something to do now and is not in Rongcheng. It's better to invite Leader Sun back first and wait until our leader comes back. "

"It turns out that Master Zixia is not in Rongcheng!" Master Tianxing pretended to be suspicious, and then said: "Did he go to the Sirius Sect? No way. Could it be that he really wanted to destroy the Sirius Sect by himself? Can’t do it?”

"Or, he really went to Sirius to ask for forgiveness."

The leader of Tianxing Cult had a sinister attitude and his tone was full of ridicule, which made the great elder and others very angry.

Without waiting for the elders of the Zixia Sect to speak, the leader of the Tianxing Sect continued: "Elder Chen, let's not talk secretly. Your young leader will not come back, so don't count on it."

"The Heavenly Wolf Sect is waiting for him to die. To tell you the truth, this plan was proposed by the Sirius Sect. They suspect that the true identity of your leader is probably the legendary Demon King Ji. That is The monster clan is number one on the must-kill list, but it doesn’t matter whether it is or not, he must die.”

"Danzhou does not allow someone as domineering as him to exist, let alone an uncertain factor like him."

The great elder turned pale when he heard this, and several other elders also looked shocked.

Although they had already guessed that Ji Chen was going to the Tianlang Sect to attend a Hongmen Banquet and would never return, they still held on to a glimmer of hope. At this moment, it was confirmed by the leader of the Tianxing Sect that this was a plan that all their forces had united to make. Their plan The last glimmer of hope was shattered.

If the Sirius Sect really treats their leader as the legendary Demon King Ji, then this situation must be very dangerous, and there will be no chance of death.

After all, Demon King Ji is number one on the monster clan's must-kill list, and those monster clan will not let him go.

The Great Elder still pretended to be calm and said: "Our leader is invincible in Dandong. Leader Sun, aren't you afraid that our leader will return to Rongcheng and come to settle matters with you?"

"Haha, liquidation!" Tianxing Cult Master chuckled, "Invincible in the world, does Elder Chen really think that the major forces will let him leave the Sirius Sect alive? Will the Monster Clan let him leave the Sirius Sect alive? You underestimate them. Determined, he must die.”

The great elder and others looked solemn and were silent.

But the leader of Tianxing Cult said with a smile: "Elder Chen, I asked this person directly, so I won't beat around the bush. Not only do we want to get back the eleven fairy houses, but also you have to compensate for the losses in the past few days. My request is not Duo, your Zixia sect has a great cause, how about offering five more immortal houses as compensation?"


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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