Ji Chen's huge mental power scanned the entire Sirius Mountain Range, and he discovered all the trembling demons and Sirius cult members who were hiding in the forest.

Then, the hunt begins!

Tianxuan turned into a sword light and shot out, traveling through the mountains and forests, ruthlessly harvesting lives one by one.

All grievances and grievances, retribution of grievances and grievances, will be wiped out by eradicating the roots.

As for revenge, Ji Chen has never worried about someone coming to seek revenge on him, because he will never leave a source of trouble to let his opponents grow up and come to seek revenge on him. The best way to cut off hatred is to eliminate the roots and leave no one alive.

After a while, the entire Tianlang Mountain Range was cleansed by Ji Chen, not even a single complete body was left.

After carefully checking to make sure there was no one left alive, Ji Chen found a slightly cleaner place and began to check the killing point.

Killing points, 26.5 million. Excluding the previous 16.2 million, this battle resulted in 10.3 million killing points, which was enough to break through the second level of Huayu.

Taking advantage of the current formation, Ji Chen prepared to make a breakthrough in cultivation first.

After sitting down, he was completely immersed in it.

let's start!

Twenty million killing points were consumed, and at this moment, Ji Chen entered that wonderful realm again.

He called this state of enlightenment.

Real enlightenment is nothing more than this!

At this moment, Ji Chen's perception was infinitely magnified, and his understanding of the principles of heaven and earth became clearer. It was like a person who was taking an exam and suddenly found that the originally difficult questions on the test paper were instantly clear and clear, and he could even draw inferences and put pen to paper. Like flying.

When Ji Chen comprehended the principles of heaven and earth, understood the nature of Taoism, his understanding of skills, realm, and cultivation were suddenly enlightened.

In an instant, Ji Chen understood the second level of Hua Yu. The Nirvana Technique in his body was running wildly, and the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth gathered towards him.

And Ji Chen's body was like a bottomless pit, devouring these spiritual energy crazily.

Soon, the surrounding aura gradually couldn't keep up with Ji Chen's devouring, and there were signs of stopping in the advanced realm.

After feeling this, Ji Chen thought and took out a thousand kilograms of spiritual stones from the storage ring and placed them around.

Vast spiritual energy spread out and directly enveloped Ji Chen.

Ji Chen's body was like a black hole, devouring the spiritual energy crazily.

The Great Nirvana Technique and the Sutra of Immortality in the body are running wildly.

The bright moonlight was shining, and a layer of mist shrouded the mountains, making it hazy.

A fresh and tender tree is coiled around the ancient tree, absorbing the moonlight. The young leaves at the top are flowing with green clouds, facing the moonlight, and lingering, making it extremely mysterious.

If this place wasn't filled with blood mist and corpses everywhere, it would be considered a fairyland.

Ji Chen's pores were stretched and he was full of energy. His body seemed to be being purified, and he felt comfortable both physically and mentally.

His body trembled slightly, resonating with the breathing method. His body was purifying and evolving.

When he was in the realm of Nirvana, after nine Nirvanas, his body had already transcended into a saint, breaking through the limits of a mortal, and now his body was evolving towards a saint.

Time flows, and the night passes quickly. Dawn breaks, and a ray of sunshine rises from the east, cuts through the fog, and shines into the Tianlang Mountains.

The red rising sun is spraying out its brilliance, and the mist is lingering in the mountains. Under the rays of the rays, the colors are colorful, and the mist is rising.

On the cliff, Ji Chen sat cross-legged, facing the shining sun. He was otherworldly and unstained by dust in the morning glow.

The moment the sun shone on him, Ji Chen opened his eyes. In one night, he succeeded in breaking through and entered the second level of Yuyu.

When you transform into a feather and ascend to heaven, the first level of heaven is a level, and each level of heaven is a new realm. For ordinary monks, the strength is even more different.

Ji Chen took a look at the attributes.

Physique: Supreme Divine Body-Xiao Cheng

Strength: Feather-Second Level

Kung Fu: Immortal Sutra

Kung Fu: Self-transformation method

Kung Fu: Mahayana Nirvana Kung Fu

Swordsmanship: Nine Demon-Tribbing Swords - The Third Sword

Swordsmanship: Mind Spirit Sword-Third Level

Supernatural power: Eight-step kicking into the air - the fifth step

Reputation: Famous everywhere

Killed: 6.5 million

There are 6.5 million killing points left.

The Heaven Burial Technique is hidden. As long as a skill is practiced to perfection, it will be automatically hidden by the attributes. The attributes displayed are the skills that have not been completed or have not yet been practiced.

At this time, Ji Chen's strength could be considered to have truly caught up with the Holy Son of the Holy Land.

Ji Chen stood up and faced the morning sun and began to collect the weapons and storage instruments all over the floor. He picked up all the weapons used in the Nirvana realm and put them into the storage instruments.

As for the weapons below the Nirvana realm, they have no value, so there is no need to pick them up.

There is no way, the Zixia Sect is poor. Ji Chen, as the leader, although it is only temporary, he also hopes to do something for the Zixia Sect during his tenure.

Then there are the storage magic weapons of the demon kings. Ji Chen collected them all, sat on a stone, and opened them one by one.

This is like opening a blind box. No one knows what good things are inside until it is opened.

Ji Chen is looking forward to it and excited. At the very least, he will get some spiritual stones. What he lacks most now are spiritual stones.

The first storage ring was opened. There was a pile of spiritual stones inside, as well as some weapons, elixirs, and spiritual herbs.

The spiritual stone is only over three thousand kilograms. It's not much, but it's not bad. For Ji Chen, it's the equivalent of picking up something for nothing. A little adds up to a lot.

He sorted the things into his own storage magic weapon, then opened the second storage magic weapon, and opened several thousand kilograms of spiritual stones, as well as some weapons and spiritual herbs.

The fourth one, the fifth one...

After Ji Chen opened all the storage rings, he obtained 43,000 kilograms of spiritual stones.

There are a lot of weapons and other things, and dozens of stored magic weapons.

Now Ji Chen's storage ring contains a bunch of storage magic weapons.

"I have to find time to sell all these storage instruments for cash and exchange them for spiritual stones."

After packing up, Ji Chen walked towards the Tianlang Sect's treasure house. There was a larger blind box waiting for him to open.

After fighting such a battle, it is finally time to reap the rewards.

The Heavenly Wolf Sect's treasure house was shrouded in powerful formations, but to Ji Chen, this was nothing at all.

After opening the treasure house, Ji Chen walked in. What caught his eye the most were weapons, followed by martial arts pills and spiritual herbs.

In a sealed box, Ji Chen finally found spiritual stones, more than 7,000 kilograms of spiritual stones. It is estimated that these spiritual stones were accumulated by depriving the followers of their welfare.

This dignified sect only has more than 7,000 kilograms left, which is only a little stronger than those demon kings.

No wonder Dandong's power cannot develop, they all look the same and poor.

He doesn't like martial arts, weapons or anything else. What he lacks most now is spiritual stones.

Ji Chen turned on the search mode, and after a moment, he emptied the entire Tianlang Sect's treasure house, leaving not a single hair left.

The next step was to return home. The Sirius Mountain Range now meant nothing to him and had been erased by him.

After restoring Taoist Priest Zixia's appearance, Ji Chen cracked the Tianlang Sect's formation and disappeared with one step.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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