One of the monster kings stared at Ji Chen and said, "You have just entered the Feather Realm and you have the combat power to directly chase us. It's not a big deal for you to have such a talent."

"Stop talking nonsense. Now that you have confirmed his identity, let's kill him! We can take into account the bounty of the Black Bear Holy Master and the Golden Lion Holy Master."

"I'm here to kill him!" A demon king holding a spear stood up. This was a powerful demon king with a tall body, dark skin, and murderous aura. His blood-colored eyes were filled with bloody lightning, and he was indifferent. He looked at Ji Chen with indifference.

"I never believed that you could kill the Golden Lion Prince and the Black Bear Prince, so let me prove your strength. I hope you can make me happy."

These demon kings still don't believe that Ji Chen has the ability to kill the Golden Lion Prince and the Black Bear Prince.

After all, a few months ago, Ji Chen had not even broken through to the realm of becoming a feather.

How could a person who had not even broken through to the realm of feathers be the opponent of the Golden Lion Prince and the Black Bear Prince.

Even if he is an extremely gifted genius, a rare genius in the human race, it is okay to cross several small realms, but it is simply impossible to cross one big realm and five or six small realms, even if the Demon Emperor is young. That's just the way it is at times.

And Ji Chen's disappearance in the past few months, and now he has broken through the Yuyu realm, just confirms that he has broken through somewhere in the past few months.

Ji Chen said coldly: "It doesn't matter if you haven't seen it before. I'll let you see it today!"

"You are not ashamed of your words. Do you think you are a venerable? How dare you say such things. If you were the Demon Emperor in his youth, we would have retreated. With your current strength, you should be prepared to die. Killing you should be enough to hit the Holy Emperor." Well, I’m looking forward to the Holy Emperor’s expression when the time comes.”


With a trembling sound, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, creating a dazzling light. A bright silver dragon spear pierced towards Ji Chen like a real dragon.

The silver spear tip shone with cold light, swallowing lightning-like sharpness.

Ji Chen swung his sword and made a slash. At this moment, the world changed dramatically, lightning and thunder shook, and the terrifying magic light filled the air, covering up all the divine light and a whole area of ​​the world. There were streaks of demonic energy, and the terrifying sword intent filled the air. , the vast demonic power is overwhelming.

The magic light was shining, the magic sword was criss-crossing, as if a demon king had awakened, and the astonishing demonic power was overwhelming. At this moment, everyone in the Sirius Sect was frightened, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

The terrifying sword intent filled the world and made people's souls burst.

"The demons are dancing wildly!"

Ji Chen's voice was cold, and his original group attack moves were condensed into one force.


The heaven and earth shook. Ji Chen's eyes were like two cold rays, which seemed to tear the void apart. It was breathtaking. The vast demonic power shook the world and made everyone feel trembling.

The black lightning-like sword light struck into the void.


A figure exploded and turned into a rain of blood all over the sky, scattering down.

In the distance, the faces of several kings were cold and their eyes were piercingly cold.

Ji Chen killed one of their kings with one move, which they did not expect. It seemed that they had underestimated his strength before.

"I come!"

Another king soared into the sky, the Blood Bat King. He held a spear and instantly reached the sky.

"The Nine Heavens Mysterious Temple turned into a thunder calamity, and using the spear as a guide, the gods destroyed the demons."

The Blood Bat King used thunder skills, raised his spear, and pointed at the sky, hoping to attract the thunder from the nine heavens to kill the enemy.

In an instant, the sky changed color, a huge and deep black vortex emerged, lightning flashed and thunderous, and strong winds howled.

A series of terrifying auras were released, and the vast divine power descended, as if a disaster was about to come.

In the sky, lightning was crisscrossed and thunderous, as if there was light falling from the sky, dazzling and infinitely bright.

Such a terrifying scene horrified everyone. This was the power of God. The Blood Bat King had actually caused a catastrophe. Who could resist?

"it's over!"

A demon king spoke in the distance. Even they were not confident of resisting such a magical technique.

This is the power of Heaven, the power of Heavenly Tribulation, the Blood Bat King's strongest blow, which the non-physical body can resist.

The Blood Bat King didn't want to waste time, so he used a powerful killing move to kill Ji Chen with one move.

"It's boring, I thought he could hold out until I took action." The Black Dragon King spoke with a bit of laziness, but more of a joke.

In an instant, thunder fell from the sky like majestic rain, directly submerging Ji Chen.

At this moment, everyone was in shock, their breathing almost stopped, and their bodies were shaking involuntarily. No one could compete with such thunder.

Everyone was thinking that if they were in Ji Chen's position, they would be killed, and there would be no room for improvement.

"Oops! The results are out. Sure enough, the Blood Bat King is so powerful that he killed Demon King Ji with one strike."

Many people lamented that it was too fast and fierce. The blood bat king's majestic appearance was breathtaking, and he killed Ji Chen with one move. This invincible appearance made everyone tremble and tremble with fear.

The vast thunder and lightning submerged the place, and that area seemed like someone was going through a tribulation.

Just when everyone thought the battle was over, someone suddenly exclaimed: "No, he's not dead yet!"

Everyone was surprised. When they looked carefully, they saw that the lightning in that place was shrinking, as if it was being swallowed and absorbed by something.

Soon everyone saw clearly that it was Demon King Ji who was devouring the lightning. His body was like a black hole, wildly devouring the surrounding lightning.

At this moment, everyone was shocked and shocked by the scene in front of them.

Not only did the power of Thunder Tribulation not harm Ji Chen at all, it was actually swallowed by him.

It's unbelievable, so shocking. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't believe it, or even imagine that someone dared to swallow the power of Thunder Tribulation.

Not only that, Demon King Ji's aura became even more powerful.

At this moment, Ji Chen exploded, raised his left hand, and punched out. The fist transformed into a golden cauldron of the sun god, turned into a sun, exploded the air, and made the void tremble.

Infinite golden light shines out, as if a divine tripod is impacting, surrounded by flowers, birds, fish, insects, mountains and rivers.


The Blood Bat King was directly hit by this punch, and his body was shattered. Bright blood flowers bloomed, one by one, like a rain of gorgeous flowers dyed red. This is the last bloom of life, sad, gorgeous, and dispersed with the breeze.

Pieces of blood flowers, like bright red petals, floated all over the sky, shining with the brilliance of life, and fell from the sky, heralding the fall of a generation of demon kings.

At this moment, everyone was shocked and shocked, unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

"Killing the Blood Bat King with one punch is too terrifying."

"The flesh swallows thunder and lightning, my God, what kind of physique is this?"


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