Ji Chen sneered, "If I were him, would you still be as calm as you are now?"

One of the monster kings said: "Whether it is true or not, the ending is the same, and this will not change anything."

Ji Chen said: "I think so too. If I kill all you chickens and dogs and stew them into a big pot of broth, I think it will taste delicious, and maybe I can learn some magical skills."

Ji Chen started to make seals with his hands, evolving the magic formula, and the golden light magic formulas disappeared into the formation above the sky.

Soon, the trajectory of the formation was changed.

Ji Chen's hand on evolving the magic formula still did not stop. He was reinforcing the formation. These demon kings did not want Ji Chen to escape, and Ji Chen also did not want them to escape.

The expression of the old man in green clothes on the edge of the cliff changed slightly. Ji Chen's magic skills shocked him. He could quickly find the trajectory of the formation and make corresponding changes to change the trajectory of the formation. This man's attainments in formations had already surpassed Got him.

"You're really crazy, just like Demon King Ji." The demon kings also saw Ji Chen's intentions and sneered.

They didn't stop it.

After a while, Ji Chen stopped and the formation was changed by him. Even if a demon king wanted to break out, it would take some time. This time was enough for Ji Chen to kill him.

Likewise, time was short, and it would take time for Ji Chen to completely crack the formation.

This is a dead situation, both sides are trapped inside, and only one side can survive.

"There's nothing more to say, just fight, this battle will determine life or death!"

A demon king stood out. He was wearing a battle suit, had been trained to a very terrifying level, and was shining with divine light.

He took action directly, and a pair of wings sprouted from behind him, soaring into the sky. The wings flapped like two heavenly knives and chopped down directly.

Infinite divine light gathers and shines brightly.

This is his strongest attack. In battles between Huayu, one attack can often determine the outcome and determine life or death.

Unless they are equally matched in strength, they will fight for a long time, which is rarely the case.

As the setting sun shone, Ji Chen's body was covered with golden clouds. With just one movement, he raised his hand, pointed it like a sword, and slashed with his hand.

With just one movement, it was like a divine sword of heaven condensed at his fingertips. When it was struck, the world seemed to be cut in half.


The two heavenly swords were slashed down immediately, and in an instant, various light shapes merged and turned into a stream of aura, the sound trembled, and all kinds of rays of light gushed down.

Ji Chen opened his palms, and the Han sword that shuttled between the cliffs turned into a sword light, flew up, and fell into Ji Chen's hands, shining with the bright sword energy and murderous aura.

At this moment, another person took action. With a stroke of his palms, boundless divine light burst out, transforming into a god. The light filled the sky and headed towards Ji Chenzhen.

Ji Chen held the Han sword in his hand and slashed out with the sword. The light of the sword streaked across the sky and slashed towards the god.


The god was shattered and was directly chopped into pieces by this sword light. The sword light struck the demon king, and the divine aura on his body exploded.

Ji Chen's sword energy shattered and exploded when he slashed it, but the vast sword energy blasted directly into his body, instantly tearing his soul apart and shattering his mental power. Only the empty shell of his body was left facing downwards. come down.

Another demon king had already reached Ji Chen. His wings were like two heavenly knives, slashing towards Ji Chen's neck and waist, trying to cut him into three pieces.

Ji Chen waved his fist, charged up boundless divine light, and transformed his fist into the golden cauldron of the sun god. The vast golden divine light rushed out and punched through the body of the demon king, smashing it into pieces.


Blood rain flew, turning into endless bloody light, and scattered on the rooftop.

The mountain breeze was cold and the blood was red. The broken bones were scattered on the ground, and the surrounding area was stained red with blood. Ji Chen was alone among them, and his clothes were not stained with blood.

The scene was extremely shocking and shocking, and the entire Sirius Sect martial arts performance stage was completely silent.

In just one round, the two demon kings were defeated. One of them had his soul crushed, and the other was shattered into pieces, and his body and soul disappeared. This caused many people's bodies to convulse and their souls to tremble.

The remaining demon kings were even more indifferent. One of them had sharp eyes and stared at Ji Chen's hands.

"His physique is special, and his fists are comparable to divine weapons."

The other king laughed loudly, "Hahahaha, Master Zixia is indeed arrogant. I am now even more sure that you are him, Ji Chen, Ji Demon King."

His eyes sparkled with blood-red lightning, and his tone was very sure.

Hearing the three words Demon King Ji, everyone in the Sirius Sect took a breath of cold air. No matter they were humans or demon creatures, they were all horrified at this moment.

The three words "name of a person, shadow of a tree, and Demon King Ji" are accumulated with countless lives of the demon clan. With his own power, he brought the entire demon clan to the table. This name is like thunder even in the entire Northern Territory.

And he even used the name Zixia Taoist to start a craze for eating monster meat among all mankind. He is simply the nemesis of the monsters. If this news spreads, it will instantly cause a sensation in the entire Northern Territory.

"You came to the Sirius Sect alone. I was only 50% sure that you were him. Now that you take action, I am 70% sure that you are him. I heard that you killed the Golden Lion Prince and the Black Bear Prince. I never believed it. Those few The Holy Son of the Holy Land has always been eyeing our demon tribe, and it is not impossible to kill them in your name. I just want to kill you today to clear the name of the young generation of our demon tribe, and use your head to commemorate them."

"I will hang your head on the flagpole of the First Pioneer Battalion. One day when we invade Daxia, I will be the first to plant that flag on the land of Daxia."

Ji Chen chuckled, "You can have such a sweet dream in your next life!"

The Han Sword disappeared from Ji Chen's hand, and the Tianxuan Sword appeared in his hand. Naturally, there was no need for him to hide it anymore. This place had been sealed by a large formation and isolated from the outside. No one could escape from it. Either he died here today, or everyone here was killed by him, so there was no point in hiding his identity anymore.

When Ji Chen regained his appearance, everyone in the Sirius Sect took a deep breath and felt their bodies getting cold.

Sure enough, it was this demon king, the Demon King Ji who was number one on the monster clan's must-kill list.

At this moment, the aura permeating Ji Chen's body made the whole world roar.

The three demon kings stood up together, their energy and energy surged like an ocean, flooding the entire Tianlang platform.

The eyes of the three people were cold, like lightning, and they were all very powerful, looking down at everything, like three gods coming to the world.

Immediately afterwards, two more kings came out, one with wings on his back and one with horns on his head.

They have the appearance of the human race, but retain the characteristics of the demon race. And these characteristics happen to be their most powerful weapons.


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