The forces around Rongcheng were worried that the Daxia border troops would retreat and began to waver.

In a word, the current situation in Chengdu is very chaotic. Many forces have been infiltrated, including the infiltration of the Great Xia border army, the infiltration of the demon clan, and even the infiltration of the ancient holy places and the supreme religion.

There are ancient forces and the supreme religion who want to influence this war.

Through analysis, Ji Chen came to such a conclusion.

"This is a pool of muddy water!"

At this moment, Ji Chen suddenly had a plan. He wanted to enter the muddy water of the pond.

So, he opened his mouth and said: "My Taoist name is Zixia, but I am related to the Zixia Sect. From now on, I will be the leader of the Zixia Sect. Do you guys have any opinions?"

He wants to take control of the Zixia Sect, and then enter Rongcheng as the leader of the Zixia Sect, enter the muddy water of this pool, and intervene in this war.

The Zixia Sect members looked stunned, obviously not expecting Ji Chen to make this request.

They didn't dare to have any objections at all. This was a young devil. Now Ji Chen could do whatever he said. They agreed first before talking.

Ji Chen found a fist-sized seal on Leader Zhao's body. This was the leader's seal of the Zixia Sect, with the four words "Zixia Holy Cult" engraved on it.

He held up the seal and said: "After friendly communication between me and Leader Zhao, he entrusted the Zixia Sect to me before he died and asked me to serve as the leader of Zixia. Do you have any objections?"

"Welcome to the leader!"

Several people from the Zixia Sect understood the situation and spoke quickly, admitting Ji Chen's identity and saying that they would first get through the immediate life-and-death situation.

Although Ji Chen doesn't plan to kill them for the time being, punishment is still necessary. After all, they are here to kill themselves. The death penalty is temporarily exempted, but the living penalty will definitely not be escaped.

Several people were kneeling like this, and Ji Chen had no intention of asking them to get up. He stared at them with cold eyes, and the murderous intention was refreshing, and the temperature around them was dropping.

Sensing Ji Chen's murderous intent, several people trembled and felt fear in their hearts. They thought Ji Chen was thinking about whether to kill them.

Ji Chen's powerful spiritual power collapsed, making it almost unbearable for them.

Suddenly, a huge amount of spiritual power came crashing in, several people's heads roared, and there was a stinging pain like tearing their souls, as if countless sharp swords were piercing their souls back and forth.

"Even if you die ten thousand times, it won't be enough to atone for what you just did!" Ji Chen's cold voice sounded, piercing the heart and lungs like a sharp sword.

"The most damning thing is that I have to give you another chance. I want to use you, but this is the last chance. I have a bad temper and like to kill people. You can take this as a warning."

As if they had been granted amnesty, several people quickly kowtowed in thanks and swore allegiance to Ji Chen.

At that moment, Ji Chen planted the seeds of sword intention in the souls of several people. If they obeyed his orders with peace of mind, Ji Chen could give them the seeds of sword intention as an opportunity. Otherwise, it would be a life-threatening talisman.

Of course, this alone was not enough to make them obedient. Ji Chen did not intend to make him surrender wholeheartedly with just one pressure. He also needed to find another opportunity to strike again, such as killing a chicken to scare the monkeys.

Under Ji Chen's command, the group headed to Rongcheng.

This place is 40,000 miles away from Rongcheng. According to Ji Chen's speed, it would take half a day to get there. However, these people did not break through the formation of feathers, and they were stalling for time. It took a whole day to move forward more than 10,000 miles.

Ji Chen also noticed it, and they communicated secretly to discuss countermeasures.

Although Ji Chen's mental strength was not strong enough to intercept sound transmissions, he could feel weak mental fluctuations and changes in the expressions of several people.

It seems that the deterrent effect is not enough. Just one day later, he dared to secretly do something behind his back.

The opportunity has come to scare the monkeys.

Ji Chen stopped and turned around to look at a few people.

"What's the matter, Immortal Chief?" A person from the Zixia Sect asked, obviously feeling guilty.

Ji Chen suddenly took action and pointed a finger at the center of his eyebrows. The terrifying sword intent penetrated directly into his eyebrows. A hole the size of a thumb appeared and blood spurted out.

The man fell to the ground with a look of astonishment and refused to close his eyes.

"Immortal, immortal...!"

The remaining people were trembling with fear, with horror written on their faces.

Ji Chen said lightly: "I feel that he just scolded me in his heart. This kind of person hates me and will not be loyal to me. I can't keep him."

Several people were stunned. Did he curse you in his mind?

Can you feel this?

Can you find a more reasonable reason?

They felt that Ji Chen obviously wanted to kill someone, so they made up a random excuse.

He could kill directly, but he had to make up a lame excuse.

At this moment, Ji Chen suddenly turned to look at the other person, "Did you blink just now? You were mocking me."


As soon as the man opened his mouth, Ji Chen pointed out his finger. The man's eyebrows were pierced and he died immediately. He could no longer say the next words.

The remaining people were cold and their souls were trembling. This person must be too murderous. He was simply a demon.

They finally understood what Ji Chen meant when he said he had a bad temper and liked to kill people.

This is not liking, this is pure bloodthirsty.

At this moment, Ji Chen suddenly looked at the other person next to him, "How dare you close your eyes, are you showing contempt for me?"


"You dare to stare, are you provoking me?"


"If you dare to breathe in front of me, you are clearly looking down on me."


"How dare you hold your breath? You're obviously holding something bad in your heart. Do you want to kill me with your farts? Damn it!"


"One, two, three, three left, one more!"


The remaining two people's souls were all gone, their bodies were trembling constantly, they were at a loss, and they no longer knew how to place them.

If you close your eyes, you will die. If you open your eyes, you will die. If you breathe, you will die. If you hold your breath, you will die.

They could kill directly, but they still had to find a reason, as if they were really wrong, even breathing was wrong.

Seeing that they were the only two left, it was their turn soon. The two of them were so frightened that they knelt down directly. Their hearts were so frightened that they couldn't even speak.

The greatest torture in life is waiting for death, not knowing what reason will be given to kill you.

"Okay, you didn't provoke me, you didn't despise me, and you didn't ridicule me, so I won't kill you."

"I am the most reasonable person. I convince others with reason and virtue."

"Follow this leader from now on. As long as you obey, there will still be benefits. I will give you a great opportunity. Get up!"

"Thank you, Master!" The two of them did not dare to disobey in the slightest and quickly stood up.

After all this killing and intimidation, the effect was remarkable, and I believe the remaining two would never dare to have other thoughts.

The remaining two people are both elders of Zixia Sect, one of them is Zuo Baiyun, and the remaining one is named Dai Changlin, both are young people.

Ji Chen deliberately kept them, young people, easy to manage.

Moreover, he is already an elder at a young age, and his cultivation has reached the ninth realm of Nirvana. His qualifications are very good, and he is at the level of a true disciple in the Holy Land.


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