After a while, the group of people came to the edge of the large pit that was full of Changyi. As expected, they saw a man covered in darkness, with a tattered body and blood flowing across the pit, sitting cross-legged in the pit to repair his injuries.

The man's whole body was glowing with golden rays of light, exuding immortal energy. Mysterious power flowed from the wound, and the injury was healing rapidly.

The group of people took a deep breath, they were all so injured and yet they were still alive, they had such strong vitality.

Especially the immortal aura on Ji Chen's body frightened them even more.

Only after close contact did they realize how terrifying this person was. The charm and terrifying aura that he naturally revealed made them tremble with fear.

He cannot be allowed to recover, otherwise none of them combined will be an opponent.

Leader Zhao quickly judged the situation and acted quickly to strike first.

"I'm sorry. It's a crime to possess a jade. You own these two treasures and still survive the tribulation unprepared in this desolate land. It is a sin in itself."

Leader Zhao raised his hand and smacked it towards Ji, and a huge palm appeared, covering the sky and the sun, covering the entire pit.

He wanted to knock Ji Chen inside with one palm.

The other two people headed towards the Tianxuan Sword and Sun God Golden Cauldron scattered aside, wanting to take these two weapons in their hands.

Just when the man was about to approach the Tianxuan Knife, the knife originally scattered on the ground suddenly burst out with sword intent, flew up from the ground, turned into a stream of light, and instantly penetrated the man's head, and then flew to Ji Chen's head. , and then shot towards the huge palm, instantly defeating the palm, and then turned into a stream of light and flew towards Leader Zhao, hovering between his eyebrows, and sword intent and sword energy spurted out.

Leader Zhao's body seemed to be frozen there, a blood hole appeared between his eyebrows, and a thumb-thick blood spurted out like an arrow.

Tianxuan turned around and flew towards the man holding the divine golden tripod. As soon as he took the divine golden tripod in his hand, Tianxuan hit him between the eyebrows.

Feijian flew back to Ji Chen with the divine golden tripod and inserted it into the ground next to him.

The few remaining people were frightened to death, and a cold air rose from the soles of their feet and went straight to the Tianling Cap.

Leader Zhao, who was at the first level of feathering, was unexpectedly shot dead with a flying sword. What kind of monster was this man? How could he be so terrifying?


A few people turned around and ran away without even thinking about it.

"Whoever dares to take a step will die!" Ji Chen's cold voice sounded.

Several people paused, their faces turned pale, and they knelt down on the spot and began to beg for mercy.

Ji Chen didn't even raise his eyelids and continued to recover.

Seeing this, several people did not dare to say anything anymore. They could only kneel there and wait, feeling terrified and wanting to run but not daring.

After a long time, Ji Chen's body finally recovered. His body was crystal clear, exuding precious light, and traces of immortal aura were exuding. Every breath he takes is connected with heaven and earth. With brilliance all over his body, he took one step and rushed into the sky, with two sharp rays of light shooting out of his eyes.

The few people kneeling on the ground were trembling. They felt a powerful killing intent and vast coercion, spreading overwhelmingly.

"He has obviously just passed through the catastrophe, and he is only the first level of feathers. How can he be so powerful?"

Several people were shocked and their bodies were shaking.

Ji Chen came down from the air and landed in front of several people. His cold eyes fell on them.

Finally, someone couldn't bear the pressure and begged for mercy again, "Master Immortal, have mercy on us. We were confused for a moment. It was the leader Zhao who instigated and coerced us to come here. There was nothing we could do."

Ji Chen was still dressed as a Taoist priest, so they called him Immortal Chief.

"It's okay if you want to live. I'll ask you a few questions. If you answer them, I can consider letting you go."

"The Immortal just asks, and we will answer truthfully."

Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where are you from?"

"Rongcheng, we are all from the vicinity of Rongcheng."

One of them spoke first, a young man. He was the first to beg for mercy, but Ji Chen looked at his demeanor and felt that he was probably over a hundred years old.

After reaching Nirvana in cultivation, it is difficult to judge a person's age from his appearance.

But no matter what age group, fear of death is natural.

The longer you live, the more you fear death.

"Rongcheng!" Ji Chen was surprised, "It's the big city closest to the Beihuang battlefield!"

He just asked casually and wanted to know the situation, but he didn't expect that these people were from Rongcheng.

"Yes, we are from the Seven Sects of Rongcheng. The leader Zhao who was killed by you just now is the leader of the Zixia Sect, one of the seven sects. We heard that there were cubs of the ancient beast Suan Ni wandering around here, so we came here to look for them. , If you don’t believe it, ask a few of them, they are all members of the Zixia Cult, and it was the leader of the Zixia Cult who came here to look for the Suanni cub.”

"Suanni cub!"

Ji Chen simply didn't believe it. There were traces of the Suan Ni cub here. How could it be possible? It was a powerful wild beast from ancient times. It was either a cave or a blessed place. How could it appear in a place where such birds don't poop?

Seeing that Ji Chen didn't believe it, they didn't dare to hide it and told the truth.

The leader of Zixia didn't know where he got the exact information. There were indeed traces of Suan Ni cubs here, so he brought the people of Zixia and a few of them to try their luck. After all, this place is not far from Rongcheng, with only tens of thousands. Just kilometers.

If you really find it, bring it back to the sect and train it. When it grows up, the sect's status will also increase accordingly.

Even if you don't find it, you won't lose anything. At worst, the trip will be in vain.

Based on the principle that they would rather run in vain than miss it, they came, but they searched the surrounding area for thousands of miles and found no trace of Suan Ni.

Not to mention Suanni, even some powerful monsters were not discovered, but many evil spirits were killed.

They also felt something was wrong, and just when they were about to go back, they encountered Ji Chen crossing the tribulation, and the scene just happened next.

Ji Chen's focus was not on the Suan Ni. Even if he found the thing, he wouldn't be able to capture it. It would probably be protected by powerful wild beasts.

Even if a Suanni cub is really discovered, I'm afraid it will cause a huge sensation. Those ancient holy places and the Supreme Church will come to fight for it, and they will not get it at all. If ordinary forces possess such ancient and strange things, The beast's cub, those ancient families will probably directly eradicate your power and capture the cub.

Ji Chen is now concerned about the situation in Chengdu and the battlefield in Beihuang.

After interrogating him carefully for a while, he asked in detail about the power layout of Rongcheng and the current situation.

Several people answered truthfully. But two people looked a little flustered and evasive when answering questions.

This did not escape Ji Chen's eyes, but he did not point it out either.

These people can stay behind to scare the monkeys.

Make the best use of everything!

The situation near Rongcheng is very tense now. It is said that the Monster Clan has formed an alliance with the Supreme Sect, and the situation is now favorable to the Monster Clan.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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