I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 346 Poor Taoist Yingang, Taoist name Zixia

Unexpectedly, Ji Chen raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to look at the waiter with a very dissatisfied expression, "What's the matter? You look down on Master Dao. Do you think Master Dao is the master who lacks spiritual stones? Just go ahead and get it."


The guy stopped talking nonsense. If an enemy came to his door and was slaughtered, he would naturally not push it out. He was just afraid that this guy was here to eat the Overlord's meal, and it would take hundreds of years to dig in the ancient mines to repay the debt. .

Many people around him were speculating on the origin of this Taoist priest. Seeing that his aura was like a furnace and his blood was as strong as the ocean, he must have some unusual origin.

The clerk also called other clerks in the store to pay attention to Ji Chen, as this guy was likely to skip the order.

Soon, the dishes were served, and the waiter even sent a bottle of wine. After all, Ji Chen was a big customer, with one order worth hundreds of orders, although he was very likely to skip the order.

Ji Chen tried a few bites. Well, it was indeed good. It tasted better than directly grilled or stewed. It seemed that the chef had used some special means to squeeze out almost all the mysterious energy contained in the meat.

Ji Chen realized carefully that there were some other things mixed in the meat, which should be elixirs and help in cultivation. The operation of the technique became much smoother at this moment, and it was also very helpful for the understanding of the realm. .

At this moment, he finally understood why the price was so expensive. It did make sense, but Ji Chen wouldn't believe it if it was said to be cooked by the Holy Master himself.

The Holy Lord is so idle and has nothing to do, so he comes to the restaurant to work as a chef.

The clerk was standing next to him and did not leave. Ji Chen turned to look at him and nodded, "It's okay. I'm fine."

The waiter smiled and said, "Taoist priest is joking. After all, our Tianji Restaurant is a holy land restaurant. We run it sincerely. If we get into trouble, we won't have repeat customers."

Ji Chen nodded, "Yes, let me ask one more question, why have all the waiters in your restaurant changed to the Nirvana state? I remember that a few months ago, the highest cultivation level of the waiters had not exceeded the innate ones."

The waiter was slightly shocked. He could see his cultivation level at a glance. This Taoist priest was not simple.

But he still smiled and replied: "It's all caused by this monster meat delicacy. The price is high. Of course some people are dissatisfied. There are too many people making trouble. Without any cultivation, we really can't suppress it. We are all the inner gate of the Holy Land. Disciples come here in turn to complete their tasks."

However, he added in his heart, because there are people like you here to eat the King's meal, it's better if your cultivation level is not strong.

"That's it!" Ji Chen nodded, "Okay, go down, I'll call you if anything happens."

"Okay, Taoist priest, please use it slowly. If you need anything, just say hello."

The waiter walked away, but he was always wary of Ji Chen, fearing that he would skip the order.

"It's a pity that Demon King Ji has provided us with such a good food recipe. He has probably been assassinated by the demon clan." The conversation next to him reached Ji Chen's ears and caught his attention.

Another person said: "I feel that Demon King Ji has probably escaped back to the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia. With his vigilance and ruthlessness, how could he be assassinated so easily."

Someone next to him retorted: "If he is not dead, why didn't he stand up and speak out? The demon clan ranked him first on the must-kill list. Even many soldiers in the Daxia border army stood up and spoke out. With Ji Ji There is no way the Demon King’s character could endure his anger.”

Isn't this rebuttal reasonable? Based on what Ji Chen has done in the past few months, it is impossible for him to be so low-key. He is ranked first on the must-kill list by the demon clan and is hunted by the world. He can still swallow his anger. This is not like his character.

Ji Chen put down his chopsticks and said inscrutably, "Pindao calculated with his fingers that Demon King Ji is not dead. Something may have delayed him."

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone around him looked at him.

A middle-aged man stared at Ji Chen, "What's your name, Taoist Priest?"

"Infinite Heavenly Lord!" Ji Chen raised his left hand, clasping the middle finger and ring finger of his thumb together, making a Taoist gesture, "The poor Taoist Yingang, the Taoist name is Zixia!"

"It turns out it's Taoist Priest Zixia, you're polite." The middle-aged man returned the greeting and continued: "The Taoist Priest just said that he figured out that the Demon King of that season was not dead. Is it true or false? Do you still tell fortunes?"

"Of course it's true. I've been practicing Taoism for more than ten years. I'm proficient in Qimen Dunjia, Five Elements and Bagua, Yin and Yang magic, Heavenly acting, hemp cloth divine calculation, divination and stargazing. I dare not say that it can reach the Nine Heavens and the Nine Netherworld, but it is also the highest level. Understand astronomy and geography, five hundred years in advance and five hundred years in the future.”

"Taoist priest, you are bragging a bit. If you could push forward five hundred years and push back five hundred years, you would have become an immortal long ago, and there would be no need to hang out here."

The people around him looked unbelieving. Ji Chen's boast was indeed a bit big. Even the emperor did not dare to boast like that.

"Since Taoist Priest said you can go forward five hundred years, Taoist Priest, how about the origin of Demon King Ji?"

Ji Chen said: "Isn't he a disciple of the Holy Emperor? This still requires extrapolation."

"That's not what I'm talking about. Everyone knows that he is a disciple of the Holy Emperor. We want to know more details."

"Okay, let me do some calculations!" Ji Chen was not polite. He pinched his fingers and started to calculate, chanting formulas in his mouth.

"Hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron, carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon, sodium magnesium aluminum silicon phosphorus, sulfur chloride argon potassium calcium, scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese, iron cobalt nickel copper zinc, gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine, krypton rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium, niobium Molybdenum, technetium, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, cadmium, indium tin, antimony, tellurium, iodine, xenon and cesium.”

? ? ?

The people around were stunned. Everyone was a practitioner and knew more or less about Taoist teachings. However, they couldn't understand Ji Chennian's formula at all. They could understand every word, but when combined together, they could understand it. I can't understand it at all, it's very awkward and mysterious.

"The Taoist master is indeed a master, and his methods are profound!" Someone praised him.

After a moment, Ji Chen opened his eyes, as if everything was clear to him.

"Has the Taoist master figured it out?" Someone asked out of curiosity.

"Of course!" Ji Chen looked enigmatic.

"The Taoist priest, tell me!"

After Ji Chen took a sip of wine, he slowly said: "That Demon King Ji's surname is Ji, his given name is Chen, his courtesy name is Beigui, and he comes from the place where God originated."

"Where is the origin of God?" Everyone was suddenly confused. Let alone knowing, they had never even heard of this place.

Ji Chen continued: "Of course you don't know that it is the center of the heavens and the world, where the most powerful people stand. Countless people have walked out of that place, and each one of them has become the supreme being in the universe. They have traveled through the ages, traveled through the long rivers of time, and can be found in all the heavens and worlds, and Ji Chen comes from that mysterious place."

At this moment, the entire Tianji Tower was quiet, and everyone around was doubted by Ji Chen.

Is it really that awesome?

Or are you bragging, Taoist Priest!

"Taoist Priest, you are exaggerating. They are present in all the worlds. Wouldn't that make them a heaven?"

"Heaven?" Ji Chen shook his head and said noncommittally: "Compared with that world, Heaven is just dregs. Every once in a while, a strong person will come out of that place, either from humble beginnings, or out of ordinaryness, or If they start out as useless people, or if they reach a goal that others cannot reach in their lifetime, they will eventually become arbitrary beings for eternity, and in their eyes, the world of heaven can be destroyed with a snap of their fingers."


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