Ji Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then the Sun God Golden Cauldron turned into the size of a thumb, entered Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, and was suppressed in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness.

With the suppression of the Sun God Jin Ding, his sea of ​​consciousness has another life-saving trump card. Anyone who dares to invade his sea of ​​consciousness will be directly put into the cauldron for refining, or they will be beaten to death by the cauldron.

After estimating the time, almost two months have passed. It took almost a month to refine the Sun God Gold and shape it, and another month to carve the pattern.

It's almost time to go out and take a look. I don't know what the situation outside is like now. It is estimated that the whole world is looking for me, and the demon clan will not let me go easily.

Ji Chen began to change his body and appearance. After a while, he turned into a King Kong. The Xuanwu battle clothes on his body also changed into a sky-blue Taoist robe. His hair was tied up into a Taoist hairstyle, and the immortal sutra was running. , the temperament completely changed.

At this moment, Ji Chen was like a furnace of heaven and earth, with strong blood burning fiercely. He was also like a black hole, swallowing up all things and refining all things. He exuded an astonishing aura that made people fear him.

He cast a Mysterious Light Technique and looked at it, nodded with satisfaction, then rummaged through a pile of storage rings and found a whisk.

Ji Chen held the whisk in his right hand and flicked it, and made a Taoist bow with his left hand.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, the elder brother of Pindao Vajra, Yingang."

After checking, there were no flaws before Ji Chen came out of the palm world and headed towards the deserted city.

After two months of isolation from the world and no news, he needed to know what happened in the past two months, so he could only go to Huangcheng. After all, Huangcheng was the only one closest to here.

Ji Chen passed away in a flash of lightning, and half a day later, he arrived at Huangcheng.

Nowadays, the deserted city is not very peaceful, with turbulent winds and undercurrents surging. As soon as Ji Chen entered the city, he felt several eyes passing over him, and even a spiritual consciousness scanning past him.

That spiritual consciousness made Ji Chen a little afraid. At least it was beyond the Huayu level, and it was very likely that it was the Zun level.

There were strong men secretly observing everyone who came in and out. The seemingly relaxed Huangcheng was actually very nervous. Intuitively, Ji Chen felt that they were searching for him.

Ji Chen was nervous but seemed calm on the surface. If he turned around and ran away now, he would definitely attract attention.

He was very confident in his transformation skills. It turned out that the people in the dark did not recognize him, and he successfully entered the city.

There were obviously many more people in Huangcheng than before, and the topics of discussion were basically related to Demon King Ji.

Now, Demon King Ji is on the Monster Clan's must-kill list, topping the list. For two whole months, there has been no news about Demon King Ji. So some people speculated that Demon King Ji might have left the Northern Territory and returned to the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia.

Some people also speculate that Demon King Ji may have been secretly killed by the demon clan. The reason why it was not announced was because he was afraid that the Confucian and Taoist Holy Emperor would go crazy.

Ji Chen came to Tianji Restaurant and boarded this familiar place, which surprised Ji Chen. The waiter here has actually been replaced by a practitioner in the Nirvana realm.

At this moment, an angry roar sounded from upstairs: "I just ordered a dish, and I want a pound of spirit stones. Why don't you go and grab it? My cultivation resources for a month are less than a pound of spirit stones."


There was a loud noise, and a figure was thrown down from the upstairs and hit the middle of the street. Soon, two people came forward, held the person down, and dragged him away.

"That's good, there is another free miner in the ancient mine of Tianji Holy Land."

The surrounding diners laughed and joked.

"The dishes at Tianji Restaurant are indeed expensive, but at least they clearly mark the prices. If you don't have money, don't order their specialties. The other major restaurants in the Holy Land are not as expensive."

Everyone was already used to it and were talking and laughing. Obviously this was not the first time such a thing had happened.

At this moment, Ji Chen seemed to understand why Tianji Tower replaced the waiter with a demigod in the Nirvana realm. If such people came to make trouble every day, the waiter would really need the cultivation of the Nirvana realm to suppress them.

Ji Chen went upstairs and found a table to sit down. The waiter came over quickly and seemed to sense Ji Chen's aura like an oven. He also knew that Ji Chen had an extraordinary background and spoke very politely.

"Taoist priest, this is our special menu, do you want to take a look?"

The waiter handed a menu to Ji Chen. Nowadays, people who come to Tianji Building to eat basically come for the special dishes.

Ji Chen took the menu and took a look, what a guy! Break the defense directly.

"Our restaurant's specialty, demon meat delicacies, is recommended by the Saint Emperor's disciple Ji Mo Wang. It is made through the special secret method of the Saint Lord chef of our restaurant. It has special effects and is helpful for cultivation and enlightenment. There is a chance of triggering epiphany and a chance of comprehending the magic of the demon clan." 》

This question directly made Ji Chen break his guard. You somewhat offended me.

However, when Ji Chen saw the price of the recipe, he immediately broke his guard. The price was simply ridiculously expensive. No wonder someone was dissatisfied just now.

Innate-level monsters are not eligible to be on the menu. The monster meat on this menu starts from the Nirvana realm.

For the demon meat in the first realm of Nirvana, a plate of demon meat stir-fried with spiritual grass would cost half a kilogram of spiritual stones.

Even the demonic organs were not spared, including braised snow wolf sausage and stir-fried green beef liver and kidneys.

Except for shit, almost everything that can be used is used.

The demon meat in the second realm of Nirvana is directly one kilogram of spiritual stones per plate, the third realm is two kilograms of spiritual stones, and the fourth realm is three kilograms of spiritual stones.

Yes, after all, it was made by the Holy Lord-level chef himself. One kilogram of spiritual stones per plate of stir-fried green beef liver and kidneys, the real cost is estimated to be only one tael of spiritual stones. After all, just the words "made by the Holy Lord-level chef" are worth nine taels. .

This is the Holy Land Restaurant, and there are a few people who dare to go to the kitchen to see if it is really made by the Holy Lord.

At this moment, Ji Chen finally understood the meaning of the word "jump off the building recommendation", and finally understood the reason why the three holy masters of the demon clan came to the deserted city to negotiate with several holy places, but in the end no agreement was reached.

This is simply a huge profit. With such a huge profit income, it is strange that the major holy places would give up so easily.

Ji Chen directly ordered several plates of Huayu-level demon meat delicacies.

If you are used to the Feather Level, then eating the Nirvana Level will feel boring.

His operation shocked everyone around him. One plate of Huayu-level delicacies weighed dozens of kilograms of spirit stones. Ji Chen ordered seven or eight plates in one go, which was hundreds of kilograms of spirit stones.

Even the waiter next to him couldn't help but remind him, "Taoist priest, what you ordered is very expensive. It costs hundreds of spiritual stones. I suggest you just order one plate."

Several hundred kilograms of spiritual stones are probably not even available to some small cultivating families. The clerk is afraid that this guy is here to eat the Overlord's meal, and then he will just say, "I don't have any spiritual stones, so do whatever you want."

This kind of thing happens a lot recently. Anyway, the meat has been eaten and I can't vomit it out.

The guy's eyes were wary.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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