In an instant, vast demonic power surged between heaven and earth.


A terrifying demonic intent filled the world, and the world was turbulent. Black sword energy spurted out, and lightning flashed like black lightning.

That was the sword light, and the black sword light flooded the world.

One after another, the magical sword light crisscrossed and intertwined, the magic light shone, and the astonishing sword intent permeated the air. With unparalleled demonic intent, a forbidden demon realm was formed, and the vast demonic power was overwhelming.

The Golden Lion King and the Seven Colored Deer were shocked, and their expressions changed instantly.

Especially the Seven-Colored Deer, the terrifying murderous intention and black blade light made him tremble with fear, and boundless waves of turmoil rose in his heart, which almost made him scared out of his wits.

He thought it would be safe once he got out of the canyon, so he relaxed his vigilance. Unexpectedly, someone was ambushing them outside the canyon and attacked them when they were at their most relaxed.


The Golden Lion King took action and let out an earth-shattering roar. Ocean-like golden light erupted from his body, rising into the sky and attacking Ji Chen. The vast demonic power surged like a golden sun rising and bursting out. Showing earth-shattering divine power.

It is in the magic knife field, passively resisting, and can only forcefully break through the field.


The sky and the earth roared, the magic light shone, the black sword energy crisscrossed the sky and covered the earth, the astonishing magic power was overwhelming, and the terrifying sword intent filled the world

The earth couldn't bear it, and huge cracks were cut by the magic knife.

The sky and the earth exploded, and the entire battlefield was shaking and violently turbulent, as if a magnitude 12 earthquake had erupted here.

The terrifying magic knife exploded here like a black sun, and the black light jumped away, forming a terrifying beam of light that shot out in all directions.

In the battlefield, the golden lion prince's long hair was flying wildly, and he was holding an amber knife. The tip of the knife was broken. A large piece of flesh was cut off from one of its arms, and the white bones were exposed. The clothes on his body were torn, and the knife wounds were hideous. fear.

Soon, blood spurted out, staining his whole body red.

The Golden Lion Prince was furious. He had never suffered such a big loss, nor had he been so seriously injured. He was covered in blood.

Someone dared to attack him unexpectedly. The golden prince was filled with anger and boundless murderous intent. His eyes were cold and terrifying, and he burst out with terrifying murderous intent.

His body glowed, bursts of blazing light mist rose up, covering him, and his whole person emitted even more terrifying energy fluctuations.

"Who are you? Why did you sneak attack on me?" he asked, filled with murderous intent and murderous intent.

"I am the Ji Chen you are looking for!"

Ji Chen replied and struck out with the knife again, not giving him the slightest chance.

After all, this is the Golden Lion Prince. He is extremely powerful and his cultivation level is much higher than his. There is no chance of being careless.

If it were a head-on confrontation, Ji Chen would definitely not be his opponent. He relied on sneak attacks to gain a slight advantage, so he did not want to waste this advantage and wanted to expand the results.

"The second sword of the Nine Demon Tribulation Swords!" Ji Chen's extremely cold voice sounded, saying word by word:

"Ten thousand!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and in an instant, the wind and clouds in the world merged, and the terrifying sword intent filled the air. More than a dozen Ji Chen appeared in the sky, each one possessing the same power as Ji Chen, and exuding astonishing demonic nature, as if they had come from all eternity. The devil who came out of.

The Golden Lion Prince finally changed his color. This sword technique was simply earth-shattering. Before the sword was even released, the color of heaven and earth changed.


Ji Chen's voice was extremely cold, and the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and the demonic cloud collapsed. Countless black snakes danced with electric arcs in the sky. The number of demonic Ji Chen in the sky doubled, reaching more than a hundred.

There was endless fear in Qise Lu's eyes. The knife just now had seriously injured him. This knife was ten times more terrifying. He felt the breath of death. Each of those more than a hundred demon kings had an aura that was no weaker than Ji Chen's own body.

Unstoppable, absolutely unstoppable.


The cold voice made people's hearts tremble, the world suddenly became silent, the overwhelming murderous energy swept across like a river, the wind was raging, the demonic energy surged, the number of demonic Jichen reached thousands, the demons danced wildly, and the demonic power was overwhelming.

Even the Holy Son Tianji and others who were hiding in the dark were horrified. This sword technique was too terrifying, and it was not at all what Ji Chen could master at his level. The terrifying sword intention penetrated into the soul, and thousands of demonic Ji Chen let him go. They all felt heart palpitations and their minds were trembling.

This kind of sword technique shouldn't appear. How could there be such a terrifying sword technique?

No one expected that Ji Chen would hide his strength in the battle with King Tianpeng. Even they were afraid of the combat power displayed at this moment.

If they were to switch positions with the Golden Lion Prince, it would be unbearable for them to be attacked by this knife.


Ji Chen's last word came out, and in an instant, the world was extinguished, and thousands of demonic Ji Chen slashed out this sword at the same time.

At this moment, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, endless black arcs fell, and black sword energy crisscrossed the sky and the earth. The sword intent was like a raging storm, and the sky-high murderous intent filled the world, sweeping through like a hurricane.

Ji Chen stood there, holding Tianxuan in his hand, as if he had never made a move, but he seemed to have cut out thousands of knives, shooting out of the air in all directions. The blade passed by, destroying the heaven and earth, cutting through everything, ignoring any defense. , penetrate directly.

It seemed as if Ji Chen had slashed out thousands of swords by himself, or as if thousands of Ji Chens had turned into demon kings and slashed out this sword at the same time.


The sky and the earth exploded, the demonic clouds in the sky shattered, and the terrifying demonic light bloomed. One after another, it shot out all over the sky, like black lightning, overwhelming the sky.


Blood splashed, and in the endless black lightning, a figure flew out and hit the ground a thousand meters away, covered in blood.

After a while, the whole world returned to clarity, and all the chilling atmosphere gradually disappeared. Only Ji Chen was left at the mouth of the canyon, with his black hair blowing in the wind and boundless demonic power.

He was the only one left in the world, as if he was the only demon lord in the world.

The seven-colored deer disintegrated directly under this knife, leaving no bones.

Holy Son Tianji and others were all stunned. The power of this sword was so terrifying and earth-shattering that it made their hearts tremble.

That was the Golden Lion Prince. In a head-to-head confrontation, even they dared not say they would win. Although Ji Chen ambushed and attacked, his cultivation level was much lower than that of the Golden Lion Prince, but he still relied on this terrifying swordsmanship. The Golden Lion Prince was seriously injured.

It’s simply outrageous!

The only pity is that the seven-colored deer, which is a top-quality and delicious ingredient, has no bones left, which is really a waste.

Regret flashed in Ji Chen's eyes. After all, this sword had not yet reached perfection. Ten Thousand Demons Chaozong, with one sword strike, all the devils came out. Only then did he reach the realm of Thousand Demons.

In the final analysis, it was because his cultivation level was too low, otherwise, this sword could directly kill the Golden Lion Prince.

He walked towards the Golden Lion Prince step by step, his eyes cold.

"The Golden Lion Prince is nothing more than that."

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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