Everyone felt that the decision to follow Ji Chen to rob and kill the demon prince was completely correct. It not only satisfied their appetites, but also tempered their bodies.

Holy Maiden Tianquan said: "I think the golden lion should be delicious, especially the lion head. It should taste good when braised in braise."

The Holy Son Tianji had a different opinion: "The Black Bear Prince is also good, and the roasted bear paws should also taste delicious."

What the few people were discussing now was not how to rob and kill, but how to eat. The golden lion, the black bear prince, etc. have become meat on their chopping boards, and I only hope that they will come over soon.

Ji Chen thought about it and felt that he wanted to leave something behind, so he carried a huge stone, chopped it down with a knife, and cut one side into a flat surface to make a huge stone tablet, and then wrote a cooking list of the best ingredients in the United States on it.

Green Wolf King tastes good and tastes best when grilled, as it helps to temper the body.

The White Tiger King recommends stewing the soup. Tiger penis is a great tonic and has excellent aphrodisiac effect.

The Golden Roc King is roasted and eaten, especially the Roc Wings, which are the most delicious food in the world. There is a chance of realizing the Tianpeng's extreme speed.

The meat of Fox Demon King is delicious and can be used in barbecue or stew. It has the effect of beautifying the skin and keeping the appearance of youth.

Ji Chen listed them out line by line with his fingers. Holy Son Tianji and others were immediately turned to stone, dumbfounded.

This operation shocked them.

Holy Son Yuheng said with emotion: "Brother Ji, you are going too far. You are going to offend the demon clan to death without leaving any room for it."

You can imagine what the demon clan's expression would be like when they saw this stone tablet. Their lungs would probably burst with anger. The outstanding heroes and princes and young masters among the demon clan were all turned into food in Ji Chen's eyes.

Not only did he eat people, he also listed a cooking list of ingredients and even listed their effects. It was simply killing people and killing people. This was the rhythm of eating all the monsters.

If this list were to spread, it would definitely cause a sensation. The key point is that these effects are all made up by Ji Chen. Except for body tempering, which is indeed effective, the others are all fake.

But as long as one item is true, people will believe it completely, fearing that even the demon clan will be devoured.

Especially the tiger whip to enhance virility and the fox clan's beauty. If these two items are believed by others, it will definitely be a disaster for these two clans.

Ji Chen's final idea is to lead everyone to eat the monsters and turn them into food.

"Have you ever heard of species invasion?" He said with a smile, but in the eyes of Tianji Holy Son and others, this smile always felt a little treacherous.

Ji Chen continued: "The human foodie army is a very terrifying organization. The best way to deal with species invasion is to eat, and tell everyone how to eat and what effects it has. Then there is no need to do anything, just wait and see." It won’t take long for the invasive species to be wiped out.”

Several people were completely speechless and stunned. This move was extremely destructive.

"By the way, you guys will record this list and put it in some of your restaurants. One portion of demigod-level demon meat and one kilogram of spiritual stones, one portion of feathered-level demon meat and ten kilograms of spiritual stones. I guarantee you Business is booming and we are making a lot of money.”

Ji Chen made a suggestion, intending to drag several holy places into trouble and take the lead in eating demon meat.

A few people's eyes lit up, this is indeed a good way to make money, with huge profits.

However, Holy Son Tianji said: "It is difficult to operate in practice. Hunting monsters requires a large number of experts. The restaurant does not have that many experts, and we cannot help the restaurant hunt monsters and provide ingredients every day."

"You don't need to do it yourself!" Ji Chen said with a smile.

"Isn't there a bounty for the demon slayer? Just list the bounty tasks and leave the rest to the demon slayer. Your disciples in the Holy Land also have an additional training task. They can not only exercise their combat abilities, but also earn spiritual stones for cultivation. , reduce the burden on the Holy Land.”

When it comes to doing business, these holy places are really not as good as those capitalists in Ji Chen's previous life, or even the wealthy private businessmen in this world.

Tianji Shengzi and others were stunned. Ji Chen's suggestion was simply too good and perfect. Several people can't wait to try it.

The sky finally dawned, and a ray of morning light shone down from high in the sky. Through the thin mist of the canyon, the glow shone and became colorful.

There was news from the Black Dragon that a monster was crossing the canyon and heading this way.

Ji Chen quickly asked everyone to pay attention to hiding.

Holy Son Tianji and others hid themselves and restrained all their auras.

"I'll take action first later. Don't interfere. If I lose, you can take action again." Ji Chen said.

A moment later, a burly young man with blond hair and a young man with colorful hair walked through the fog of the canyon and appeared within the perception of Ji Chen and others.

The burly young man with blond hair is the Golden Lion Prince of the Golden Lion clan. The colorful rays of light shine on him, and he is extremely handsome. There is divine light flowing on his body and his folds are shining.

The other young man is the young master of the Seven Colored Deer clan. The Seven-Colored Deer are an ordinary ethnic group in the Monster Clan, attached to the Golden Lion Clan.

"There was no ambush, which was unexpected."

The Golden Lion Prince was a little surprised. According to how rampant the Demon King was that season, he should have come to the Tianxian Canyon to ambush them. This place is a natural place for an ambush.

"I'm afraid that Demon King Ji had run away long ago when he heard that the prince was coming. He dared to kill Master Jin Lei and provoke the Golden Lion clan. He was so arrogant that he was simply seeking death."

Qiselu shook his head, feeling that Demon King Ji was afraid of the reputation of the Golden Lion Clan and had already left the deserted city and fled. Their trip was probably in vain.

The Golden Lion Prince said coldly: "He's just a madman who wants to provoke our Golden Lion clan. He doesn't know the heights of the world."

As the crown prince of the Golden Lion Clan, he broke through to the realm of transformed feathers very early and went very far in the realm of transformed feathers. His body was extremely powerful, with blond hair shawl, eyes as cold as lightning, and a terrifying aura.

"I want to kill him with my own hands, peel his skin and cramps, drink his blood, eat his flesh, and avenge my brother. I hope he hasn't left Huangcheng yet." The Golden Lion Prince's eyes were cold, and his voice was even colder.

It was a great shame that his younger brother Jin Lei was killed. He wanted to kill Ji Chen personally to avenge his younger brother Jin Lei.

The golden lion prince is tall and majestic, stepping on the land of the canyon, his steps are steady, his eyes are like lightning, and his majestic appearance is breathtaking.

There is a dormant ocean-like power inside the body, containing terrifying blood energy. The breath that accidentally escapes will make the surrounding people feel great oppression.

It is the absolute king, with a majestic appearance that looks down upon its contemporaries.

"Through this canyon is the boundary of Danzhou. The terrain ahead is flat and you can reach Huangcheng in one day."

The Golden Lion Prince finally showed a smile. After all, Demon King Ji was afraid of the Golden Lion clan and did not dare to come to Tianxian Canyon to rob and kill them.

"Huangcheng, I'm coming!"

This time he went to Huangcheng not only to kill Ji Chen, but also to establish the prestige of the Golden Lion clan.


The Golden Lion Prince suddenly felt something was wrong.

There was actually a demonic aura filling the world.

"Something's wrong!"

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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