I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 295 The Holy Art Invincible in the World

This battle was transmitted at an extremely fast speed, shaking the world. Countless monks came. After getting the news, some arrogant geniuses also rushed over, wanting to witness this grand battle.

In short, basically everyone who can come has arrived, and those who have not arrived are on their way.

The news spread, and countless people were shocked and shocked.

"Oh my God! A demon king has appeared in that ancient ruins, and is fighting a shocking battle with the saint of Tianshu Holy Land."

"If you are fighting against the Holy Maiden of Tianshu, you must be a descendant of some holy land or a genius cultivated by an ancient religion."

"No, it's said that he was a casual cultivator, Mr. Wolong. He killed people from Tianshu Holy Land, but was intercepted by the Saint, and a big war broke out."

The outside of the ruins was in a state of excitement. This news was really shocking, and it affected the emotions of many monks, with great excitement and anticipation.

"Let's go and have a look. You can't miss this grand occasion."

Those who can compete with Saintess Tianshu must not be simple people. Many people even believed that it could not be a casual cultivator, but could be the Son of a Holy Land or the Son of God of an ancient religion.

Apart from them, who else in this world can compete with the Saint of the Holy Land.

After all, among the known young talents, Ye Wanru is already invincible. Looking down at an era, it is an insurmountable mountain.

"It's also possible that he's a genius secretly cultivated by an old monster or an ancient Taoist tradition that hasn't been born yet."

"It's not impossible. There was a golden Zen boy from Buddhism. He was holding a golden Zen staff and walking in the Northern Territory. This Mr. Wolong may be such an existence."

There were various speculations, most of them believed that Ji Chen was not a casual cultivator, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why Mr. Wolong suddenly appeared and started a battle with Ye Wanru.

Many monks were very excited and excited, and rushed to the ruins, wanting to see this unprecedented battle.

Inside the ruins, the divine sound of weapons clashing vibrated, sonorous and deafening, as two figures were engaged in a fierce fight.

The divine phoenix spreads its wings and blooms with immeasurable holy light. The Tao Yun fills the air, and the heaven and earth are filled with a mysterious Tao sound.

Ji Chen, holding Tianxuan in his hand, was brave and invincible, and started a shocking battle with Ye Wanru.

His hair danced wildly, completely transforming into a demon king, with overwhelming demonic energy. Although he only practiced the first of the nine swords to rob the demon, it was used repeatedly by him, and the whole world was shrouded in demonic light.

The trembling sound of metal shook the sky, and the two men had already fought hundreds of moves.

For an ordinary person, his spiritual power would have been exhausted long ago after using such a arrogant and domineering move so frequently, but after Ji Chen's body was used by Tantai Xuan, his body became enlightened and his divine power did not dry up.

This is especially true for Ye Wanru. She practices Taoism and has great divine power.

But she frowned a little. It was rare for her to be able to fight with a person for so long, and he was also a person whose realm was much lower than hers.

In the past, she had always dealt with her opponents in just three or two moves.

This also made some people who initially thought Ye Wanru would finish the battle quickly were slapped in the face.

Some people also saw the clues. Ye Wanru's holy technique was about to explode. She was accumulating power, and the battlefield situation was about to change.

Before this, she had been fighting Ji Chen with her physical body, which was her weakness.


The void trembled slightly, and the real phoenix surrounding Ye Wanru suddenly fluttered its wings. Its two wings spread out and turned into two sharp blades, splitting the sky.

The real phoenix was flying, its gorgeous feathers blooming with bright holy light, like two sharp swords from the sky, slashing downwards, leaving beautiful and terrifying traces, and suddenly appeared on Ji Chen's neck, intending to cut off his neck.


Some people screamed out in shock, their eyes stung, the holy light was so blazing, like the burning sun.

There are also people who are excited. The Saint is finally getting serious and unfolding the Holy Dharma.

"When the Holy Law comes out, who can compete with it?"


There was a thundering sound, and the glow appeared again, blooming with dazzling beauty.

Ji Chen held Tianxuan in his hand and held it upright at his neck, blocking the fatal blow.

Although it was thrilling, it was still blocked by him.

The True Phoenix of Holy Light soared into the sky and let out a long, ear-piercing cry.


The real phoenix fluttered its wings and turned into an eternal sun, shooting out countless holy lights and killing them.

Each of the rain-like holy light is a feather of a real phoenix, shooting down like a heavenly sword.

Ji Chen's eyes shone with a captivating light, he hugged his hands and held the moon in his arms, like Tai Chi, as if he were holding the moon in the nine heavens.

The holy lights all over the sky were picked up and put into his arms.

Holding the moon in one's arms is an extremely powerful defensive move. Ji Chen used this move to fight back, hoping to take away the holy light all over the sky.

Ye Wanru's eyes were blazing with holy light, like two suns. Two of the Tao symbols flickered, filling the air with endless Tao charm. She waved her hands and cast a powerful holy spell.

The real phoenix sings loudly, like a phoenix bathed in fire, erupting into an astonishing holy flame, suppressing it like a great sun.

The sky trembles, the holy light shines brightly, blooms with gorgeous beauty, exudes ultimate power, causes unparalleled destructive power, triggers a terrifying explosion, and the endless holy flames flood the world, burning everything and purifying everything.

The sky and the earth were blazing white, and everyone was unable to open their eyes and lost their minds. The violent explosion shook the sky and the earth.

At this moment, everyone was hiding far away from this terrible scene, for fear of being catastrophic.

The huge explosion produced infinite power, and terrifying blazing lightning burst out in it, containing the power of thunder, and its power was beyond imagination.

Huge holy light soared into the sky, dancing like a dragon and snake, a real phoenix flew across the sky, and all kinds of lightning exploded at this moment.

This was an extremely terrifying scene, earth-shattering. Some people who were too close to the battlefield had no time to escape. They were affected by the holy light and lightning, screamed tragically, and turned into charred corpses and fell down.


Everyone was surprised, this scene was simply amazing.

Is this the Taoist magic of Saint Tianshu?

too horrible!

This extremely powerful destructive power is unimaginable, and is enough to blast a powerful person at the Venerable level into powder and burn them to ashes.

No one thought that Ji Chen could survive in this situation. Even if the geniuses trained by those ancient great religions came, they would still be killed if there was no accident.

Ji Chen was indeed very powerful and showed an invincible side. Even if he could fight hundreds of moves against Ye Wanru, the saint of the Tianshu Holy Land, he would not be able to survive this kind of holy technique.

This is the most powerful holy method of the Saint, an invincible method. Many geniuses in the past were killed by this method, shocked to death and burned to ashes.

"Well done, the devil is finally dead!"

The woman in red standing next to Li Changzhi shouted, with excitement on her face and shouting happily.

The battle between Ji Chen and Ye Wanru frightened her. She did not expect that this enemy was so terrifying and could fight to such an extent with the saint. She was afraid that if Ji Chen survived, it would pose a great threat to them.

Now that Ji Chen is dead, everything can end.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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